Thor was roused from his nap by a very insistent banging on his front door. "Thor!" He heard faintly from behind it, before the knocking resumed ever more persistently, giving the impression that if the door were not answered soon it would be broken down and the apartment stormed. The blonde groaned and got up stiffly, making a note to himself for what had to be the millionth time to nap in his bed instead of on the couch because it simply wasn't big enough to fit the huge man comfortably. "I'm coming!" He snapped perhaps a little too loudly in the direction of the ruckus, which stopped almost immediately now that it knew it had gotten his attention. Thor stretched and took a minute to fully awaken himself before proceeding to see what the hell could be so important. Upon opening the door, he was greeted with the sight of one very irritable younger brother, who shot him a pointed glare and crossed his arms.

"Took you long enough! I must have been out here at least twenty minutes. Your neighbors were getting very cross with me." His tone implied that he really didn't care what Thor's neighbors thought of him, he was just making the argument for emphasis on how long he had been kept waiting, and if anything it had served to annoy him even more. He opened his mouth to begin his usual tirade about things Thor shouldn't do, but the blonde cut him off with a sharp "Alright! Come in, geez." A self-satisfied smirk was his only reply as he turned around and retreated back into his apartment, sagging back down on the couch and not bothering to show Loki in.

It was a pretty common occurrence for his brother to drop by unannounced like this, maybe a few times a month he would show up at Thor's door and crash on his couch for a few days. It was hardly a bother, he barely ate any food and usually stayed out of the way. Sometimes he would even do the grocery shopping because Thor didn't have a certain kind of tea he liked, or he had a craving that couldn't be filled by the blonde's poorly stocked refrigerator. He would hear a complaint about it but it meant that he didn't have to do it himself, so whatever. "If you're hungry I don't have anything right now. You'll have to cook for yourself or order something." He called behind him, eyes already closed and on their way back to sleep.

"Why don't we go out for something? I'll pay." Was the cool reply he received, followed by the sound of little wheels rolling across his hardwood floor. He opened one eye and peered to see what the hell that was, and realized with mild shock that it was a suitcase. This got his attention, and he ignored the proposition of eating out in favor of staring at the luggage. "What the hell is that." It came out very bluntly, because this was not part of the unspoken arrangement they had. If Loki ever brought anything with him it was an overnight bag that held a couple changes of clothes that said he just needed somewhere to sleep. But this conveyed an intention to stay, for at least a week or two judging by the size of the suitcase.

"It's a suitcase, Thor. Are you blind?" The snarky reply earned Loki a dirty look which he ignored. Thor started to question him about what the hell did he look like, a boarding service? But Loki spoke over him with a very terse "Father kicked me out." Which shut Thor up pretty quick. A few seconds of silenced passed before Thor grumbled and pushed himself off the couch, mumbling something along the lines of "that doesn't explain why you show up here" but he had decided to let it go for now, snatched his keys up from the end table and headed down the hallway, not waiting to see if Loki was following him. "Where do you want to eat?"

"So how long do you plan on staying with me?" Thor had to nearly shout over the loud music blasting around them. Loki shifted nervously and picked at the basket of food in front of him, clearly regretting his decision to eat at a club.

"I don't know." Came the almost inaudible reply, and Thor had read his lips more than actually heard the words. He noted that Loki was eating less than usual, and wondered if maybe it was just poor quality food or if something was actually bothering him. Thor wasn't the most empathetic person, but he could make the connection between his brother being kicked out of their parent's house and him being upset about it. He had never particularly liked staying there after Thor had moved out, but it had been convenient to not have to pay rent and to not have to move all of his belongings. Odin had stopped paying as much attention to him as well, so he had mostly been able to come and go as he pleased. It probably hadn't taken much for their father to find reason to get rid of him, though, and the blonde didn't know if he was upset about being turned out on his own, or because of the reason behind it. Whatever it was, it had the raven haired male pretty distracted tonight, which Thor noted as Loki scanned the crowd of dancing people with much more interest than he would normally display. The thinner man mumbled something that Thor didn't catch before sliding out of his seat at the two person booth and making his way over to join the mass of bodies.

Thor watched his younger brother sidle up to some pretty young thing and give her that sly look that had never failed to reel a woman in. In return she displayed a very clear interest in him, pressing against his lithe form as they swayed to the deafening music. Thor hadn't know his brother liked this sort of thing. He had always been a little antisocial but hey, people could grow and change, right? It was a good thing, he thought, as he watched the tall man reciprocate the interest he was receiving. It was probably creepy watching your brother flirt, though, he decided, and shook himself out of it to turn his attention back to his half eaten meal.

A short while later Loki returned with a slip of paper that had some numbers scrawled on it, and a flush in his cheeks. He looked significantly more calm than he had since showing up earlier, and was wearing a very Loki-ish grin now that the edge was taken off . "Ready to head back?" He asked, and Thor nodded an affirmative, getting up to leave hastily as Loki stuffed the girls number in his pocket.

A/N I am not going to have any set schedule for writing more chapters to this, and I can't guarantee it will ever get finished.

No mentions of vampire stuff in this chapter and possibly not in the next one, but don't you worry it will definitely get in there. Also there will eventually be some at least somewhat intense bloodplay. So if that's your thing, then yay! If not, well you don't have to read it.

I know this chapter is pretty boring but I promise it'll get interesting later c: And I'll probably throw in a couple smut scenes along the way to keep you hooked.

If anyone is interested in being a beta for future chapters and/or future fics I write, that would be so great.

And as usual any/all comments are so very greatly appreciated, I'll love you forever if you take the time to drop a note with praise or constructive criticism. 3