A/N: So I know a lot of you have been waiting for the last chapter of Dark Secrets, but for the past few month I've had sever writers block on it, but don't worry I will work on it. Until then I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a while now and just had to get it out. Hopefully it will be revived as well as my other stories. That will greatly depend on if I keep going with this one.

So enjoy this first chapter, and oh by the way I don't own any of the characters with in the Thundercat Universe however the OC are completely mine.

Like to thank Bronwynn for editing this first chapter.

Chapter I

"Sensei!" The young man called out when he ran into the building. "I came as soon as I received word." A worried expression was etched upon his face.

"I am right here, Lion-O," the elder jaguar said as he lay in his bed.

Lion-O, a young lion with a fiery red mane and eyes as deep blue as the crystal oceans walked up to his sensei and kneelt down next to his bed. His worried expression was still present, but his control allowed him to make it less obvious. He looked to the elderly jaguar, the only father figure he had known his entire life, and knew with certainty that the end was at hand.

"Sensei?" he questioned, avoiding the question he truly longed to ask.

The elderly jaguar went by the name of Jaga. He turned to look at the young lion kneeling next to his bed. To Jaga, Lion-O was more than just a student, he was the son he never had; and it showed. Lion-O was still young—just barely in his eightieth year. He was the most gifted of all the students that he had trained throughout his many years. Even the King did not show the potential that Lion-O had shown during his training.

"Lion-O my boy, do not look as worried as you do," Jaga said, raising a hand to touch the young cat's cheek. "I knew this day would come eventually. I am just happy to have seen you grown into the man you are today."

"That does not make this any easier." Lion-O was trying to keep his emotions under control. "I don't know what to do if you're not here anymore."

"Lion-O you know that I will always be here with you," Jaga said as he reached his hand forward and pointed at the lion's heart. "It is only this body that is dying. Not my spirit. Besides, you will always have Servto with you." Jaga looked over to the large cat spirit-creature that was lying down next to Lion-O.

Servto was huge and her coloring was similar to that of of a snow leopard. Her blue eyes were a shade of blue similar to Lion-O's, and no matter where the young lion went she was there with him. When Lion-O first brought her back home eight years ago, Jaga was surprised to see her. What was even more surprising was the story that Lion-O told him about how she became injured and how he saved her from a rather large demon.

Jaga had heard of stories of spirit beasts like Servto, but he never thought in he would ever see one in his lifetime. In fact, a part of him thought that they were just mythological. He told Lion-O the story about her and how for the most part, she was considered a minor goddess. Lion-O payed no attention to what she was; all he knew was that she was injured, and he used the powers that Jaga had taught him to heal her. What impressed Jaga even more was when she woke the next morning, she swore to stay by Lion-O's side and protect him and his future family members as thanks for him helping her. Since that day, they were never apart from one another. Jaga had a feeling that Servto had come to love Lion-O in her own special way over the past several years.

"But what of my training?" Lion-O inquired, bringing Jaga's mind off thoughts of the past.

"You have learned everything that I can teach you Lion-O. The rest you must learn on your own at your own pace," he told him. "You are already more powerful than I was at your age, and will one day become far greater." The old jaguar was seized by a fit of coughing after his words were spoken.

"Please rest Sensei," Lion-O said as he took Jaga's hand in his. "I will be lost without you."

"Have faith in yourself. Lion-O. Now I have one last request of you." Jaga's voice sounded much weaker than it had before. "I want you to travel to the Thundera."

"That capital Sensei? Why?"

"I had a vision last night that the city is facing great danger—danger that only you can help them face," Jaga told him. "Go to my closet and open it."

Lion-O gave his sensei a questioning look before getting up and walking over to the double-doored closet. He hesitated for a moment before opening it. Once he opened the doors his eyes beheld a set of dark leather armor and a long black-hooded coat with what looked like gold or brass shoulder pads. On the floor of the closet was a set of dark brown leather boots. Hanging next to the armor set was a blue belt with a round buckle carrying the image of the head of a golden cat. Next to it hung two swords, one shorter than the other.

Lion-O looked gazed at the objects for a moment more and then brought his eyes back to Jaga with a questioning look upon his face. Even Servto had looked up to see what the elder jaguar had given her master. She recognized the objects she saw right away, though she had not seen anyone wear that armor in a very long time, not since she was a kitten, and that was well over a hundred years ago.

"That is the armor of the Thundercat Cleric's. Am I right Master Jaga." Servto asked.

"That is right," Jaga said, coughing again. "It has been in my family for the past fifty generations, and now it is yours Lion-O."

"Jaga, I can't take this," Lion-O admitted, turning around looking at him.

"Lion-O, as you know I have no family so when I finally leave this world, my line will end with me," Jaga told him. "I've always thought of you as my son, since the day I found you on my doorstep as a young cub. That makes you my heir and everything that I have is now is yours." Jaga was once again racked with a terrible coughing.

Both Lion-O and Servto were at his bedside again and this time Lion-O sat on the edge of the bed holding Jaga's hand. Just by looking at the man he called his father he could see that he body was quickly dying. There was little time left.

"The Thundercat Clerics are needed once again, and you are the only one left that can wear that armor and wield the power that is needed to save the kingdom. Promise me that you will bring honor to our family, and to the ThunderCats."

"Sensei, please stop talking and save your strength." Lion-O pleaded.

"Promise me Lion-O, as my son and only heir. Swear to me that you will do this," Jaga insisted.

"I..." Lion-O began but then paused. He knew what this meant. "I swear that I will fulfill my father's wish," Lion-O promised, trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Thank you Lion-O." Jaga sounded very weak now. "Servto, please look after my son. I leave him in your hands."

"I will Master Jaga. It has been a pleasure to know you."

"The pleasure has been mine," Jaga said, then looked to Lion-O. "I will always be with you Lion-O, but my time in this world has ended."

With those words Jaga closed his eyes. The hand that Lion-O was holding fell limp. The young lion hung his head in sorrow and pain as tears started to roll down his cheeks. He placed Jaga's hands across his chest and then pulled the blankets over his head before once again kneeling next to the bedside.

"I pray to the ancient spirits to take my father into your arms and guide him to his place next to his ancestors," Lion-O began, saying a small prayer.

Servto came up next to her friend and nuzzled her head up against his side. Lion-O wrapped his arms around her and let the pain of loss of the man he called father flow out. She wrapped one of her large paws around his back as they held each other, mourning the passing of a great man.

It was early evening before Lion-O had finished placing Jaga's body into a grave next to the old maple that Jaga had spent so much time sitting under during his lifetime. Servto was sitting out on the porch of the house looking at the sunset. She knew that Lion-O was hurting. It would take him time to heal from the loss of Jaga's passing, but he would never be completely over it. As she lay there watching the setting sun she heard Lion-O coming over to join her. When she turned to look at him, he had donned the armor that Jaga had left him for him.

She sat up and looked at him, and was amazed how good he looked. It fit him as if it was tailored to fit her young lion friend. A part of her thought that if she was a mortal cat like Lion-O, that she could fall even deeper for him than she already had, but Servto knew that could never be. She was a spirit beast, and while she did love Lion-O, she knew that it could never be a love that would blossom into something that people shared.

"You look very handsome in that armor Lion-O," Servto told him with a warm smile on her lips.

"It fits even better than I thought it would and somehow I feel more connected to the spiritual world with it on. I feel like my powers have increased."

"That is not surprising. When I was a young kitten, my mother use to tell me stories about the ThunderCat Clerics and how the gods would bless their armor and weapons to help them in their tasks," she told him.

"I guess I need to thank them a bit more regularly from now on," Lion-O admitted, adjusting the coat a bit.

"That might be wise, but I think the gods that blessed your armor already know how grateful you are to them. I am also certain that they are grateful to you," Servto said cryptically, which earned her an odd look from Lion-O. "So what is our plan now?" she asked quickly.

"Fulfill my father's request and head to Thundera, and find what is threatening the Kingdom" Lion-O answered.

"Then let's get going," Servto told him.

"I didn't think you would leave here."

"And why it that?" She sat down on her haunches to look him in the eyes."

"Well. I mean I know you've always gone on the tasks Sensei has given me but they have always been no more than a half-day's walk from here. The capital is almost four days walk from here."

"My dear sweet Lion-O, until my debt to you for saving my life and nursing me back to health is paid, I will follow you to the ends of the Third Earth." She knew in her heart that her debt had been paid tenfold already yet she still stayed by his side. I'll be with you forever Lion-O. She thought to herself, but then was quickly brought out of her thoughts when she felt her young lion hug her neck.

"Thank you Servto. I feared that I would have to make this journey alone."

"Well, let get going," She told him as she stood up.

Lion-O nodded, grabbing his pack with everything he needed before climbing on Servo's back just as he would a mount. He leaned forward and took hold of the fur around her neck. As the two began to leave the house that Lion-O had called home all his life they both looked back at the house for a moment looking to the old maple tree. Lion-O said a silent prayer to the spirits that lived around the small hilltop that had been their home to take care of the house and look after Jaga while he was gone. With a nudge from his hand Servto took off in a steady gait towards the capital.


"Sire, I have news from the outlying villages. There are reports of a ThunderCat Cleric making his way toward the Capital," Minister Ghatmo reported to the King Claudius.

The minister was a middle-aged male leopard with gray and black spots. He was wearing long purple and gold robes that draped to his feet. The expression on his face was one of awe and surprise. The reports of a ThunderCat Cleric riding towards the capital had not been heard of in nearly sixty years. They had fallen into myth and became legend to the younger cats, but to those old enough to know better knew that something had to be wrong within the Kingdom. That was why word of seeing a cleric quickly made its way to the King.

"Do we know where the Cleric is now?" Claudius asked his minister.

"The last sighting of the Cleric was a day and half's ride from here in the mountain to the east," he answered him. "Sire, there are more to the reports. They also say that he is riding the spirit beast named Servto."

"Isn't she the daughter of the great cat god Issin?" a soft female voice asked from behind the Ghatmo. "I'm sorry father, I happened to be passing by and overheard what you were talking about."

"That is correct my dear," Claudus said, leaning down to receive a kiss from his daughter.

"That is very good Princess Cheetara. Servto is the daughter of Issin. That is why the reports of the sight of a new Cleric riding her is causing concern." Ghatmo wore a pleased but concerned look on his face.

"I don't think there is much to be concerned about, Minister. I would think that it is a good omen that this new Cleric is riding the daughter or our god Issin." Cheetara said.

"Maybe you are right Princess, but we must be cautions." Ghatmo said.

"And I am in agreement with Minister Ghatmo, father. My dear sister just likes to see the good in everyone," Prince Tygra said as he walked into the throne room.

"And what do you think, dear brother?" Cheetara had a hard look in her eyes as she looked at her brother.

"When he arrives in the capital, father, let me and my guards arrest this Cleric and question him about why he is here." Tygra suggested firmly.

"The Cleric are said to only appear when there is danger within the kingdom," Ghatmo responded. He was one of those old enough to remember when the last Cleric had arrived.

"Whatever it is, my soldier, and I will take care of it."

Claudus could not help but chuckle as he heard the three argue about the Cleric who was soon to arrive. Like Ghatmo, the King could remember when the last Cleric had come to the capital. There had been a threat to his father and mother. That Cleric was a wise jaguar who had come and quickly dealt with the demon that threatened to harm his parents. Claudus was really impressed with the amount of power that the Cleric had used to fight against the demon. Now another Cleric was headed their way, which only meant one thing—someone was threatening the Kingdom.

"Sire." Ghatmo's voice brought the King out of his thoughts.

"Tygra, as much as I rely on you and your soldiers to protect the capital and our people, I do not think that they will be able to fight the threat that must now be looming," Claudus explained to his son. "Added to the fact that a minor god is accompanying the Cleric means that this threat is severe enough to bring them both. So you will do nothing when he arrives but treat him with the utmost respect; is that understood?"

"Yes father," Tygra replied, his tone let Claudus know that he was not pleased with the situation.

"Minister Ghatmo, please keep me informed about the whereabouts of the new Cleric."

"Yes sire, I will inform you as soon as I receive more news." Ghatmo bowed before turning to leave.

Claudus watched his son and the minister walk out of the throne room, yet his daughter remained in the room with him. He knew his daughter wanted to speak with him and he had a good idea what she wanted to discuss. He took deep breath, knowing from experience that this conversation was probably not going to end well.

"Cheetara, we've been over this already. Your arranged marriage to the King of the cheetah clan will help strengthen our alliance with them. It will also fulfill your mother's last request." Claudus explained to his daughter once again.

"I know what the political part of this arrangement is for and what good it will do for the kingdom, but how can you expect me to marry a man that finds joy in killing innocent creatures for the fun of it? Not to mention the rumors I've heard that he is a drunk and is known to frequent establishments of questionable reputation." Cheetara argued in return. "Do you care more about the political aspects of the marriage rather than my happiness?" she spat.

Cheetara's words cut him deeply. While granted, Cheetara was only his daughter due to his marriage to her mother, Claudus saw her and her adopted brother as his own flesh and blood. He wanted nothing more for both of his children to be happy, but the tension between the cheetah clan and Thundera was at a breaking point and this was the only solution that he could see to avoid an all-out war with them. He understood Cheetara's feeling about the man she was promised to marry, but his hands were tied. It was her mother's dying wish that her daughter marry into the cheetah clan of the north.

"Cheetara?" Claudus turned to face his daughter. "You know that if there was some other way that I could ensure peace with the cheetah clan I would. But you're arranged marriage was made long before you were born and long before I met your mother. I want nothing more than you and your brother to find the happiness that your mother and I found together." Claudus sighed, reached out and took his daughter's hands in his own. "The day your mother told me about this arrangement she was nearly in tears, but she had made a promise to her father and she was bound by it; and as such, so am I."

Cheetara knew that her father spoke the truth, but the closer the time came for the marriage the more she tried to find a way to convince her father to void the arrangement. They had gone to every official they could and even petitioned the council to void it but in the end the good of the people and the kingdom came over her happiness.

"Maybe Issin will curse him and he will die an early death from all the drinking he does?" Cheetar's tone was cold. "Regardless if I have to marry that man or not, I will never allow him to touch me, nor will I give him any children!" Cheetara's anger was evident. She quickly turned and left her father standing there alone.

"Issin give me strength." He said to himself as he watched his daughter leave the throne room.

He hated seeing his little girl this unhappy and so much of him wanted to tell this king of the cheetah clan that his daughter's happiness was much more important to him than any peace treaty, but Claudus knew that being a king meant that he had to make some hard choices and this one was the hardest he had ever made in his life.

It had been two days since they had left the only home Lion-O had ever known. Servto was both surprised and pleased that her young lion Cleric was holding up fairly well, yet she knew that deep down he missed the man he had called father as much as she did. She was laying down next to a small fire in the center of the camp Lion-O had set up a little over an hour ago. As she lay there she watched Lion-O gather more firewood just outside the light of the fire. Her eyesight was so keen that she had no problems following him.

"I still can't believe the nerve of that guy from the northern cheetah clan," Lion-O said, walking back toward the fire with an armload of firewood. "Treating those women like that." He sat down next to Servto.

She smiled warmly when she felt him lean back against her side as he had done for the past couple of nights. It made her heart jump for joy but also ache knowing that this was all the closeness that they were allowed. She let out a gentle sigh listening to Lion-O talk about the cheetah male they came across in the last village.

"Those where women of the night, Lion-O. It is not like that they were noble women or princesses," Servto told him.

"That's not the point now is it Servto?" Lion-O said, sitting up. "Regardless of their background they were still female and as such did not deserve to be treated that way." He calmed down a bit as he leaned back into her soft fur.

"Well be that as it may, he quickly changed his tune when he noticed your armor as well as myself walking up behind you." She chuckled. "Mortals are so easily frightened by things bigger than they are; especially those like him."

Despite himself Lion-O could not help but laugh along with her. The look on the cheetah lord's face when he noticed his armor and Servto walking up behind Lion-O was priceless. He looked like a scared kitten when only a moment before the cheetah male had drawn his sword and challenged Lion-O.

"Could you imagine what he would have done if I said something?" Servto said, laughing hard at the thought.

Lion-O chuckled a little bit himself but then quickly got himself under control. He elbowed Servto in her side lightly to get her to quiet down.

"Hey what was that for?" She yelped back.

"Regardless of how funny that was, we can't keep doing that or someone might just stand and fight instead of running away." He did his best to hold back more laughter. "Now come on, we need to get an early start tomorrow if we are to make the capital by nightfall." Lion-O turned a bit and pulled a blanket over him.

Servto looked upon the Lion-O as he was falling asleep. She draped her large tail across him and smiled warmly as he murmured a goodnight to her.

If that day ever came, I would be there by your side and tear apart anyone who tried to harm you. She thought to herself. Sleep my dear one. Tomorrow we will reach Thundera and we will rid the capital of whatever threatens it so we can return home—just the two of us. She looked to the sky.

"Servto, my dear daughter, why do you keep doing this to yourself? Please come home," a voice said on the wind.

"Mother?" Servto whispered as she lifted her head and looked about the wood.

"I am here daughter," the voice answered.

Servto looked to the sound of the voice just in time to see a large black leopard appear with a light blue glow fading away behind it. She dared not to move in fear of waking Lion-O. She was not worried that he would see her mother; no it was more of the fact that Servto knew her lion needed his sleep for the events the next day would bring.

"What are you doing here mother?" she whispered with a bit of a harsh tone in her voice.

"To once again plead with you to return home." Issin told her daughter, her voice echoing on the wind. "You have paid your debt to this mortal more than enough by now. Why do you insist on staying with him?" Issin asked, looking to the young lion male laying against her daughter.

"I have my reason's mother, and they are my own to worry about and no one's else's," Servto replied.

"Yes I know," Issin said with a heavy sigh, knowing full well what her daughter's reasons were. "My dear, he is but only mortal and the love you have for him can never be returned. Staying here only prolongs the heart ache you have. Please my child, leave him. I do not wish to see you suffer so."

"I can't mother, and I know that what I feel for him will never be the same as he feels for me, but he does love me mother. I know it in my heart." Servto looked back to Lion-O as she spoke.

"And when he finds a mate and has a family of his own, will you sit back and watch as he grows old with her and then dies? What will you do then?"

"I will hold to the oath that I made to myself—to watch over and protect him and his family for all time," Servto answered, turning to face her mother.

"My child..." Issin began, but was interrupted by Servto.

"I understand your concern mother, and it warms my heart that you care so much for my well being and happiness, but please understand this is the path and choose. I will not abandon him or those of his future bloodline," Servto vowed. She looked at her mother with pleading eyes hoping that she would understand.

"So be it. If this is the path that you must follow then I will not stop you." Issin stepping up closer to Lion-O's sleeping form. "I will give you my blessing, young Lion-O. Look after my daughter and treat her well." She then leaned her head down and touched her muzzle to the Golden Thundercat emblem on his belt.

Servto watched her mother with baited breath. For a moment she had thought her mother would do something to hurt Lion-O. However when Issin's nose touched the golden ThunderCat emblem on his belt, a light blue glow surrounded her lion. When her mother moved away it faded, and from Servto's point of view it looked to be absorbed into Lion-O.

"It is done." Issin looked to her daughter, then smiled. "Do you think that I would let a mere mortal win the heart of my daughter without giving him a way to protect her?"

"Mother, thank you." Servto voice expressed her happiness over her mother's generosity.

"Servto, my daughter, I understand your feelings toward Master Lion-O. However, know this. While you love him dearly, soon he will meet his destined mate, and face many hardships in the future. So with my blessing and reactivation of those blessings that I once bestowed upon his father, he will be able to endure them. But hold him close to your heart, my dear daughter, for there will be a time when only you and his future mate will be able to save him," Issin warned before disappearing in a blinding flash of blue light.

When the light faded Issin had gone, and Servto turned as she heard Lion-O murmur in his sleep. She didn't need the warning from her mother to know that within the next few days her lion would meet the female that would one day be his mate. She had already foreseen it in a dream. But the cat goddess did not waver in her feelings on her vow.

'Thank you mother, and I will heed your advice. Nothing short of his death will ever make me leave him or his future mate and family.' Servto finally laid her head back down and let her eyes close, letting sleep claim her once again.