Hey everyone JetCycle here and here's the last line from last chapter:
"But who is she?"
Enjoy! line
Chapter 10
"Bennu was Seti's assassin. She also grew up alongside the Medjai and was treated as a sister and daughter to them, Especially since they were the ones who found her as a baby in the desert. After they did they not only raised but trained her tip she became known as the Red Assassin to the enemies of Seti. The reason was cause she had fire red hair and eyes. Imhotep loved her to the point of leaving Anck-su-namun for her. Apparently he loved her enough to not only kill her but to bring her back from the world of the dead most likely so she wouldn't have to continue the life of an assassin. And now it seems he chosen his sacrifice to bring Bennu back to the world of the living."
The remaining one of the remaining two cowboys then exclaimed, "And you want to know how he's gonna do that sucking everyone who opened that chest dry!"
Time Skip (back to the hotel) line
By the time we got back to the hotel I was exhausted so as everyone entered Evie's suite I took a seat near the bedroom door while listening to dad as he was trying to figure out who opened the chest.
"Okay so who opened the chest?"
Henderson answered the question, " Well lets see Daniels, me, of course Burns and oh! and that Egyptologist fellow."
"What about Beni?"
"Nah he ran before we opened it."
"Yeah he was the smart one."
Eventually I got bored and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Just as I reached the door I heard Evie yelling at dad to put her down and turned to see him carrying her to the bed before dropping her and locked both of us in the room.
I could hear him saying to the others
"They don't come out and nothing goes in, got it?"
Hearing a few mumbled replies and Evy yelling at dad to let her out. Eventually she got tired of yelling at him and decided to get ready for bed. Once she settled in the bed I took the chair and soon we both fell asleep.
very annoying line
Well sorry it took so long for me to update this one but I started typing this last thursday but couldn't finish because the battery was dying on me. Please R&R and see ya next time.