Rebirth of Whirlpool

Chp 1 Meeting the tenant


The night was quiet in the majority of Konoha as everyone prepared for the festival that would take place tomorrow in celebration of the defeated Kyuubi, thanks to the Yondaime Hokage. Decorations were being placed along the roof lines on shops and houses, and the lights where being replaced by festive colored lanterns that lead a blinking way to the memorial stone where everyone would gather to remember those who had given their life to protect everyone. One boy, however, wasn't looking forward to the upcoming day, as it would mark his, Naruto's, sixth birthday. It also meant he would have to be extremely careful because that was usually when everyone would be at their worst, as they would most likely try to find and beat him like they had done his last two birthdays. He only lived because either the Anbu or the Hokage himself had shown up and saved him from the angry mob that gave chase every year. Naruto couldn't understand why everyone despised him so much, or why they called him demon and a monster, and why they wouldn't believe a word he said.

"I wish just one person would believe me" Naruto mumbled as he walked tiredly towards the main road of Konoha.

He had planned how to escape everyone this year by leaving a day early and camping out in the woods until the festival ended. He had managed to get all but a few supplies he'd need to stay out and away from everyone for the next week or so, and so far he had managed to keep everything a secret from everyone including the old man who he considered near family. As Naruto walked down the main street of Konoha towards the convenience store to get some extra food, he was aware that there were a few adults watching him. Getting nervous, he quickened his pace to his destination and quickly got what he needed, not even bothering to argue about the high price. He then ran as fast as he could back to his small apartment to wait for night to come before making his way out of the village. Night was falling quickly as Naruto got ready to leave. He began going through his house, making sure all valuable things where hidden away under the floor boards and that everything was locked in his house.

He sighed at the thought that he would probably have to replace most of his appliances again because he was sure the mob that would come looking for him tomorrow would steal as much as they could from him to make him suffer more. He really didn't understand why almost everyone was as hostile as they were towards him. He picked up the sack that had the last of the things he was taking with him. Peeking out his door he looked left and right to check if anyone was outside and when spotting no one, he stepped out carefully and set sack down to lock his house door, not that it would do any good. He couldn't count how many times he'd had to repair the door up until now, and hoped wistfully that for once maybe the villagers would just leave him alone.

Up in the Hokage tower, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked into his crystal ball one last time and watched Naruto leave his apartment. He smiled as he knew that the boy was trying to keep a low profile this year and after making sure Naruto wasn't being pursued he turned away from the ball and stood up. Signaling to his Anbu, three immediately appeared and knelt before the Hokage, awaiting their orders.

"Yugao I want you to keep an eye on Naruto tonight. Make sure he makes it to his destination safely and incapacitate anyone attempting to follow him." Sarutobi spoke sternly as Yugao nodded and left.

"Tenzo I want you to keep an eye on Naruto's apartment and should anyone try to enter I want you to incapacitate, bind and leave them in the Anbu prison." Nodding, Tenzo vanished with a poof, leaving a leaf behind as he left the Hokage alone with his last Anbu.

"As for you, I have a special mission for you regarding Naruto. I fear that as he grows older I won't be able to keep as much of a watchful eye on him, not to mention the fact that he will be starting the academy soon, so I really won't be able to watch him there as my presence would bring up a lot of questions." The Hokage said as he turned away from the Anbu and gazed out the window, looking over all of Konoha.

"This will be a long term mission, do you accept, Sandual?" Sarutobi asked as he watched the last rays of light leave the sky, being replaced by the moon as its silvery light started to flood over the rooftops. The silence that ensued was tense as the Anbu mulled over whether or not he would want to take on this task.

Elsewhere, Naruto had just managed to sneak past the remaining villagers as he left the immediate area of the village. Making his way into the woods he arrived at his camp as the last rays of sunlight faded from view and the moon rose up into the sky. Setting about and getting ready for bed, Naruto did a quick check-up, making sure that his trip wires were all set up in case someone got too close. When finally feeling safe, he laid down in his sleeping bag and was asleep almost instantly.

Smiling behind her mask, Yugao watched as Naruto slept and was glad that this was a fairly easy assignment. She could almost consider this a short mini vacation.

"After all,we are out of the way from the village and I will sense someone before they get near him,so I might as well enjoy this little outing."she thought as she relaxed on the branch she was on and drifted off into a half sleep mode as the moon rose up and over the tree tops. It wasn't long before the sound of snoring filled the area where Naruto slept, the shadows danced intricately across the clearing as the moon shifted positions.

As the moon rested on Naruto, he woke up unknowingly in his mind for the first time. Naruto was confused at first on how he ended up in the sewers when he couldn't remember even waking up or why he would be laying in a puddle in the first place. Looking around, he could see a few different walkways but was unsure where to go. Suddenly he felt the water tug at his legs, urging him down the left path. Going along with it, he followed the tunnel until he entered a large chamber that had a row of bars in the middle of the room that stretched from wall to wall. A piece of paper hung in the middle of the locked gate with the word 'Seal' written on it.

Walking up to the bars, it dawned on Naruto that it looked like a cage and that something dangerous may be on the other side, but that thought scurried away a moment later, as it does with children whose curiosity gets the best of them.

"Hello?" Naruto called out, his voice echoing around the room.

Nothing happened, and he was starting to think it was an empty room when he suddenly heard a splash of water

"Hello!?" He called out a second time and got even closer to the bars. A second splash of water rung out as he heard a loud rumble before a giant fox crashed into the bars, startling Naruto and making him jump as the fox looked down at him with a glare on its face.

"Why are you here,human?" The fox roared as it again crashed into the side of the cage, trying to break the bars.

"Are you here to mock my imprisonment? Orperhaps you have come to try and finish me off, that's it,isn't it,you little... little... child...?" As the Kyuubi calmed down,it realized that all that stood before it was a mere child who looked like he could be blown away by a breeze at this point by how white he was from the shock.

"Hey kit,are you ok?" The Kyuubi asked, concern edging into its voice as it gazed at the boy who was as still as a statue. Raising a tail, the Kyuubi let it slide past the bars and gently poked Naruto in the chest, dragging him from his stupor and causing him to fall on his butt before shaking his head in disbelief at what had just occurred. Reaching out, Naruto let his hand touch the tip of the tail before jerking back out of fear. When nothing happened, he tentatively reached out again and ran his fingers through the fox's fur before grabbing a hold of the tail, and with a little tug, the Kyubbi lifted Naruto back onto his feet. With a smile, Naruto rubbed his face in the fur before looking up at the foxes face and granting it with one of his smiles that could melt the world if it had a heart. The fox was no different as it took one look at the boy and decided to give him a chance to explain himself even though it was certain it knew who he was.

"Who are you,child,and why are you here?" The fox grumbled out as it lay down in front of the gate, one eye facing Naruto, watching him continue to play with the tail.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki and I really don't know how I got here. I went to sleep and now I'm here..." He said quietly before looking up at the fox.

"Who are you? And why are you in a cage?" Naruto asked as he let go of the tail and walked right up to the bars.

The Kyubbi looked at him at what could be guessed as disbelief.

"I am the Kyuubi no Kitsune, and I am sealed in this cage because of the Fourth Hokage..."

Naruto looked at the Kyuubi with confusion before stepping into the cage and walking right up to the Kyuubi where he placed a hand on its face,surprising the fox in the process.

"You're not gobbling me up right now? I thought you were supposed to be a mean scary fox that destroyed everything, right?" he said as he buried his face in the fur.

"Why is everyone afraid of you, you're not doing anything wrong in here." Naruto said,continuing to fire off questions as he tried to figure everything out. He was starting to get really confused by everything he had learned in the village because everyone made the nine tails out to be a big bad monster that would eat you if it could reach you. And yet here he was, petting the supposed monster and felt perfectly safe.

The Kyuubi was at a loss for words, and then with a thought it started to laugh. It liked this kid even though it had only been a few minutes since they had met. He was completely different from any other person the Kyuubi had encountered save one, who had been the creator of it and the other nine Biju that roamed the lands.

"Naruto, I am trapped in here for the time being because of the attack several years ago. I am, however, not evil like you said and I am glad that at least one person realizes it. Secondly, we are currently inside your mindscape. In simple words, we are inside your imagination. I am your prisoner and you are my guard."

The Kyuubi looked at Naruto again, its red eyes flashing as it sat up on its hindquarters and began to shrink down in size until all that stood before Naruto was a beautiful woman with long red hair and crimson eyes. Behind her he could still see her tails swishing around randomly and on top of her head resided two fox like ears that twitched. It dawned on him a moment later that she was completely naked and he hurriedly turned around and waited for her to put some clothes on.

Unsure as to why he had looked away from her, the Kyuubi walked to him and placed a hand gently on his shoulder before turning him to face her and then she giggled at his red face. A moment later her tails wrapped around her, covering her body for the time being as she waited until he met her eyes.

Naruto looked up carefully, afraid of being punished for looking and finally met her eyes. Crimson met blue. Blushing again, he looked away shyly, as he wasn't sure what to say now. Deciding that she'd had enough, the woman took a hold of Naruto's chin and forced him to meet her eyes. Once they met she smiled and extended a hand to him.

"I'm Kivira" She said as he took her hand and sort of shook it, still not believing what was going on but just kind of accepting it. He had actually met someone outside the village who wasn't about to kill him for existing. Smiling back, Naruto nodded as he walked forward and tentatively hugged her without thinking about it. Caught in surprise, Kivira just placed a hand on his head and smiled down at the child who was suddenly attached to her, even though he knew that she had basically demolished half the hidden village and killed many ninja who had died defending it, including his mother and father. That was something he needed not knowing of at the moment.

Pushing him to arms reach, she looked him over,noting that he indeed bore a great resemblance to the Yondaime Hokage. The thought, however, lingered a moment longer as she envisioned what he would look like, grown up like that; a strong and powerful ninja with the looks to charm a woman, and a body that would drive all the ladies wild. Her thoughts ended there as she reminded herself he was only just a child, but perhaps years from now, she could make him her own, maybe even by force if he turned out how she imagined. Grinning her foxlike grin, she grabbed Naruto's hand and told him to walk with her.

"Naruto, this place is called your mindscape.It's here I currently reside and also where you are safest from the outside world. You can make this place anything you want as long as you will it to be here." She finished, hinting that a change of scenery would be nice. Sadly, Naruto was still only 5 and didn't pick up on said hint and didn't bother changing anything as he was more curious to explore the sewer and find out what it was like.

Naruto just nodded rapidly as he pulled Kivira towards the back of the room, wanting to know what was in there. He got to the end of the room and looked left and right, seeing just an expanse of wall, and he wondered if there was anything inside this cage or if this was where Kivira always had to stay.

"Kivira, aren't you able to leave this cage and wander around?" Naruto asked as he turned around to look at her.

She just shook her head in response and he saw the sad look on her face. Scrunching up his face in concentration, Naruto thought really hard of a place he had dreamed about a lot and suddenly he could see it through his eyelids. A moment later he opened his eyes to see that they were standing above a large forest, with trees that surrounded a lake. The leaves on all of the trees where a crimson red color and the sun made them cast a brilliant red shade all over.

Naruto had about a moment longer before logic set in that he was flying and then he proceeded to plummet both himself and Kivira into the lake below them. A moment later he came spluttering to the surface with Kivira right next to him and they both swam to the water's edge and climbed out. A look at each other caused them to burst out laughing as they began to dry off. Naruto turned red again as Kivira unwound her tails from her body to shake the water out, leaving her exposed to him again. He could see how defined her breast were and how lithe her body was shaped, and he found her tails extremely interesting as they all moved about, fanning themselves of water. He just stood there oogling her as she finished drying off. Noticing the looks, she turned and smirked while posing for him

"You like what you see, Naruto?" she asked devilishly as he quickly turned around.

His face went even redder than before. Smiling, she wrapped her tails around herself again as she looked around at where they were and she decided that she liked it. She could easily cut some of these trees down and build a house of some sort for her to stay in and the exercise would be fun. Finally she walked up to Naruto and let a tail slink over his shoulder and slide across his face, making him tense up.

"Thank you" she said as she turned him around and hugged him. Naruto just smiled as he hugged her back and then looked around at the place he had created.

"Glad you like it" He said as he suddenly felt a pull on himself that was making him start to vanish. He was confused and began to panic. Kivira laid a hand on his shoulder and told him to calm down.

"You're just waking up." she said as she vanished from sight. Suddenly, Naruto bolted upright from his sleep to see the sun had already risen to midday above him. He had slept a long time. He wasn't sure if it had all been a dream or if it had really happened, but he knew he had to get a move on with the day because it was his birthday after all and he wanted it to be a good day, preferably without any villagers attacking him.