A/N: So, I wrote this up in about 15mins. I wanted to do it as a comic strip, 'cept I can't draw to save my life.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.
"Oz, do you really think this is a good idea?"
"Yes. It's gonna be hilarious. Just imagine the looks on their faces!"
"Hmph. I think the best part is that he won't get it."
"Ha! I know! England'll have to explain it!"
Australia and New Zealand were sitting at Australia's kitchen table, plotting their latest escapade at a world meeting. Well, Australia was plotting; New Zealand was trying to talk him out of it. The world meeting was three days away, and Australia was supposed to be chairing the occasion. The problem was that the meeting was being held in America, and Australia did not really feel like being the chairman.
"C'mon, Zea. Waddya say?"
New Zealand glanced up from his beer, into the pouting face of his neighbour, and best friend. "Fine!"
"Yes! It's gonna be awesome! You'll see!"
Thus the plot was put into motion.
Two days later found both countries sight-seeing in America. Well, sort of. New Zealand and America had gone out for coffee, because Canada was teaching Australia about the joys of ice-hockey. More accurately, America wanted to leave because it was a taped game of one of his many losses to Canada in the sport, and New Zealand got kicked out because he kept saying rugby was better; not that Australia did not agree with him, he just did not say it.
Thus, while Australia and Canada screamed at the television, New Zealand found himself alone with America at Starbucks. After ordering what seemed like half the menu, America joined him at a table.
"So, New Zealand, I hear you like sheep?"
"They're fluffy." Damn that Australia! It was on when they got home.
"Right." There was an awkward pause. Ever since the falling out the two had over the ANZUS treaty, they had never quite known how to talk to each other, usually relying on Australia to keep the conversation going. "Anything new?"
"Not really. You?"
"Hmm. Nah."
Silence, while New Zealand swirled the coffee in his cup. "You wanna hear a joke?"
America grinned. "Sure! I love jokes!"
"Alright. Here goes. If we got…"
"Ok. You've got your phone on?"
"Yeah. I'll call you just before, alright? That way you'll hear the whole thing."
"Yeah, yeah. This is gonna be awesome! I'm so excited."
"Well, I'm glad someone is."
Australia just grinned.
The meeting was scheduled to start at 9am sharp. Australia was currently ten minutes late.
"C'mon, dude. Where is he?"
"For once, I agree with you, America. It's not like Australia to be this late." England was becoming concerned. The only reason he could think of that Australia would be late meant bad things for all of them.
"Iggy! I'm bored!"
England rolled his eyes. "So find something to do!"
Down the table, New Zealand pressed dial. Just beyond the doorway, Australia answered but did not speak. "America, bro. Why don't you tell us a joke?"
"Ok! What joke should I tell?"
"What about the one I told you yesterday? You tell it better than I do."
"Alright! If we got all the criminals in society, stuck them on an island for 200 years, and left them there, what do you think they'd say?"
BANG! All the countries jumped as the door slammed open. "G'day, mate. How's it going? Sorry I'm late."
New Zealand burst out laughing, finally having to agree with Australia that it was indeed hilarious. England's face became remarkably pale, while America merely looked at Australia with a confused look on his face. "How'd you know the answer?"
A/N: I don't think that really has to be explained, right?
A/N 2.0: Edited 27/4/13 to include breaks. My bad people, my bad.