A/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while hasn't it? But as promised, I've completed the story. I hope you enjoy the finale! I may consider omakes, but first... He's the chapter that I've immediately written. Please enjoy the read!

~Media room, one week later~

"We've hacked into all the broadcasting networks in Britannian, sir!"

"Perfect, play the feed when I give the word."

The media staff nodded. "Yes, sir!" With a few extra buttons, the monumental video would be aired all over the vast country. Suzaku himself had vehemently insisted on the plan, and had to have Euphemia, Nunnally and Cornelia to help convince Lelouch...

"We're ready." Suzaku spoke into his head piece. He was in Lelouch's Zero outfit at the moment, and not far from the main highway below, snaking through the city. There was only a grunt and a sigh from Lelouch's end of the line, and Suzaku himself sighed. The procession would soon begin...

Kagome and Sango were perched on top of the nearby buildings, observing the scene, and watching it pan out. Sango rubbed her temples and let loose a frustrated grumble.

"How much longer, Kagome-chan?"

"Not long now, Sango-chan. This will be over soon enough."

"Do you think it'll really work?"

"Of course! I've got it all under control. Besides, no one here has an especially keen sense of smell like Inuyasha, so I doubt that they can smell me on them. And who'd check their pulse, anyway?"

"I suppose so." Sango quipped, before both their communicators blipped.

"Alright then," Kagome sighed, turning to face the road hundreds of feet below them. "Make sure that nothing distracts me until we're finished.

"Understood." Sango nodded, watching Kagome close her eyes, furrow her brows and remain utterly still and silent, in concentration. The finale had begun.

~A short time later~

"Attention, Area 11!" A booming voice resonated through the streets via amplified speakers. "It is I, your Emperor, Charles zi Britannia!" With this proclamation, the denizens of the city crowded in further together, attempting to catch a glimpse of the Emperor of Britannia. Why was he here in person? What could possibly interest him, so?

"Emile, your Viceroy has informed me of recent mishaps, so I am here in person, to resolve these issues, seeming as they are quite grave."

Charles gestured to the man behind him while saying this, as they both stood proudly, with a smug look on their faces, on the elevated platform Emile smirked at the citizens and nodded, as Charles continued, "It has been brought to my attention that a full scale rebellion has broke out. This is mutiny and it is most certainly unacceptable! How dare you insolent fools bite the hand that feeds you? Who provided you food and shelter? Jobs and an income?"

This stirred the crowd, and protests ran through the streets. One particularly loud man experienced the misfortune of having the Emperor hear his words. "Yeah, but we're treated like scum! We make less than our Britannian counterparts at the same job! How-"

"Silence, fool!" Charles sneered, motioning to the guards, who immediately arrested him. "Emile, we shall make an example of him." Emile nodded, and simply shot the man at point blank without so much as a twitch or a blink, and certainly no hesitation. But this was nothing unordinary for Emile. He liked killing. He savoured it. He relished the power he had over someone else's life.

By now, even the Britannians were beginning to feel uneasy. Who was to say that the Emperor didn't shoot them all at a moment's notice when provoked?

"Hear this, Zero. You and your bandits are destroying the very essence of Britannian culture that has made us a strong empire! This is our legacy, and I will not allow this treason to the Empire! I impatiently demand your presence here in less than ten minutes. But I'm sure you will comply... I have someone rather important, after all..." Charles chuckled before letting loose a diabolical laugh. He gestured to a girl chained to the foot of the mobile, looking absolutely terrified. It was Nunnally vi Britannia. And Emile now had a gun aimed at her temple with his index finger hovering over the trigger.

"Humans are not equal!" Charles bellowed, commencing his well-rehearsed speech. "Some are born swifter of foot, some with greater beauty. Some are born into poverty; others are born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing in shear scoop of ability that, every human is inherently different! Yes, that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition, and the unfaltering march of progress! Inequality is not wrong, equality is! What of the EU who made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. We fight, we compete; evolution is continuous! Britannia alone moves forward; advancing steadily into the future. Even with the death of my son Clovis, demonstrates Britannia's unswerving commitment to progress! We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder, and dominate and in the end the future shall be ours!"

"That's quite enough, Charles." a metallic voice commanded. "Your erroneous ideals are folly. You are merely masking your selfish and tyrannical ideals."

With a literal flash and bang, Zero and Infinity had made yet another striking entrance. As the hazy smoke dissipated, a massive, circular hole in the ground gave way to a metallic platform, now raised to the same height from which Charles and Emile were standing on the mobile, baring down on them. How they had managed to rig the highway structure in such a manner was beyond the scope of understanding for the civilians..

A ripple of whispers rippled through the crowd, and a strong sense of unease settled in. Certainly the King had expected their arrival? He had goaded them to, after all. But if so, why did he stiffen, seemingly in nervousness? Emile, on the other hand, although somewhat shocked at the audacity of their entrance, had immediately recovered, sneering down at the duo, standing back to back: Zero facing the mobile, and Infinity, the surrounding Knightmare frames and the restless crowds. Perhaps it was their brazen audacity, rather than their actual appearance. Nunnally stared incredulously at the iconic figure. What on earth was Zero doing? To save just a single girl from certain death... In a situation like this? Even though he was said to pull off miracles... She was unsure if he could do it this time, staring down the wrong end of the gun of scores of Knightmares. Why did he bother? What did she mean to him? Wasn't he some Eleven?

"Ironic. Even now, you lie. You who only made it this far only by deception and your lies."

"That's not true. People need to play along with each other. We melt into a place. If we didn't, the nations, and people, these things called communities, wouldn't exist. But everyone uses lies. On family, on friends, and society. And everyone wears a different face. But, is that a sin? What is, one's true face? Even you wear a mask; that of an Emperor. I simply dig through your lies and reveal the truth. Yes, it is the ugly truth. The truth that no one wishes to hear, that the very core of Britannian society is rotten to the core."

"The world lies! Thou shalt not commit murder, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not cheat, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife. All of these are lies! Mere illusions and nothing more! They don't want to be killed, they don't want to be robbed, using the twin lies of justice and morality, the weak are endeavouring to protect themselves. But the first truth is that the strong devour the weak, so let us feed upon people, upon wealth, upon riches and power!"

"That is no way to rule!" Zero proclaimed. "Even now, your every word is to manipulate, to use the people of Britannia. Even though you convince yourself and others that it is for the greater good, are only doing such things for your own gain. A world that will be 'gentler'? Who are you kidding? That world will not be kinder for everyone. It will benefit you. The world that Nunnally sought was one in which even stranger could be kinder to each other, and not only just the powerful and wealthy. That is not just."

Emile stalked forever, finger hovering on the pressure trigger, itching to imbed the notorious duo with bullets in the head, forever silencing them. After all, dead men tell no tales.

Charles held up a hand to block Emile, frustrating him to no ends, but he did stand down. Charles glared venomously at Zero. "Oh? And when did you become an expert at ruling a country, my worthless son?"

Zero seemed to stiffen slightly at the statement spat at him, which was largely misinterpreted by the crowd. Lelouch, although understanding the circumstances called for it, still had a difficult time convincing himself that it wasn't really his father, the 'Emperor,' standing in front of him, humiliating him by announcing their familial ties. At least, it'll be over within the half-hour...

My son?! The crowd was sent in a frenzy once again. The terrorist was the King's son? Who could have possibly pulled off such a feat? Bu they watched with bated breath, as Zero reached up to the back of his mask with theatrical slowness, reaching for the buttons that would free the mask, and reveal his face to the world at last. If he was indeed the King's son, he was a Britannian... Thus his actions would be considered treason... One that promised an execution. Even though as a whole, the Britannians of the Empire were loathsome of Zero and Infinity's methods at times, there was no denying the corruption in the Britannian system. Of course, the nobles never thought so, but he average denizen of the city, though reluctant to do so, admitted to agreeing with their actions, or at least, their ideals.

"Certainly more than you, Father." Lelouch shot out, vitriolic spite dripping from the word as he emphasized the hate he harboured for being born his son. "At least I wouldn't abandon my family and have the secret services assassinate them."

At last, the mask fell off with a resounding finality. Lelouch gingerly held the iconic Zero mask, the symbol of freedom for the Japanese.

A collective gasp swept through the audience. They were not disappointed. None other than the long-thought, exiled eleven prince of Britannia, stood proudly before them. His lips were curled up in a silent snarl as he bore through his father and half-brother's head, as if willing them to wither and die simply from his scathing glare.

Emile had blanched at the sight of his younger half-brother. Everything made sense now. The nigh impossible battle victories, low number of casualties and resourceful and ingenious battle tactics... It had all surmounted to the unparalleled smarts of Lelouch... To be outdone by such a... Such a low-life... The colour had returned to his face, putting a tomato to shame, as an outraged tremor run up his spine, his fists clenching. But yet again, he was interrupted.

"So what if I did?" Charles jeered at Lelouch.

If anyone had known him well, they would realize that this was definitely not something Charles would normally. He was too proud of a man to admit to such trifling crimes. He would deny it. However, the only people who did understand his personality to such an extent, were absent, save for Lelouch and Cornelia.

Nonetheless, Lelouch pressed on, exercising his theatrical skills. "How dare you?! You sent Nunnally and I to Japan as hostages!"

"It was necessary." Charles responded tersely.

"Necessary for what?! What kind of parent does that?!"

"That's right. I sent both you and your sister to Japan. But it was because you were a stubborn fool. You became witnesses..."

"Nunnally became a first-hand witness, therefore it was necessary to rewrite her memories in order to protect everything."

Lelouch's face contorted to one of uncontrolled rage, frightening Nunnally herself. She had been silent after Lelouch's 'appearance,' and prayed to any and all gods that would listen to her, to deliver her dear brother out of harm's way. He was, after all, still staring down gun barrels, trained on him. If he were to die... Nunnally shivered, her eyes immediately moistening as she took a shuddering breath. She dared not to think of what would happen to her if he had died. So it had been him all along... In all sincerity, she would've been happy simply living somewhere secluded with her big brother. Even though now she realized that he had done and sacrificed was for her, she on the other hand, dreaded that he had had to nearly die so many times. In truth, she was slightly frustrated that he hadn't told her sooner...

"Nunnally?! You mean her blindness isn't psychosomatic after all? But-"

"Even though she was a false witness, there remained a very real danger that she would be killed." Charles explained calmly, much to Lelouch's irritation, and even he could feel the white-hot rage radiating off of Infinity... Both were on the brink of simply blowing their heads off... "To ensure Nunnally's safety, proof was needed, that would lead far away from the truth.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! Nunnally is your own daughter! HOW COULD YOU HURT HER?!"

"We were forced to use you and Nunnally, Lelouch. It-"

A manic laugh ripped through the air as Lelouch stared down the mobile. "I see. What was the point of all this then? All the battle and bloodshed between Britannia and the Black Knights was done just to divert attention! All this meaningless bloodshed! Well then, it seems from the very beginning, I was merely a nuisance. Just a ruckus in the world..." A morose expression marred his features now, but it was short lived. "Now I see. It's obvious." He scoffed arrogantly. "I have fought to protect everything I thought I wanted to protect... And you're in the way!"

The throngs of people stood stark still, nearly forgetting to breathe. What a sick man! A disagreeable rustle rippled through the crowd. It was a shock, to say the least, to the populace. Had Lelouch not exposed him, they would've blindly followed this corrupt man, willingly even, to their own demise. They had been fooled.

"I reject you as the Emperor of Britannia! And you!" Lelouch jabbed his finger with an accusatory tone at Emile, "as a member of the royal family. I reject everything you believe in. Why do people lie? It isn't only because they struggle against each other. It's also because there's something that they're seeking. You now want a world without change. How stagnant. You can hardly call it life. Same as a world of memories. Just a world that's closed and completed. That's a place I wouldn't want to live in... Especially if you are the god of this new world. This fickle world built upon lies, blood and corpses. "You believe that this world you envision will be best for all. But even forcing your good intentions on others is no different than an evil act."

"In time, people will come to accept." Charles' voice rumbled, irritation clearly evident from his tone. Strange that he hadn't shot hit in the face yet... But Lelouch was not concerned.

"That time will never come! Only one thing is undeniably certain. I understand that what you did to Nunnally and me may have been done out of good intentions, but... The hard fact remains that you, my parents, abandoned us in a foreign land. You didn't do it to protect us!" Lelouch retorted as Charles attempted to fit in a comment. "If you didn't, then why didn't you stop the war between Japan and Britannia?!"

Something seemed to fit into place now. It was all clear now. A collective growl emanated from the masses. Charles was going to hear it... A blind, and deaf rage consumed them. Whether or not they had noticed that some things Lelouch had mentioned were classified information went largely unnoticed. Such minute details were lost in the deluge of immoderate resentment.

"The plan was such a priority to you both, that it didn't matter to either of you that Nunnally and I were alive or dead. That's why you abandoned us. All you have left are self-serving excuses." Lelouch continued his assault. "You don't give a damn about the future! Seeming as you are an unfit ruler for the vast lands of Britannia... I will see to it that you do not fulfill that role anymore!"

The next moments seemed to pass in a blur as Lelouch had whipped out his pistol, hidden within the depths of his cloak, as Infinity did the same, mirroring him. He fired off three bullets, one at Charles, aimed straight for his heart, and one at the head and one at the heart for Emile. Charles, fell almost immediately, for he was already dead... Kagome had done well, and by the looks of it, so had Sango. But Emile bellowed expletives like there was no tomorrow... Which was likely the case for him.

"SHOOT HIM!" Emile commanded, yelling for the Knightmares on guard to pelt the two rebel terrorists with metal... To tear and rip through their flesh in a hail of merciless of revenge. But he was surprised to find that instead, the guard trained their guns on him instead. "W-What?! You insolent fools! Have you lost your minds?! Th-This is- This is-!"

"SILENCE!" Lelouch thundered. Several Knightmare frames ejected their pilots, stunning Emile, before his face twisted in agony, coughing up copious amounts of blood. He was staring down Kallen, Ohgi and C.C.'s gun barrels, after all. "This conniving, delusional fool as betrayed the Empire! What should we do with him?!" Lelouch turned, demanding the crowd for an answer.

"Kill him!" Came the immediate chant.

Lelouch had no qualms with this simple request. Three guns cracked, and all was silent. Emile lay, bloodied and lifeless on the mobile, and a sick cheer, celebrating the death of both Charles and Emile, reverberated through the crowded streets of former Area Eleven. It seemed the means weren't as important as the results after all.

A/N: So how was it? :) I hope it was good enough~ Please let me know in a review below! :) Thank you for sticking with me throughout the story. And as mentioned before, if you're looking for an omake, let me know what you'd like to read! Romance? Or maybe just what happens later on? Let me know! :) Thanks again!