A/N: More blood drinking this chapter, yay~. From the donor's perspective this time, so you don't have to read Loki's perverted and bad thought's just yet. But you'll get more of that next chapter if I follow the outline I have in place.

I didn't go back over this and proofread, so if when you're reading it, you see typos or grammar mistakes and just can't handle it, go ahead and tell me and I'll find and fix them because they bother me a lot.

Overall I'm pleased with this chapter. It might not be as smooth as the other ones, but it's not terrible. And as a side note, comments are good. They restore my faith in my own writing and give me the drive to get new chapters out quicker. So seriously, favorites, subscriptions, comments, I'll write more chapters a lot faster.

So yeah that's probly it.

"Loki! I'm home!" Thor announced into the apartment as he kicked the door shut behind him, balancing the items sticking out of the grocery bags he held so they wouldn't fall. "You don't have another poor girl in there, do you?" He sounded joking, but they both knew the only reason he had said something at all upon arriving home was that so if Loki did have a girl again, Thor would at least have some warning this time.

He heard a soft chuckle from the living room and was answered in a slightly amused voice. "No, Thor. You're safe." Upon rounding the corner he saw his brother exactly as he had been left this morning when the blonde left for work, curled up in the corner of the couch with a mug of tea and a book. The only thing that had changed was the tome in question, and the blonde couldn't help chuckling at the sedentary habits his brother had. It was boring. But some of his old girlfriends had liked spending their days the same way, and some part of him found it endearing.

Thor set the bags down on the kitchen table before picking items out to find a place for them in the fridge. It was a bother to actually have a fully stocked refrigerator, but the blonde figured that if Loki intended to stay longer than usual it was worth it. Considering how little he ate, it was ridiculous to fuss over it, but apparently it was something about a lifestyle he had become accustomed to? Whatever that meant.

"How was your day?" Thor's thoughts were interrupted by a surprisingly curious question, and he peered into the other room with a look of confusion. Loki didn't make small talk. Especially not small talk that was befitting of a couple. He had even been torn away from his book long enough to look into the kitchen with a face that said he sincerely wanted to know about Thor's experience at work. Upon being met with the blonde's befuddled face, he gave that up with a huff and rolled his eyes.

"Can't I just be nice to you sometimes?"


"Fine, geez. Yesterday was such a shock for you, I figured I'd give you a more pleasant welcome this time."

"Still sucking up to make sure you don't lose your place on my couch?" Thor asked with a chuckle.

"Maybe." Loki shot him a glare and then turned back to his book with a sour face. Loki had woken Thor up with a full breakfast that morning. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, the works. None of which he had had the supplies for in the kitchen, which meant Loki had gotten up extra early to run to the store for it, and then come back and cook it. Which Thor had found creepy more than appreciated, to be honest. He had known his brother wasn't actually being nice to him, and had kind of wished he wasn't going to these lengths, regardless of how delicious the pancakes had been. It was just too weird.

"Well you can stop. It's freaking me out and if you keep at it, I will kick you out." Loki just snorted at the larger man and sipped his tea.

As he finished putting the groceries away, Thor concluded that the whole fiasco yesterday really wasn't a big deal anymore. Yeah, it probably should have been really shocking to be told that your brother is a fucking vampire, because they were supposed to be killers and burn in the sun and all of that stuff. But apparently this had been going on for years, and no one had even known until now. So obviously Loki wasn't that different. His view of the raven haired male hadn't changed because of the whole ordeal, so for now, he really didn't care.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"I don't want to cook. Can't we go out again?"

"Oh, no. I'm not going to just give you another opportunity to lure some girl over here again." Thor snapped at him. Well, maybe he cared a little. "I'll make something."

Loki chuckled darkly at his brother, amused at how quick he was to jump to such sinister conclusion. Of course, they were completely true. The only reason Loki would willingly go into a crowd of sweaty, loud people was to hunt among them. But that was beside the point. "Cook whatever you want. I'm not hungry yet." He gave the blonde a dismissive hand gesture and snapped his book shut to switch on the tv.

Thor shrugged, Loki's eating habits having been explained to him this morning. "Fine, I'll make pasta."

Ten minutes later and there was a pot of water boiling, waiting for noodles, while Thor stood at the counter chopping vegetables. He really didn't cook often and had never had much of a skill for it, and because of this he didn't pay a whole lot of attention while doing it. He was much more interested in the show that Loki had turned on. Not something he usually watched, to be honest, but it was television and Thor was practically hardwired to watch whenever something was on.

Something someone said had him laughing a little too hard, and the resulting movement caused his hand to slip. "Shit!" He hissed as a sharp pain ripped into his palm. Upon looking down, he saw that he had nearly slit his hand open, and there was now a thick gash spreading from the base of his thumb to the opposite side of his hand. Even worse, it was bleeding profusely, and had already covered half his hand in blood that was now threatening to drip onto the vegetables. "Shit." He cursed again, more out of annoyance at the wound than the pain. Thor was tough, so aside from the initial cut it wasn't as painful as it could be. He seemed to not have gone deep enough to sever one of the many ligaments that ran through the hand, which he noted as he tested out the movement. He should definitely try to staunch the bleeding, though, because it wouldn't be too long before he started getting dizzy.

While concentrating on the wound, though, Thor hadn't seen Loki take immediate notice. He hadn't noticed his brother's nostrils flare as he inhaled deeply, filling his nose with the rich, irony scent. He hadn't seen the man's pupils dilate as all of his sense fixated at the aroma that was now permeating the air and the source from which it flowed. He hadn't noticed the fluidity with which Loki had risen from the couch without a sound, or the way he almost stalked over to where his brother stood, injured in the kitchen. And he hadn't heard Loki step up behind him, because the smaller man had managed to make no noise at all on the linoleum.

So when he took a step back to turn and find a towel with which to wrap his hand, Thor was met with the surprisingly solid figure of his brother behind him, slim though it was, it clearly wouldn't have budged without a fair amount of force. Thor whirled around in surprise to see Loki rooted in front of him, looking for all the world like a predator about to attack its next meal.

Shit. Because of course, Thor just had the absolutely incredible misfortune to slice his fucking hand open the day after everything went down. And if he was smart, he probably should be scared right now. Because nothing had physically changed, but there was definitely a darker look in his brothers eyes. A new edge to the way he stood. And how he was holding his hands up as if he were reaching for something, but forgot halfway through and never dropped them. Loki was clearly transfixed by the fluid gushing from Thor's hand, and the blonde knew that if he were someone else Loki would have pounced already.

"Loki, no." He warned his brother, pulling his hand closer to himself and further from the ravenous looking man.

"But Thor." His voice was low and bordered on shaky from having to exercise such self control.

"Damn it, Loki, didn't you get enough from that girl yesterday?"

This finally snapped the raven haired man's eyes away from the wound and up to meet Thor's gaze. "Just because you humans can live three weeks without food doesn't mean you want to."

"That's totally different! You said you only need it every two weeks."

"Yes, need, Thor. Need being the key word there. And it's exactly the same!" Loki fumed at him, balling up his fists in sudden frustration at being denied.

"So if you don't need it, then walk away!" Thor's voice was raised now, on the verge of shouting.

"You don't understand how hard that is to do. How intoxicating you are right now." He explained in a strained voice, restraining himself getting harder and harder.

Thor made a face of disgust at being described like food and turned away, making Loki shuffle to the side so he could still be in front of it. The blonde shot him a sharp glare because of this.

"Are you really going to deny me this, Thor?" Suddenly his tone was dark, and he was uncurling his fists to reach for the hand Thor was cradling. "After how you've treated me our whole life, you're going to choose now to start denying me?" He was playing on Thor's basic sympathies. An underhanded tactic, but one he had no problem reverting to. "It's my sustenance, Thor. Do you really not want to help me?"

Thor hated the words he was hearing from his brothers mouth right now, because he couldn't refute them. Loki was right, the blonde had always looked out for his brother in whatever way he could. He had always given the younger what he thought was good for him, even at his own expense. And this, well this directly tied into Loki's health. Thor couldn't just dismiss that, as much as he wanted to.

Loki saw the indecision in Thor's face and knew he had won. Too easy, really. But then again, Thor had always been the easiest. He had such large heartstrings to pull on. Loki had to hold back a smirk with his next sentence. "Tell me you can turn me away in all good conscience, and I'll walk away right now."

Thor groaned because he knew he had been beat. He would be kept up tonight wondering if it really would have made a difference, and it's not like he hadn't already lost enough blood. The girl hadn't looked hurt afterwards, right? Could it really hurt anything? "Fine." Thor hissed through his teeth, clearly displeased at allowing such an act but knowing it was unavoidable now.

Loki beamed in triumph and snatched Thor's hand away from his chest immediately, getting a firm hold on Thor's fingers and the outside of his wrist, facing the palm up. This close to his face the scent was assaulting him, and he was almost as incoherent as he usually would be when actually feeding. He had never noticed how absolutely delicious his brother smelled, had barely even thought about taking his blood. But here he was now, and was hating himself for never having tried this before now. A good deal of the blood had dripped onto the floor and Thor's shirt while they were arguing, and the flow had slowed to what one would expect from a fairly deep scratch. Still plenty for him to work with.

Thor watched as the smaller man took a shaky breath before bringing his hand up and flicking his tongue out to lick at the now trickling wound. He heard a deep noise come from Loki's throat and could swear it had been one of pleasure. He saw pale eyelids flutter closed and felt lips press against his palm on either side of the stinging, before the flat of Loki's tongue was wiping across the expanse of the wound, collecting every drop of blood that had collected in his palm. Again he heard a sound, this one sounding more like a whimper. If he had to guess, he would have called it one of desperation. But the action was performed again and Loki remained silent, so he wasn't quite sure what the deal had been.

He didn't feel any sucking during the process, though, as he had observed his brother doing from the girl's neck. Perhaps it just wasn't as easy to suck from that location, or maybe his brother had figured he had already lost enough blood, and he shouldn't accelerate the flow more than a natural level. So Thor just stood there for another five minutes, at least, while Loki's tongue swept repeatedly over his hand, catching any fluid that came out. He learned to ignore that sensation quickly though, because it felt pretty weird for someone to lick your hand.

Eventually the wound seemed to be done bleeding, though, because Loki straightened up slowly and let him pull his hand back. His expression still looked incredibly distracted, though, and it took him a few second to look at the blonde and speak. "You should, uh, get that cleaned up. I'll finish cooking your pasta." He was quiet and sort of absentminded as he nudged Thor to the side to take his place at the counter and pick up the previously discarded knife.

"Um. Okay." The blonde responded and made his way to the bathroom, where the first aide kit was stored.

Once he pulled the kit out, Thor turned the faucet on, intending to rinse off the excess blood, only to find that his skin had been licked clean. He just stared for a few seconds, wondering how anyone could be that thorough with just their tongue. It was just one more element to add to the list of weird, though, and Thor chose not to think about that little detail right now. So five minutes later his hand was sterilized and bandaged, and upon flexing it the large man found that it didn't even hurt that badly.

He put the kit away and went back out to the kitchen, where Loki was frying the vegetables silently. He didn't say anything or look at Thor, so the blonde just sat on the couch and continued watching the television that had gotten into this mess until Loki came and gave him the finished meal.