Okay. This is a VERY lame idea for a story based on the kickn'it characters and their personalities. You may notice that the characters are waaay OC, but y'know I think it's an entertaining piece.


Disclaimer: I don't own Kickin' it. If I did, I'd make Kick happen a VERY long time ago.


The cafeteria in Seaford High was bustling with noise. They were all involved in different conversations; nerds with nerds, jocks with jocks, populars with populars, emos with emos, etc. They were all in their prefabricated cliques, the places were they were expected to be except for a group of three boys as different as earth, sky, and sea. This didn't mean they weren't as noisy as the rest of the school. In fact, their conversation was as understandable as the whole cafeteria talking at the same time.

First, a stout African-American boy explained how for his sixteenth birthday he was going to quit the Explorer Scouts because a "playa" couldn't be in a lame Scout troop. He seemed very proud about this decision as he was showing of an all-teeth grin. He was very confident that one day, a girl would finally notice him and he'd get the girlfriend of his dreams. Next to him, a tall ginger with very pale skin remarked that he never was a "playa" in the first place. He seemed vaguely interested in the conversation, though as he was to busy reading an advanced Calculus book. This boy's priority was school, although his friends, family, and girlfriend had equal importance. Last of all, a boy of seemingly Latino decent was not paying any attention to the current discussion. He had no idea of what was going on, and that was fine with him. In other words, his only contribution to the conversation was the occasional "What it do, girl?" to an unsuspecting female passing by. He wasn't the sharpest knife in the shed, but he didn't really care. His friends were all the support that he needed. Even through the seemingly obvious differences, the three had a very close bond that was linked through the one thing they had in common: Karate.

On the opposite side of the room, beautiful Donna Tobin was explaining her latest 'romantic' experience. Her features were perfectly arranged in a way that even if she made a crazy face, she'd still look perfect. Not that she would ever do a crazy face in public, though. Her ruby red lips were perfectly glossed, and her eyes were covered in a silvery-white cream making them look attractive and provocative especially with her long strands of red hair falling at the sides. Next to her, her best friend and loyal follower Cathy Davis listened carefully. She was beautiful, in her own way, but was still under Donna's shadow. Opposite to the seductive redhead, Grace O'Dohertty gave her friends her reassuring yet mocking smile. She wasn't really listening to Donna, but thinking about the latest gossip revealed at the night before's slumber party. Finally, on Donna's right side was the beautiful Kim Crawford. She had long blond hair, and sparkly chocolate brown eyes. Kim was always the second in command although, deep inside her, she knew she didn't belong with the populars. She wasn't one in the first place, but had slowly reached that position after an embarrassing event at a school talent show. She then gave up karate and cheerleading, the two things she loved most, to become a leader in their ordinary High School. Sometimes she doubted that choice only to be brought back to the real world with a few words of encouragement by Donna, a big friendly smile by Grace, a light shoulder shake by Cathy, or if she was lucky, a kiss from whomever her current boyfriend was.

Everyone in the cafeteria was involved in a conversation; tears, laughter, screaming. No one was aware if the other the big doors of the lunch room opened revealing a tall, muscular, boy with long, dark hair and a handsome, yet kind face. Most of the girls blushed, while others checked their makeup. He grabbed a lunch tray, obviously disturbed by the unnecessary attention. Just when everyone was nearly back to normal, he finished packing his lunch and examined the room for an empty table. The girls pushed each other around, to make space for the handsome boy, while the boys spread out to avoid contacting with this visible threat to their relationships. There was only one table that didn't follow any of these procedures, the one located at the very back of the cafeteria. The strange boy followed the trail, as he was stared at from the back until he reached his destination and sit down with a smile as he declared to his table-companions. "Hey. My name is Jack. I'm new here."


As you may have realized, this is kind of an introduction. I'll add more Kick, Millie, Jace, and a special Eddie relationship later in the story. Please review and tell me your honest opinion. I would really appreciate it.
