Within Touch Yet Out Of Bounds.

Chapter one - First touch

Summary - A drunken night leaves the upper-class Trafalgar Law to met the lower-class Eustass Kid. A few fights nevertheless, a reaction begins to brew as the pair spend more and more time together, quickly growing to like each other. Until Law is split away from Kid by the wrath of his possessive father.

What the fuck is this place? How much had he drunk? There was too much bright pretty lights and they were making him feel sick. Was that music? Fuck his head was bouncing all other the place. Maybe he should sit down...Wait! He was already sat down on something hard. Was he on the floor? Had he fallen over? Law giggled childishly as his drunken mind started to have a never ending conversation with itself and he was the only one listening in. Oh he felt like a stalker. Listening to his own thoughts. How perverted.

Suddenly a low voice was in his ear. Shouting, a pat on the shoulder and he rolled his head to the side from his place on the floor. This was a comfy place on the floor, in the club. Oh yes! He was in a club, ah, he felt relieved now. He went to rest his back against the stool but fell backwards forgetting he was on the floor. He hit something. Oh no, a car crash, why was he driving like this? Wait, the thing he fell into was pulling him up, what if it was a murderer!

Law began to squirm in the strangers grasp as he was thrown over a shoulder. Tears streamed down his face, not from fright. Law just felt like randomly crying. Shit, this couldn't be good, what if he was going to get raped. "Let me go." Law whimpered, the fear building in the back of his mind, tears pouring now faster than before as he was being taken even further away from safety.

Abruptly he was outside, he felt like he could teleport now. He was taken down of the person shoulder and was cradled like some baby in their arms. Ah how romantic, maybe this hunky guy was his saviour! And he was the princess locked in the tower, but he didn't want to braid his hair or wear a dress.

"Are. You. Okay?" The man spoke slowly and clearly, the low clear voice somehow un-muting his senses a little bit more. He knew that voice? No, he didn't. But it was a nice voice. Seemed gentle enough.

"No. I'm. Drunk." Law giggled at his own witty response, squirming in the hold as he wrapped his arms around this lovely kind man who had saved him from those terrible burning bright lights, and that God awful music.

"I don't know if you can actually understand me or not, but I'm going to take you back to my place because I'm nice like that." The voice sounded slightly nervous now like he was worried about a hassle or something, why would Law bother his hero? His knight in shining armour! A strong, sexy voice man in, what he hoped, no armour. Or even better, no clothing at all.

"Take me to bed, baby. Take me home, let me love you all night long~" Law began to sing out in a drunken slur, he had no idea if that was a song or not but for some reason the man was going red. He couldn't make out his face properly, his vision was to blurry for that. But he saw sharp gold eyes and that was more that enough for Law. How pretty~

"Ermm, no. I just don't think it's safe for you out here, you're in serious danger if you stay here." The low voice grumbled again, though Law was smiling up at the stranger like he was the best thing he had ever seen, it was apparently making the man even more embarrassed.

"So why can't you share the bed with me hmmm~?" Law cooed out playfully, "Just sleep next to me and let me cuddle with you, pretty please~"

"You don't even know me." The voice spoke again this time dead serious, this upset Law and his bottom lip dropped. He'd never been denied sex before. This was a blow to his poor ego. But being drunk, he really wasn't bothered at this moment in time.

"I know your not trying to hurt me, and you don't want to have sex with me. So you can at least let me cuddle with you as a thank you for being... for being..." Law didn't know how to end that sentence so he just giggled.

"Right the taxi is here." The voice pointed out, it was nice that this guy had the decency to tell Law what was going on around him. Not like the drunk man knew what was happening. "Before we go in can you tell me your name?"

Law considered it, was it safe? No he wouldn't tell him yet. Not yet... He wanted to have fun with this man. Law shook his head playfully then added, "When you give me that cuddle."

Law heard a sigh before he was poured into the taxi and laid across the back seat, the other guy spoke to the taxi driver and shut the door. Was he leaving him alone? The other back door opened to signal he was wrong, his head was gently lifted up and placed on something soft and warm, he wanted to hug it before he realised it was the man's thigh. He would feel a bit naughty if he started hugging the guys leg in front of the taxi driver. If his legs were here then his crotch must be... here!

Law heard a grunt as he smacked his head around staring up at the tall muscled man with awe. Yep that was it, way softer and comfier than the guys legs. But then wasn't this naughty as well? Sleeping on the guys penis - what a silly word.

He couldn't sleep anyway, not now. "Sowy.." He gurgled up at his stranger, he didn't want to make the man feel uncomfortable.

"Do you really need to lie there?" The man asked, slightly shocked and paralysed to the spot. Law nodded his head on the man's lap earning another grunt from the stranger.

"It's softer here, more comfy." He hummed, raising a steady hand to stroke his saviours chin, but he missed and ended up stroking neck instead. What a board strong neck this man had. Law just loved the feeling on his fingers.

"It won't be soft for long." The man mumbled to himself quietly, but Law heard what he said and tittered childishly. With his luck, he hoped it wouldn't be soft for long.

"It's useless if it's soft." Law added beaming up as the stranger looked down in shock, going red yet again because he had been heard.

"Here we are" The cabby driver spoke, Kid gave the man the money and went through a similar malady of pouring the drunken Law out of the taxi and helped him stand up. He must admit, this man was awfully slim. Although a small tone of muscle. He'd placed one of Law's arm around his neck and helped the man walk.

"I didn't know where you live so you'll have to stay here for tonight. Please excuse the mess though." He added slightly wearily. Dragging Law's sorry ass to his apartment.

"It's okay, I don't know where I live either." The older man said defeated and tired.

"How much have you drunk?" Questioned his saviour with a curious glaze.

"I've drank enough, hehe." Law giggled again, putting most of his weight on the stranger he was staying with.

"Are you claustrophobic?" The stranger asked. Oh this man was very considerate and kind towards drunken men. Or just a dumb-ass.


"Good, not planning on dragging your sorry ass all the way up the stairs." Okay, he took that this guys was also very rude. Hey, Law could take rude comments, he got them most the time anyway.

The lift journey was short and was spent mostly in silence apart from the elevator music playing. then they were at a door, the guy had to shuffle around in his pocket for a while before he came out with the key for his apartment. Law only vaguely got a glimpse of the number on the door, something G. This was a tall building, one of those run down blocks where mostly university students lived.

"Right here we are come with me." The man spoke, throwing the keys into some jar and leading Law to the door in the middle of a set of four. "It's a pretty small room, and if you wake up during the night needing a pee it's the last door to the left as you come out." This man was so nice. Maybe this man was drunk to. He sat Law down on the comfy double bed and went out of the room, returning with a glass of water and a sick bowl. This was just like they were best friends looking out for each other, Law just wanted to cuddle the man to death. "Errmm, can you help me take of my hoodie?" Law asked cautiously. His fingers felt numb.


"Just I might get to warm." Law defended.

"Oh- erm, okay." The voice was nervous again.

Law felt big hands slide under his hoodie and slowly slide it off his arms and head. Were they shaking? He promptly took of his boots and got under the covers, smiling because he finally got his hug. But the stranger got up to leave. Law sat up a little to quickly, making his head pound.

"You said you would cuddle with me! You promised!" Law squeaked, it was like a promise it was a deal if he remembered.

"I- I can't" The voice croaked, the figure seemed to stare at Law for a while before a hefty sigh came from the man. "Fine, just don't look at me like that." Puppy dog eye's always worked, Law thought to himself.

The bed shifted as the other man got in, making Law automatically fall onto the strong and warm body. Somehow the guy had managed to take off his boots and shirt before climbing in, this shocked Law a little. He tried to force himself not to stroked down the marble figure to see what the man felt like. But it failed, his hand wondered across the man's body before it was interrupted.

"I am not having sex with a completely out of it intoxicated person, hold up your part of the bargain mister. Tell me what your name is." The man grunted. Though Law didn't know that that little action of his had caused something to stir in the man's loins, he hugged him with enthusiasm.

"Law. Trafalgar La..." A yawn split his words in half as sleep over took him and he began to snore gently against the hard muscles; like they were a soft duck feathered pillow. The man watched for a moment before leaving the comfort of his own bed to rest on the sofa.

A/n - A drunk Law, hopefully wasn't too OCC. But don't worry, he'll be back to normal in the next chapter, so will Kid. This has been done on purpose ;) Hope you enjoy our new story.