I own nothing related to Riddick. Enjoy!
Jack's POV
The blood was rushing in my veins and behind me I heard him ask "Are you with me Kira?"
I smirked as I turned around. "Kira died. She was weak. Couldn't cut it." I tried to stare him down the best I could but it was Riddick.
He cocked his head in amusement "If it ain't Kira I'm talking to then who the hell are you?" he asked.
"My name's Jack. I'm an old predator." I answered.
I heard something behind me and turned in in time to see Vaako roll off of the alter and land on his hands and knees. He coughed a few times before he sat up and placed a hand on his throat. He looked from Riddick to me."
"You slit my throat." He said, more of a statement then a question.
"Yes." I responded. "You asked for mercy and cutting the artery in your neck is a quick, painless way to go."
He got to his feet. "Thanks I think." He started to the ship that had brought them here, only to stop at Dame Vaako's body. He stopped and bent down. He pulled a ring off of her finger. It was a delicate band of black metal. "I have waited far too long to be able to do that." He righted himself and continued to walk. "I will be onboard if you need me."
Riddick smirked as he walked by.
"So are you with me Jack." He asked.
I stared up at his goggles "I've always been with you, Riddick."
He stepped closer to me and them motioned to the transport ship. "Then let's go home."
"We don't have a home Riddick." I said quietly.
"Well let's go find one." He held his hand out to me.
"I can't see you staying in one place very long."
"I never said anything about that. I'm thinking we'll go steal a ship and live in the stars. Stopping only to refuel and resupply the ship. Maybe play that favorite game of yours every now and then. Does that sound like something you want to do." His hand was still outstretched to me.
I never gave him an answer but after a moment I finally took his hand.
He closed his hand around mine and led me to the small ship they had arrived on. It was probably the gentlest Riddick has ever been with anyone.
He stopped at the ramp to the transport ship and motioned for me to enter first. I quickly entered the ship without looking back at the planet of the dead. Riddick followed closely behind me and shut the door.
Vaako was sitting at the only control seat messing with the controls. He turned to Riddick. "The elemental sent you a message. You need to find her when we get back there has been a development on Helion Prime that needs your attention."
"Get us back to the ship Vaako." Riddick answered.
There were only four seats besides the control chair. I sat down in an empty one near Vaako and Riddick sat beside me across from a small built woman who coward away at the sight of us.
We sat in silence as Vaako got us off of the UnderVerse planet. After a moment he turned his seat around to face us. "The trip back will be much quicker than the trip here. The gravity in the atmosphere here doesn't pull towards the planets. Instead it pushes it towards space. This will help us in our time. We will be back with the other in about 30 minutes." He sat at the captain's seat shirtless and still covered in blood.
Riddick sat with his head leaned back against the wall of the ship. His goggles still covered his eyes so I couldn't tell if they were open or closed. I realized that I was still holding the raptor claw shiv. I looked down to see it still covered in blood. I leaned down and wiped as much of the blood off onto the bottom on my robes.
I noticed that Vaako watched me. I turned to him. "So do I get the pleasure of telling the Necromonger Armies that I was able to kill their commander or do I have to keep my mouth shut?" I asked.
He smirked. "That is up to the Lord Marshall." He turned back to the controls.
I stole a glance up at Riddick. He was still in the same position. "At this point. I think that events of the UnderVerse need to stay in the UnderVerse." Riddick's voice came low and to the point.
We all agreed and fell silent for a short while. I noticed that the girl across kept shifting and moving and when I finally saw the blade it was too late to say anything.
She produced a small dagger about 6 inches long and launched herself at Riddick. He grabbed her wrist and twisted without any effort. The blade turned and entered her chest instead of his. She gave a small groan and collapsed on him.
"I've known since the day she brought you to me." he whispered in her ear before he lowered her to the ground.
"What the hell?" Came Vaako's voice.
"She was loyal to your dear late wife. Her lover was one of Larak's men and I had the pleasure of killing him." Riddick spoke quietly.
"Shit" Vaako exclaimed. He started to something but was cut off by beeping from the control panel. He spun back to it. "We will be back at the main ship in just a few minutes. Fuck!"
The smaller transport ship docked with the larger carrier. Vaako stood up and went to the door. He stopped before he opened it. "Do you think there are other supporters here? On board this ship?" he asked.
Riddick turned to look at the girl's body. "There could be. Hard to tell. I know there are a lot of necros that hate me. Wouldn't surprise me that there would be some on board these ships. Let's just get off of here and we will deal with it in a little bit."
Vaako nodded. "Yes, my Lord. We do need to talk. Now that you have completed your mission we need to figure out just how you are going to make your exit from the empire." He sighed as he thought about something. "And Mine."
Riddick shook his head in response. "Later. When most are asleep we will meet with Aareon and we will discuss how to go about this. I don't plan to leave the throne open to a successor." With that he opened the latch to ramp and exited the ship.
I followed him out and Vaako followed closely behind me. There were many people gathered in the loading dock, all bowing.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"They are waiting on the Lord and Lady Marshall to return." Vaako answered.
The doors from the main ship to the dock opened and revealed the elemental, Aareon. She walked up to Riddick but turned to me. "Welcome back to the land of the living, my dear."
"Lord Marshall there are things that require your attention." She spoke to Riddick. "I will give you time to change and settle back in but I do need to speak to you soon."
She turned to leave and stopped when she saw Vaako. "Commander did the UnderVerse need a sacrifice of your clothing? Why are you half naked?"" She paused only for a second before she continued. "Wait, Don't answer. I do not wish to know what happened." And with that she turned and left.
Vaako flipped her off behind her back and muttered something I could not understand under his breath.
He turned to Riddick. "If you don't mind I wish to clean up and redress before the council meeting."
Riddick nodded. "Meet us in the council room in one hour. You are dismissed, Vaako." He turned to a kneeling man in heavy armor. "Nace, let the elemental know to meet us in the council room in one hour. Your presence is expected as well." Riddick didn't wait for an answer he turned and left. He paused only briefly to glance over his shoulder to see if I was following.
I made sure that there were only a few steps in between Riddick and I. I didn't want to get lost on this ship nor did I want to make him mad.
We have walked only for a moment or two when he stopped at a door. He turned like he was going to say something but he stopped. Instead he pulled off his goggles and opened the door. It was his bedroom. He stepped inside. Laying on the bed were two of the hounds from Crematoria and on the floor were two more even bigger hounds.
I gasped and stepped behind Riddick, who laughed at my reaction.
"They won't hurt you. They are Furyan Hounds. They are under my command." He spoke as he walked to the bed and sat down. Both of the hounds on the bed turned to lay with their heads in his lap.
I lingered by the door for a moment before one of the ones on the floor stood up and walked to me. I didn't have a chance to respond before he leaned into me and started rubbing his head on my hand.
"They won't hurt you. Not unless I want them to." Riddick spoke. His voice held a dark tone to it.
Do you want to hurt me Riddick?" I asked him.
"Not unless you want me to." He answered as he stood up from the bed.
I thought for a moment before I crossed the room in a few steps and pressed my chest against his. I leaned up to whisper in his ear. "I want you to hurt me every day with this." As I spoke the last few words I placed my hand on his crotch and pressed hard.
He gave a groan before grabbing my hips and pushing into me. "Are you sure this is what you want Kira?" he asked me.
I pulled back "First, my name is Jack not Kira. Don't ever call me that again. Second, are you fucking kidding me? This is all I have ever wanted." I growled the words back at him.
He gave me a large smile that gave away his evil intentions and then kissed me as hard as he could. I held him as close to me as I could and made the kiss last as long as possible. I finally pulled back for air when I felt I was going to pass out.
Riddick growled into my ear. "The animal in me will never let you go. He can't"
"I don't wanna go." I kissed him again.
He let go of my hips and grabbed the front of my robe. He broke the kiss just in time to rip it open. A look washed over Riddick face of primitive pleasure. I realized that I wasn't wearing anything under the robe and now was completely naked in front of Riddick.
When I looked back up the grin was gone from Riddick face.
"What?" I asked him.
"We have to be in the council room in about 45 minutes." He answered.
"Well you better get started, cause I need to take a shower before we go. I am covered in blood." I held up my hands for dramatic effect.
Riddick's eyes darkened and he pulled me close again. I wrapped my arms around his neck just in time for him to pick me up. I made a point grind my core against him as I wrapped my legs around him. He responded with a low growl and turned to the bed.
He pulled me away from him and gave me an evil smile just before he dropped me to the center of the bed. He made quick work of pulling off his shirt and his boots before he crawled on top of me. I tried to reach for his pants but he quickly caught my hands.
"That will be soon enough." He pinned my hands under his as he started to assault my mouth and neck with kisses. I couldn't help but moan softly and he continued his path down my chest. I cried out softly when he took one of my nipples into his mouth. I couldn't help but moan in pleasure until he finished with that one and continued on to the next.
The way that it made me feel was completely foreign. It felt so good that my head was spinning from it and it felt like my body was starting to light on fire.
I looked up when he stopped sucking on breast. He had managed to shed his pants during that short amount of time. He gave me an evil stare before he started to kiss a path down to my stomach. I moaned again.
His hands slid down and came to rest on my legs. Slowly he pulled them apart and continued to kiss down to the top of my core. He gave me one final look before he ran his tongue up across the opening. I gave out a sharp cry and bucked my hips against him.
He chuckled. "Easy baby." He gave me a smile as he leaned up to suck on is fingers.
"No, don't. I want you." I took ahold of his hand.
He hesitated a moment "It'll hurt." He responded.
"I know, but I want it." I tried as best as I could to look innocent. "Please Riddick?"
I could see man struggling with the beast. The animal that didn't care fighting with the man that did. His silver eyes seemed to be trying to search mine for answers.
I knew I could help him. I leaned up and whispered "Fuck me Riddick."
The wall broke and it seemed the animal was in control. He crawled up the front of me and lowered himself to give me a kiss. I broke the kiss with a cry as he entered me. He was big but I knew it would hurt.
He waited only a second before he started moving. It hurt and I dug my nails into his back. Every time I dug in he would moan. Every moan and groan he made drove me to the next. Before long the pain turned to pleasure as I tried to make him moan. He grunted as I raked my nails up his back.
"Jack you need to stop that. I am not ready to finish yet." He whispered dangerously in my ear.
"Oops." I whispered back. He picked up his pace and I felt my stomach begin to tighten. "Oh god, Riddick." I buried my face in his neck while it continued to build. Soon I was at my breaking point. I bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming.
He let out a moan and continued to pump into me while I rode out my orgasm. When I was done and released his shoulder, he stilled for a moment. I looked up at him.
He gave me a large evil grin as he pulled out of me. "My turn." He rolled me over to my stomach and pulled me on my hands and knees.
He didn't give me any warning before he entered me again. it felt much deeper this way and I moaned loudly at the feeling it gave me. He started pounding me hard and every moan I gave seem to drive him further.
I felt like screaming. Finally, I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. I hoped no one could hear us but I knew they probably could.
I could feel another orgasm building. It felt so good it was almost painful. I let out a loud moan as I came again. I felt Riddick stiffen inside of me and then I felt his teeth sink into the back of my shoulder. I let out another moan as I felt him break the skin.
I moaned as I felt him withdraw from me. He gave my shoulder a kiss.
He laid down beside me. "So what did you think?" he asked me. "Do you want to stick around?" he never looked at me as he spoke.
I leaned up to give him a kiss on the lips. "What the fuck do you think? If the sex will always be like that then I ain't going anywhere." I gave him another kiss. "Now get your ass up Riddick. We have to take a shower before we go meet with your lackies and we only have about 10 minutes to do it." I got up out of bed and headed for the bathroom.
I turned on the shower and stepped in before I heard him even enter the bathroom. As he stepped into the shower a thought occurred to me. "Did you bring me more clothes or did you just destroy the only ones that I had?
He grinned before he kissed me again.