HI everyone so this is my first fanfiction. I love reid so much so couldn't help but write one about him! I will try my hardest to update whenever I can! I'm happy to take any criticism as long as it's constructive. Hope you enjoy :).
Chapter 1 A joke too far:
Spencer reid sat across from Derek Morgan staring at him intensely. He had spent the whole journey on the jet trying to think of the perfect come back. The team had just had a tough case in Oregon and to lighten the mood Derek decided it would be the perfect opportunity to start another prank war. After horribly loosing against pretty boy he was determined to win this one, and so far he was doing quite well. It had started off with Derek drawing on Reid's face in permanent marker after reid had innocently taken a nap. Reid was later embarrassed by the whole of the Oregon police force laughing at him whilst he delivered the profile. Reid's retaliation however was equally amusing. He'd hooked up with Garcia and managed to get Garcia to convincingly ring Morgan saying that he'd gotten a girl pregnant and social services were waiting for him to pick up the baby. The look on Morgan's face said enough for reid to know that he had it coming for him, and he did. Whilst Reid was taking a shower Morgan took all of his clothes leaving reid a very short and revealing towel. After reid chased Morgan around the hotel in just this towel he soon realized that he was Locked out of his hotel room and had to wait while the very attractive receptionist got his spare key.
"I know your plotting something" Morgan stated.
"Maybe" reid replied slyly. Just then Reid's phone buzzed. The caller ID was enough to send chills down Reid's spine. Freezing for a millisecond reid quickly composed himself and got up to take the call in the kitchen area where he had a bit more privacy. Hotch studied his young agent as he dashed away to answer his call. He knew instantly who it was but also respected the agents' privacy and didn't want to ask if everything was all right.
"Hello". Reid said quickly.
"Dr. Reid, it's. Listen I'm really sorry to be calling you but it's your mum she's had an accident. During an episode she managed to get hold of a knife and well, she um stabbed herself. She's um currently in intensive care but it's not looking good. I-I'm so sorry." The doctor said stumbling over his words. He understood how much Reid's mother meant to him and it saddened him deeply to have to break the news to him. Meanwhile, reid was still trying to absorb what he had just been told. He felt sick the thought of losing his mother was too overwhelming. His mother had been the only one who loved him even through her episodes; she had been the only one to stick with him even if he was slightly weird. After realizing he hadn't spoke for a while he eventually found his voice.
"Thank you doctor I'll get there as soon as I can." Reid croaked his voice cracking slightly.
Shaking a little he made his way back to his seat, tremendously fighting the urge to break down in a ball and let out all of the tears which were threatening to fall.
After sitting down he decided to get out his book to distract himself from what he just heard, in fact he was doing very well until Morgan felt he needed to speak.
"Very funny pretty boy. I get it your trying to fool me. Pretending you got a phone call saying someone died or something. But you're not going to fool me see I'm one step ahead." Morgan said chuckling waiting for Reid's look of defeat.
"Morgan!" Hotch growled knowing that reid wasn't kidding and Morgan had taken it a step to far.
"Come on hotch we all know it's part of Reid's act they've been at this prank war for a whole week know." Said Emily laughing and Rossi and JJ nodded in agreement waiting for reid to finally give it up.
"Who's died then?" Morgan chuckled.
"Uh um" reid stuttered shocked at his team mates reaction. He didn't know what to do he didn't want to tell anyone about his mum yet he was extremely close to breaking.
"Come on reid you can drop the act." Said Emily.
"Enough." Hotch bellowed and that's when everyone realized reid wasn't joking. Reid realizing they knew quickly jumped up and dashed to the toilet. He quickly locked the door and sobbed violently.