A/N - Day 6: Missing Moments. Omg last fic for Lenny Week :( (Since tomorrow is Johnny & Kaley I won't be writing that.) I chose this as a missing moment, as they made a big deal about the Facebook relationship status thing with Stephanie, I thought it would be cute to have something with Penny :) I gave her the surname Wyatt, because I don't want to make something up, and Wyatt kinda works since she said her dads name is Bob the first time, I dunno. Anyway I hope you enjoy! I have had so much fun writing these :) Please don't forget to leave me a review, they make my day, I love hearing from you :) Hope these have fulfilled your Lenny needs one way or another!

Leonard raised a brow as he refreshed his Facebook page.

Penny Wyatt is in a relationship.

And then, at the top of the page, a little red notification box appeared.

Penny Wyatt has added you as her Boyfriend. Accept/Decline

He grinned, as he moved his mouse to hover over the 'accept' button. He had always thought he'd be the first one to do this, and have to nervously await the response. But now, he was the one with the power to click either 'accept' or 'decline'. Not that he would ever click decline.

Across the hallway, Penny sat nervously, staring at her laptop. She knew Leonard was on Facebook, the little bar at the bottom of the page that held their chat conversation from the previous night had a little green circle, indicating that he was online. What was taking him so long? Was she being too forward? Was this too soon? She exited and re-opened the Facebook tab. Still nothing.

And finally, just as she was about to send him a smiley face on chat to get his attention, she saw a little red box appear at the top of the screen.

Leonard Hofstadter has accepted your relationship request.

Penny breathed out a sigh of relief, before letting out a nervous laugh as she tried to work out why she had been so worried that he wasn't accepting in the first place. She hit the refresh button and broke out into a wide grin.

Leonard Hofstadter is in a relationship with Penny Wyatt.

There it was. Not Priya Koothrappali, not Stephanie Barnett, not Leslie Winkle. Her name, next to his name, right there on her screen. Maybe this commitment thing wasn't as scary as she made it out to be. Perhaps one day it would say they were engaged, eventually married, and she would get to change her name to Penny Hofstadter. But she wasn't there yet. She was taking tiny baby steps, but she would get there eventually.