A/N: Happy Birthday to the fabulous TheGameMrsHudsonIsAfoot. Here is a special story just for you & as usual not a traditional story! If you have not read her writing you need to get over to her profile and do so. Not only is she an amazing & talented writer but she is a breathtaking artist as well! Read this first for her birthday & then go, go quickly and read her work!

Another quick author's note at the end.

I do not own the boys. I wish I did. I would share TheGameMrsHudsonIsAfoot's birthday – but then I would take them back:P

The Write Stuff

It was foggy in the city by the Thames.

In fact you could say it was a foggy day in London town.

It was the kind of fog that hid the dark and dirty souls who roamed the streets by night and day, in turmoil and pain, rough, harsh and in an unending loop of unfeeling…


remorselessness. Anguish and crime, vying side by side on the restless streets…


I stood there in speechless amazement as the man I worked for, a hard-nosed gumshoe, a man driven by inner…

"Oh for the love of…JOHN!"

"Hmmmm? Yes? What is it?"

"What on earth do you think you are doing? What is this…this…repellent drivel you are writing?"

"Don't you like it?"

"Like it? Like it?! What have I ever said or done to you that would lead you to believe I would enjoy something like THAT!"

"Oh! Well I thought I'd try something, you know, different. I thought it might be fun to write up one of your cases like an old time detective novel, kind of homage to Mickey Spillane or Dashiell Hammett. It might attract more readers if I shake things up."

A huff and a sigh contested for equal attention.

"John, if the unwashed masses of those interested in your blog, all 1895 of your loyal readers, wanted to read lowbrow twaddle such as this, I am sure they could find better examples of it in the mystery section of a book store."

The sound of soft tapping could be heard as words were erased from the blog.

Silence descended upon the flat for a few moments.

The sound of feverish typing.

Once upon a midnight dreary…

The rustle and snap of an angry newspaper.

as Sherlock pondered weak and weary, rapidly thinking in his noggin…

"John, have you completely lost your mind? Now you are plagiarizing a well known author!"

"Yes, but I thought it could be interesting to do it in the style of Edgar Allen Poe. Did you know that he is considered one of the fathers of the early detective story?"

Painful silence.

Malcontent noises from the keyboard.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of time…


It was a dark and stormy night, when suddenly…


More feverish typing.

In writing down my thoughts and recording them on this blog from time to time some of the unusual and fascinating remembrances which I relate with my extensive and intimate friendship with Mr. Sherlock Holmes…*






"But John…?"


"Take out the word 'intimate'. People might talk."

The doctor's grin was almost audible.

"People do little else, Sherlock."

A/N: * John's 'acceptable' blog opening is taken and reworked from the opening paragraph of The Devil's Foot by the remarkable and talented ACD. Thanks for the use of your words & thanks for the use of your remarkable characters!