A/U: thank god I've been trying to upload this for weeks but then my laptop crashed…

Well its up now so enjoy.

oh and FYI this means third person's p.o.v

Ichigo hasn't been talking to me at all every time I try to talk to him he just runs away. I'm starting to think that he might throw me out… I mentally smacked myself for thinking that 'no! There's no way that will happen right?'. I whined and buried me head into the pillow on the sofa I'd been sitting on I haven't been able to sleep for days. then my ears picked up the sound of someone running.

"MOM DAD! WE'RE GOING" I heard Ichigo shouted 'oh yeah today's friday' I thought then I buried my head into the pillow again 'it's been three days since we last had a conversation'.

"Grimmjow shiro we're leaving!" kon said right after Ichigo. I looked up at him putting on the 'sad kitty ' look.

"aww don't be sad" he came to me and petted me "tell you what I'll buy you some taiyaki ok?"

I tilted my head to the side "taiyaki?" he nodded

"yeah it's these little fish shaped cake with bean paste filling you're gonna love it!" he patted my head again "well we're off" and with that he walked away.

Well this is gonna be another boring day….

(ichigo's p.o.v)

"It's not like I didn't want to talk to him I just get scared when I try to" kon narrowed his eyes at that. we're walking to school and kon suddenly asked me why I wasn't talking to shiro.

"well you have to talk to him sooner or later"

"I know" I said and looked away kon opened the door to our classroom and I shut it behind the both of us

"rukia-chan" and right on cue he pounced on rukia who kicked him away.

School was boring, I couldn't concentrate on my classes because I kept thinking about what kon said this morning. When we got home I immediately went to my room where I saw shiro chasing a butterfly that flew into the room, He didn't notice me coming in his attention was on the butterfly so cute.

Then the butterfly flew out the window shiro attempted to follow it making him almost fall out the window. But someone grabbed him and pulled him into the tree outside of my room hugging him close. Shiro's savior was a black neko with pale skin and green eyes. My blood boiled when shiro snuggled closer to him shaking from fear for some reason I felt jealous. Then the butterfly landed on his nose making him look at it. Shiro looked up at him and giggled.

Ichigo couldn't watch anymore so he went out of his room and slammed the door shut making the butterfly fly away and the two nekos stare at the closed door.

I walked downstairs to watch t.v. with Grimmjow and kon for a while to take my mind off shiro, but that didn't work for long. Shiro came down to find something to eat and kon gave him the taiyaki he promised him this morning.

He sat next to Grimmjow and started to munch on his taiyaki. When he finished there was a few crumbs stuck on his cheeks. Grimmjow seemed to notice and copped his cheeks and turned his head so shiro was looking at him. Then he licked him… my face fumed with color. I didn't think it was strange since they were half cats but then Grimmjow stuck his tongue in shiro's mouth. I was sure my expression was like a fish out of water. Then Grimmjow looked at me.

"what's the matter cat got you tongue strawberry?" I shut my mouth and ran upstairs.

After a while there was a knock on my door.

"come in" I saw shiro opened the door. He walked in and looke down on the floor, his ears flattened against his head his tail flicking nervously behind him.

"Ichigo I'm sorry" he said it was barely audible. He was shaking for some reason and his breathing quickened he looks like he's having a anxiety attack. I walked over to him to hug him and pet his head

"idiot. I'm the one who should be saying that" he clutched on to my shirt and cried.

I lifted his head up wiping his tears away. He looked so adorable glassy eyes and a blush spread across his cheeks, I couldn't help myself everything that happened today made something in me snapped. I pressed my lips against his making him let out a squeak of surprise giving me just enough space to slip my tongue. Shiro tasted like cherries and I couldn't get enough of it I kept sucking on his tongue making him moan. We parted a string of saliva connecting us then it snapped.

He hugged me again this time he wasn't crying he was… sleeping. I felt a smile curl on my lips, I kissed his head and said.

"sweet dreams shiro"