I'm sorry guys,. I suck. I was seriously ggonna quit fanfiction. you guys rock, so I'm staying. I'm sorry for not updating.

Kim POV:

Grace O' Doherty was many things: a dancer, a singer, a cheerleader, a heart breaker and many more. It wasn't until now that 'An Amazing Friend' joined the list. I had thought about it before, but the graceful brunette had never quite filled the spot. After all, Kim Crawford and Donna Tobin were obviously best friends. Everyone knew that, even the teachers. They finished each other's sentences, they shopped together, they went on dates together, and they rated the school together. What else was there needed in a best friend?

Of course- as all rumors-, this wasn't quite right. Donna Tobin and Kim Crawford weren't best friends; the redheaded queen bee was best friends with the new Kim Crawford, a rude, slutty, mindless teenager, not with the tough, smart, kind girl who had been forgotten during middle school. In a way, I had known that for a while, but my mind had pushed it back. It had repressed any attempts of escape of the old Kim. I hadn't been myself- the real one- in 3 years, except when I was with Grace- and now, with Jack Brewer.

Grace knew me better than anyone. We really DID finish each other's sentences. Not just the clichéd mean girl quotes. Every second we were together, laughter came easily and tears were respected. I felt at home.

"You're a great listener," Grace said sarcastically. I could see she was pissed by the way she was tapping her foot. I laughed and apologized for my absence and asked her to repeat her question. She wasn't wearing the way-too-much-cleavage-revealing pirate dress, but a beautiful Greek Goddess Dress. It was long, silky and creamy blue, the color of her eyes.
"What do you think of this one?" she asked, as she twirled around. She stopped in front of the mirror, and stared at herself, as she raised a side to dress, only to see it fall again. I walked up to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"You look incredible, Grace." I said, truthfully. I couldn't help but be reverted into new Kim for a second. "And I'm sure that your mystery guy will appreciate it." Her eyes widened and she tensed, like a possessed Barbie Doll. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Come on, Grace." I said, giving her a friendly punch on the shoulder. "You know I know, so if I know, there's no risk in letting me know more than I already know, you know?" Grace looked at me once again, and finally gave in.

"Okay. Fine. I'll freaking tell you who it is if you promise not to tell anyone. " I looked at her, trying to find a clever way of tricking her, but I could see in her eyes that she was serious. This was important to her and I was looking for a way to wreck it. I wasn't being a good friend. I was slowly going back to being only New Kim.

I reluctantly nodded and waited for her to speak.

"Okay. It's-", she took a deep breath and her cheeks flushed, "Jerry Martinez." At first I smiled, but suddenly my mind started checking the lists of the people I knew. Face after face, I tried to place 'Jerry Martinez'. The cliques in the school flashed before my eyes. From the members of the football team to the members of the chess team this 'Jerry' wasn't anywhere to be seen. Until finally, I found a face at the vey bottom of the list with the other 3 clique-less rejects. Milton Krupnick, Eddie Jones, and Jerry Martinez; best friends since the 7th grade. But there was another name with them: Jack Brewer. My Jack Brewer. I remembered Jerry's way of charm, his awkward clumsiness.

I knew how they worked. They made you smile. They gave you the small things that were the key to your heart until you finally let them in. It would be perfect, but it's not. The nice act falls and you se their true colors; you see what they really want. I would know best. His picture was clear in my mind and I knew he was just like Jerry. . He was just like him; he was just like Jack. Suddenly, the strong feeling of heartbreak rushed through me like a waterfall. I thought it had ended before. That he would be different.

-Line Break-

I realized I had been gone for a few minutes, because Grace was looking concerned. I had to tell her. I needed to let her know the truth. I didn't want her to live through what I did. I looked at my friend's face, and it had never been brighter.

"Uh…Grace-" she looked at me confused, "Jerry, he's not who you think he is." Grace looked at me, heart broken.

"Kim, I didn't expect this from you. I can't believe you. I thought you would be different-" she stared at me, and I could see her eyes were building up with tears.

"I'm sorry, Grace, but James-" I felt like an arrow struck my heart. Even saying his name made me cry. And I told her. Everything.

When I finished, Grace looked up to me, and stared. "Kim, I- I' didn't know." I nodded and smiled, with tears in my eyes.

"The thing about Jerry and- and Jack is they think they can charm us just like that, we're better than that. They're some cheap, stupid, assholes who think we'll just fall into their arms and love him. " Grace nodded. I hugged her. Tight. And I didn't see the boy with brown hair, staring at me through the window.