A/N: This mostly takes place in the universe of Sonic X, with occasional gameverse crossovers when applicable. Original content has also been selectively modified to fit a K+ rating. Enjoy!

Update (4/25/2013): Content transferred/modified from original ASDF movies (dialogue/actions) is now underlined.

Update (5/15/2013): Added in "Cake" sketch.

One bright and sunny day, Sonic the Hedgehog was playing in the Station Square Park with Cream the Rabbit.

"Got your chao!" he joked, holding Cheese just out of reach.

"LOOK OUT, HE'S GOT A CHAO!" yelled a nearby policeman, and a whole mob of officers ran out of the trees, dogpiling on Sonic.

Cream looked on, confused at this strange turn of events.

"Please, you've got to help me," Ella pleaded to Amy. "My apron's evil, and it's out to get me!"

Amy said nothing, and slowly backed away to go look for Sonic.

"Please don't hurt me," Ella whispered as her apron started chuckling evilly.

"Hello, trashcan." Chris Thorndyke greeted, embarrassed by the dare Danny and Frances had asked him to perform.

"Hello, Chris!" the trashcan replied, seriously startling the trio of kids, who ran off screaming.

Mr. Stewart climbed out of his trashcan disguise and walked off, laughing to himself.

Decoe the robot walked up to Eggman, Cosmo's flower pin on his chassis. "Hey, Doctor, smell my flower."

Eggman, wary of a trap, cautiously sniffed the pin. When nothing squirted out, he scratched his head, puzzled.

Suddenly, a panel flipped open on Decoe, and a jack-in-the-box popped out in Eggman's face.

"Ehehe... Well played, Decoe." the doctor grudgingly admitted.

Sonic dashed through Eggman's base, destroying robots left and right. However, a large red button soon caught his eye, and he skidded to a stop.

Pointless button, eh? he thought, reading the warning label beside it. I smell a trick. Egghead probably WANTS me to ignore it, but that won't work!

He promptly pressed the button, and was surprised to see... nothing. "Huh." Shrugging it off, he continued on towards the doctor.

Eggman was sitting in the Egg Carrier, plotting what to do with his newly acquired Chaos Emerald. However, he soon hid it behind him when his security system warned him of a visitor.

"Oh, hello, Chaos, what are YOU doing he..." His greeting was soon cut short by Chaos bashing him out of his chair. "Hey, what in the name of the Eggman Empire is WRONG with you?"

Chaos ignored him, picking up and swallowing the dropped Emerald.

*Level Up!*

"Oh, no, the Metarex are too powerful!" Tails yelled from the bridge of the Blue Typhoon. "Sonic and Shadow stand no chance against them!"

"I'll save them!" Cosmo declared, floating through the seemingly impenetrable force field. "Tree powers, ACTIVATE!"

Suddenly, the Metarex were restrained by a giant tree covering the top of the planet.

"Huh," Bokkun commented from Eggman's ship. "I thought that power was supposed to be useless! It was in the original video..."

Bokkun was soon bashed for breaking the fourth wall.

"I'm gonna eat you, chilidog!" Sonic challenged, as the chilidog sat on a plate on the table.

Tails could have sworn he heard the food yell "NOOOOOOOO!" before Sonic chomped down on it.

"Eh he he..." Eggman snickered as he grabbed the Master Emerald with a giant claw. He was (quite understandably) surprised when it started yelling in pain.

"AAAAHHHH! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? I HAVE A WIFE AND FAMILY (actually, it's a floating island and a bunch of smaller gems, but WHATEVER!)!"

Eggman, for reasons unknown to him, found himself yelling, "NOOOOOOO!"


"What have I done?" the doctor lamented.


To the further confusement of the mad scientist, the two Chaos Emeralds he had screamed, "DADDY!"

As their high-pitched 'voices' filled the air, cracks began to appear in the Master Emerald.

Eggman, realizing the negative impact this would have on his plans, started protesting. "NOOOOO-"

"-OOOOOO!" the Emeralds interrupted, only stopping when the Master Emerald completely shattered.

Sonic dashed up to Shadow, who was sitting in a corner. "Hey Shadow, you know how you call me a faker? Well, you know who's the real faker? YOU are!"

This statement was met with a Chaos Spear to the stomach, flinging Sonic back into the hallway, where he wheezed to Rouge, "There... I did your dare. Can I... have the Emerald you promised me now?"

"Sorry, but did I ever promise that?" Rouge teased, before flying off. "Later, blue boy."