She just couldn't stand it anymore.

Even the euphoria provided by her "quasi-date" with Sonic (acheived through trickery and a clever use of costumes) could not protect Amy forever from the sheer annoyance provided by Charmy's incessant chattering.

"...And, you know, Vector always has those headphones on, even in the shower! I wonder what sort of music he listens to - it sure seems to make him grouchy. Do you like listening to music? I've been practicing on the harmonica, and I'd be glad to see what you think of it..." he babbled, unaware of the obvious anger vein on Amy's forehead. Unfortunately for him, his latest statement brought an, mischievous... grin to Amy's face.

"If that's the case... Hey, Charmy! Can you play that one about falling down the stairs?"

Amazed that somebody actually wanted to listen to him, he eagerly responded, "Sure thing, Amy!" However, then the reality of what he had agreed to hit him. That realization caused his wings to freeze up, and he stopped flying - right at the top of a flight of stairs.

Due to his shock-induced paralysis, he was unable to stop himself as he tumbled down the stairs, accompanied by cartoonish hollow clunking sounds.

Fortunately for him, his fall was broken before he hit the ground. Unfortunately, he instead landed on top of a piano that Knuckles was moving, causing it to emit a discordant note, which accompanied Charmy's groans of pain with perfect disharmony.

"I love it!" Amy called down to Charmy, while Knuckles stood there confused, yet relieved that the accident had not harmed the Master Emerald where he had hidden it inside the piano.

ASDF, Sonic Style!
ASDFMovie 4

Welcome back to another installment of the show where Sonic and friends perform the various ASDFMovies, completely unaware (#sarcasm) of the viewing audience. As always, the script (or adaption thereof) of Tomska's original work will be underlined.

I apologize for the long delay in updates; the two things to blame are procrastination, laziness, and my devotion to slacking off. The three things to blame...
Never mind, I'll just get on with it.


"It's so beautiful out here," Cosmo remarked as she and Tails sat in the pond on Planet Marmolim, unaware that it was supposed to be a trap for Sonic.

"Yeah. It's just me, you, and the moon." the fox responded, ignoring the raging Amy behind them. "No psychotic hedgehogs lamenting failed plans or anything like that. I mean, how could that possibly happen?"

"You're right," Cosmo giggled, turning to look at the moon again. "That's so unlikely, it might as well be impossible."

They were justifiably surprised when the moon turned into a giant Pacman-shaped face and yelled at them.

"Hey! You two should kiss!"

"Uh, aren't we a little young for that? I'm only supposed to be eight years old, for crying out loud!" Tails shot back at the now inert moon.

He thought in the back of his mind that he could vaguely hear Amy's voice shouting, "That's supposed to be me and Sonic kissing! Can't you tell him that?" However, that notion was promptly dismissed as imagination and nothing more.

"Well, what's wrong with Cubot's voice chip now?" Orbot asked, concerned about the operating condition of his companion robot. After all, if Cubot was out of commission, that would increase his own workload - something he did not want happening.

"Hmmm..." the doctor mused. "Cubot, you appear to have a very severe case of - pause for effect - BABY VOICE!"

"Waaaaaaaah! Eughhh!" the afflicted robot responded, more than likely complaining about the way Eggman was ripping off a not-so-evil man who shall remain unnamed (coughcoughGrucoughcough).

Meanwhile, in the "Temporarily Out of Service" Robot Room, Decoe, Bocoe, Bokkun, and all of Eggman's other robotic minions were watching TV on the Times Square Jumbotron.

In the dark alleys of Station Square, the President's former aide (who, if you didn't watch Sonic X, got fired for scheming with Eggman to make Sonic race against high-speed cop Sam Speed for publicity purposes) skulked through, angrily reminiscing that which was just parenthetically explained. Soon, however, something caught his eye.

"Ooh, hello, TV." he exclaimed, picking up the undamaged piece of electronics from inside the dumpster where it resided.

He pressed the button on its backto turn it on, hoping to catch the latest on Sonic. However, what he was met with was quite unexpected.

"Hello!" Bokkun's smiling face greeted him from the small yellow device.

"Oh..." *BOOM!*

"Hey, dude, wanna play some videogames?" Yellow Zelkova asked his fellow General, utterly bored with all the waiting Dark Oak was forcing them to do.

"No way, dude. You always beat me!" Red Pine answered. "Wait a minute! Did we both just call each other 'dude'? That's something teenage humans do, not we superior Metarex generals! It would be horrible if this got out into the public!"

Zelkova cast an aside glance at the screen. "WELL, IT'S NOT GONNA GET OUT, BECAUSE YOU ARE GONNA TELL NO ONE!"

The force of his improvised and unintended Hyper Voice attack left Red Pine with the wind knocked out of him, bruises forming from his collision with the fourth wall.

While strolling leisurely (at a *measly* 35 mph) through the Asteroid Coaster area of Eggman's Interstellar Amusement park, Sonic passed by a sign that said, "WARNING: LEDGE."

Unable to stop in time, he headed straight off the ledge, only to float upwards rather than falling.

"Oh, okay..." the hedgehog commented, glancing up to see a Badnik carrying a load of gravity-reversal plates to the location of the next level.

An incessant ringing noise echoed throughout the Grand Egg Imperial, as it shuddered under the barrage of non-standard ammunition from which it was suffering.

"Oh, man, is she ever gonna run out of hammers?" Bokkun complained.

"NO!" Amy replied from the ground, still (literally) burning with anger. "BECAUSE... er, because..."

She trailed off into thought, wondering about it herself. Eggman and his robots visibly relaxed - for about five seconds, after which Amy returned to her angry rampage. "BECAUSE I WORK AT THE HAMMER FACTORY!1!ONE!11!TWO1!"

Watching the video feed from inside the dimensional elevator (and annoyed at the persistent elevator music), Super Sonic was confused. After all, how could the author accidentally spell out a "two" during a string of exclamation marks?

As punishment for doubting my judgment, Super Sonic was forced to wait until Tails was about to be taken out by Eggman's homing missile to exit the elevator. But that's okay, because that's when he came out in the actual episode, right?

A three-year-old Chris Thorndyke tightly hugged the new plush toy that his parents had gotten him.

"Well, how do you like it?" Lindsey asked her son. To be honest, she hadn't been expecting such an accepting reaction, as the toy wasn't the sort that young boys usually played with. In fact, it was a homemade toy that had formerly belonged to one of Nelson's coworkers' children, who had (in his words) "outgrown the 'ponies and rainbows' phase." Both elements were easily recognizable in the item that Chris was now playing with.

"Fanks, mommy! I fink my new toy is cool! I wike my wittwe pony toy!" he lisped adorably, rubbing the cyan fabric of its body.

"That's good, honey-" Lindsey began, only to be interrupted by her cell phone buzzing. Taking a look at the text message she had received, she turned back to Chris. "Hey, Chris, I have a meeting I need to get to, so I have to go. Be good for Ella and Mr. Tanaka, okay?"

"Okay, mommy!" After she had left the room, Chris returned to playing with his new toy. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to have wings sewn onto it, just in front of the lightning-bolt symbol it also sported. "Ooh," he commented, waving the wings up and down like a bird's. "I wondew if my pony can fwy?"

Just as he uttered these words, a single beam of lingering Chaos Energy from the ARK's Eclipse Cannon flew in through the open window, striking the toy and bringing it to life. The wings began fluttering by themselves, and the now not-so-plush pony started flying in circles around the room at breakneck speeds, before vanishing through a portal of Chaos Energy to a dimension unknown.

Chris was so amazed that all he could squeak out was a faint, "Huh...", while the TV in the next room over switched to a weather report about the strange cloud formation rotating above the Thorndyke mansion.

And now: Flickies.

*Chirp* a blue Flicky tweeted, looking over at its companion.

"I was just about to say that!" the red Flicky responded, surprised.

"Are you serious?"


"Ooh, that is spooky!"

"We are so in sync!" Sadly, their conversation was cut short when Eggman arrived at his holding pens to gather the squirrel power... er, forest critter power... to power his E-100 robots.

"Look, mom! A TV!" Cream announced, proudly holding up the device to show her mother Vanilla.

"Chao, chao!" Cheese added excitedly, waving his stubby arms around and accidentally pushing it onto the floor.

It landed face-up, depressing the button on the back that turned it on. A face that was unfamiliar to both of them (but that they would soon come to recognize easily) appeared on screen, announcing, "Hello!"

The TV promptly exploded, and in the ensuing chaos, Doctor Eggman kidnapped Cream and Cheese to use as hostages during the scheme that would eventually lead them to Earth.

Tails was in his workshop, attempting to upgrade the Tornado, when one of Eggman's Egg Pawns walked in to try and capture him.

Engrossed in his work, the fox paid almost no attention to the Egg Pawn, believing (due to the red color) that it was just Knuckles visiting.

"Here, hold this." he ordered, handing the Tornado's EMP emitter behind him so he could reach what was underneath. The emitter promptly sent a piercing knife of electromagnetic radiation into the robot's chassis, effectively disabling it.

Tails finished up with his modifications. "Alright, Knuckles, I'm ready to have that back now." Hearing no answer and receiving no machinery, he turned around. "Oh, so it wasn't Knuckles... Oh well, more spare parts!"

"I am so mad at you," Knuckles shouted at Rouge, "that I think I'm going to punch you in the face!" Turning to the camera, he added in a much calmer tone of voice, "Don't do this at home unless you're a cartoon or video game character, kids."

"I know how much you'd love to do that, Knuckie," Rouge retorted coyly, "but it's opposite day, so you can't!"

Knuckles, angry again and in mid-swing, realized his mistake too late, as a blue and a yellow portal appeared in between the two of them.

"Oh, no!" he yelled, unable to stop himself as his fist went into the blue portal, came out the yelow, and hit his own face.

Rouge just stood there, smiling smugly.

Chris's schoolteacher Mr. Stewart exited his car, exhausted after a long day of business as usual, and noticed something odd in his driveway.

A small yellow television sat there, starkly contrasting with the cement on which it rested. Innocuous enough, but as "Chalkboard Charlie" he had heard enough about Bokkun's devices that he knew turning it on would be a bad idea.

"Oh, no. I am not watching anything on you." he thought out loud, staring thoughtfully at the TV. He was debating whether or not to try and bring it in for analysis, when he noticed a shadow overhead.

Suddenly, a car crashed down on top of him, and Chaos fled the scene, panicking wildly. The resulting tremors were enough to topple the TV onto its activation button.

"Hello!" Oddly enough, it didn't explode (most likely due to the water-based form of Chaos short-circuiting its self-destruct sequence).

"That was close," Mr. Stewart commented, climbing out from under the car and deactivating the prototype personal shielding device he had used. "I really need a nap."

And that's it for another round of...

"Do you ever get tired of being random?" Charmy questioned.

Espio, who was for some reason wearing a duck beak, said nothing, choosing instead to shoot a glare at the author for putting him in such a ridiculous situation.

"Me neither." the bee concluded, having procured and donned a matching mask.

ASDF, Sonic Style!

And before anyone asks, I wasn't sure during the credits whether the people had actually turned into ducks or were just wearing duck masks, so I followed the transcript on the ASDFMovie Wiki.

To guest reviewer BinaryHedgehog, your question has been answered - the "Standing Up School" and "Do the Flop" are not in this chapter, because they are part of Movie 6. I will be doing them next chapter, though.

I intend to get the next update out faster, but as I said before: My three writing enemies are procrastination, laziness, my devotion to slacking off, and writer's block. My four - no, among my writing enemies are...

Oh, never mind. See ya!