AN: So this is my first NCIS fanfic. I got the idea a few years ago and I thought that it would be a really good fanfiction idea. I have always been a fan of Gibbs and Jenny being together and having kids. I hope you all will like it.Prologue

It was a cold rainy night at the NCIS Headquarters, which was located in the US Navy yard, in Washington DC. Most of the office was empty, save for four special agents.

At the first desk was a Special Agent Caitlin Todd. She had joined the team after resigning from the presidential detail with the Secret Service. Cate was also the only girl on the team. The next desk belonged to Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. He was the class clown of the team and knew every piece of movie trivia there was to know. But aside from Tony's childish streak, he was also a great agent. He had worked a detective for Baltimore P.D. before joining NCIS. He was also the second in command on the team. Across from him was Special Agent Timothy McGee. He was the newest and youngest member of the team. McGee was also a computer genius and an aspiring author. He had also inherited the often the annoying nickname of Probie because he was a probationary agent still. The last desk belonged to the team leader and most experienced member of the team, Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He was once a Marine Corps sniper during Desert Storm and one of the most respected members of NCIS. Gibbs was also known for annoying the mess out of other agencies at times.

The bullpen had been mostly quiet until Gibbs' desk phone rang. The others looked up from their work and stared at him. They all watched as his body stiffened. Whoever was talking to him had upset him and made him angry. He finished talking to him and slammed the phone down.

"Who was that, Boss?" Tony asked, once Gibbs' hung up. "MP from Quantico. A marine and his wife were just arrest for beating their foster daughter. She is only three years old and has leukemia." Gibbs replied, causing Cate to gasp and McGee and Tony to tense in anger. "How could they do that to the child?" Cate asked, outraged. "I don't know…they were suppose to show up to her doctor's appointment last month and never showed up…the child is in route to the hospital now…they are airlifting her to Bethesda. He stabbed her in the side with his knife." Gibbs replied, gabbing the bag next to his desk. The team followed suit and followed him to the elevator.