a/n: For anyone who has read or will read the TC SG1 and/or the TCSS series please disregard the difference in the year of Tegan's birth date. Because Sanctuary aired later, Tegan's year of birth is later in that Universe. Also in this universe Tegan and Janet were never in a relationship.
Tegan Chronicles STV Style 1
Line of Fire
Tegan stood on the orange dusty planet looking up at the dark blackening sky, a hot gust of wind blew her red locks out of her face. The clouds looked like they were boiling and blocked out the sun allowing them some refuge from the glaring heat of midday. She looked to her left where the rest of her team while bathed in the flat light surveyed the horizon. She heard Colonel O'Neill say "rain gear" just before the popping in her ears as a bright crack of lightning struck at her feet. The blinding blue-white flash of light was followed by black silence.
She was tired of being cramped up on the ship and took the opportunity to go down and survey the planet with another member of her crew. There really hadn't been anything remarkable on the scan except a breathable atmosphere. No life, none; not plant or animal, unless there was something microscopic living there. There wasn't even a body of water large enough to sustain a single human life for more than a week or two. The slightly younger of the two women wiped sweat from her brow and pushed her dark hair back from her face. "Have you seen enough?"
"I think—" But before she could finish her statement there was a loud crack and she felt all the tiny hairs on her body stand on end as the natural rock archway they had been looking at filled with white light and a body came flying out. It was like a rift had just opened in the universe and flung out a humanoid like a child throws a doll mid tantrum.
"What the-?" The younger woman with the ridged brow cringed as the bright light quickly vanished and the lithe redhead came to an abrupt stop as her upper body collided with a large boulder. "Ouch that's got to hurt."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Her companion spoke as her eyes traveled the form in front of her.
"Borg?" The brown haired woman pulled her phaser and aimed it as a precaution.
"No." The woman in the black and red uniform continued her visual examination of the unmoving ivory skinned woman who wore combat boots, woodland camo BDU pants, a black tactical vest and a black t-shirt. The tactical vest had an ancient two-way communication radio on it, some equally antiquated hand grenades and a gun that she recognized as an old military P-90. Strapped to one leg was a handgun and on the other was a weapon she had never seen in person but had read about in classified records. Considering everything she had seen in the Delta Quadrant thus far and using the 37s as part of her basis for comparison she deduced the woman was from the turn of the 21st century. She stepped forward and knelt beside the awkwardly lying woman.
She reached out and felt for a pulse in her neck, along the carotid artery. "I believe it's a prosthetic and if I'm right then I know who she is. It's weak, we need to get her to sickbay." She touched the badge on her left upper chest. "Captain Janeway to the transporter room, three to beam directly to sickbay."
When the silence started to fade her head felt fuzzy like she had been given something but whatever it was it wasn't enough to cover the pain left in the wake of the thousand stampeding water buffalo that had obviously trekked across her body. As the pounding in her head let up some she could hear two female voices conversing softly from not too far away. One of the voices had a gravely tone to it that in an odd way reminded her of the late great Katharine Hepburn. She knew neither voice belonged to Dr. Fraiser even before she opened her eyes.
"Captain the patient is awake." A male voice stated before turning his attention to her. "I am the Emergency Medical Hologram and you have received multiple lacerations and fractures that I was able to repair with some effort." He sounded annoyed that the task hadn't been an easy one.
"I was, however, only able to decrease the severity of the concussion you sustained and you still have a fair amount of soft tissue damage." He paused for a brief second allowing her to digest what he said as he stared down at her prone form. "You have an interesting element in your system that I have never detected in a living species before, let alone a human and from your DNA you are human."
She looked from the babbling balding man in the odd looking blue and black uniform to the two women standing nearby in similar uniforms. One wore red in place of the doctor's blue and the other woman's bore yellow in its place.
"Species?" She mumbled. "Medical Hologram? As in you aren't a living person?"
He rolled his eyes and sighed. "You wound me."
"Please excuse our doctor, his bedside manner is somewhat…" The woman belonging to the Hepburnesque voice stopped as she searched for a diplomatic way to finish the statement.
The other woman finished for her without diplomatic air. "Lacking."
The older woman shot her a stern look.
"Where am I?" Tegan decided to ask the question that had popped in her head the second she had opened her eyes.
"You are aboard the USS Voyager in our sickbay." The woman in red with four gold circles on the gray collar of her shirt responded.
"USS Voyager? I'm not familiar with it. Naval vessel?"
"Federation Starfleet." She watched for any signs of surprise or confusion and when there weren't any she continued. "I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway and this is Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres. We were checking out the planet when you were suddenly flung out of a puddle of light that appeared in a natural stone archway."
Tegan slid her hands over her uniform as she pushed herself into a sitting position and swallowed against the growing nausea that followed the movement.
"We had to take your weapons for the safety of my crew, Major Kiser. I'm sure you understand."
"How do you know my name?" She stared intently into the cool blue eyes that dared not back down.
She took a deep breath trying to decide if the doctor's DNA analysis had been right because those swirling green irises were as far from human as a platypus is. She pointed to the metal ovals hanging on a ball chain around her neck. "Your dog tags."
Tegan nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, but they don't have my rank."
"What I am going to tell you is going to come as a shock. I believe you traveled into the future if you are indeed the Major Tegan Kiser I am thinking of." Captain Janeway stepped closer to her. "Decorated US Air Force pilot, doctor of both human and veterinary medicine –"
"Wait, you are the Tegan Kiser?" The EMH interrupted with a look of disbelief.
"Time travel?" She knew it was possible but that couldn't possibly be what happened. "Where are we?"
"We're in the Delta Quadrant."
"The Delta Quadrant?"
"Yes. We're about 45,000 light years away from earth." B'Elanna drew her attention. "It was like a fissure just opened up in the universe and dropped you off. You were actually lucky Captain Janeway needed some fresh air. Aside from a breathable atmosphere the planet is completely uninhabitable."
"45,000?" Tegan shook her head. The planet SG-1 had gone to was only 8,000 light years from earth. "I was hit by a surge of energy from the sky. You mentioned an archway, was there a Stargate on the planet?"
"Stargate?" B'Elanna looked between the two women as Captain Janeway shook her head.
"You can't be the actual Dr. Kiser." The EMH seemed to be stuck. Captain Janeway smiled; it was nice to see someone else knew of Tegan Kiser and held her in such high esteem. "I have all of your publications in my database, as well as video and voice files from your lectures."
"Your work is most impressive." Captain Janeway watched the blush creep up from her chest and engulf her neck, face and ears in a crimson tide. "Can I ask you the date?"
"I was going to ask you the same." Tegan looked down for a second. "I'm afraid my answer is going to be way off, unless this is all just a bad dream."
"I'm afraid it's not." Captain Janeway put a reassuring hand on Tegan's knee.
Tegan found the gesture oddly comforting, although she wasn't sure whether to trust these people yet or not. She hadn't felt the presence of the Goa'uld and her gut wanted to believe them but the solider in her wasn't as willing. "January 30th 2004."
"That's the exact date your military records show you went missing in action during a 'training' mission." Janeway pulled her hand back.
"You are correct." The EMH backed up the statement.
"You traveled about three hundred and seventy years into the future." B'Elanna quickly calculated the numbers in her head.
"Is that all?" Tegan remarked off handedly and more to herself than to anyone standing there before she turned her face to the captain. "Are you certain there is no Stargate?"
"Once I figured out who you were I had them run a scan of the planet for even trace amounts of naquada and the scans came back negative." Again she reached out, this time she clamped her hand on Tegan's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"Yeah." Tegan mumbled and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"Captain, Lieutenant I am afraid Dr. Kiser needs to rest."
"I'm fine really." She let her hand fall to her lap as Janeway dropped hers back to her side and looked at the EMH.
"I am the Emergency Medical Hologram and I say that you are not."
"Doctor if I can have just a moment alone with her."
"Of course Captain, but I must insist on only a minute. Dr. Kiser needs her rest."
Janeway nodded. "Before you two leave, I need to impress upon you the fact that anything mentioned in here today regarding a Stargate is classified and not to be repeated."
"Aye, Captain." Both B'Elanna and the Doc gave each other a curious look as they spoke in perfect unison.
"Dismissed." Janeway offered a small smile before turning back to Tegan. "I know you are wondering about the Stargates. I am the only one on board with the clearance to know the Stargate program ever existed, and if I wasn't Captain of a starship I wouldn't have known anything more about you than you were a medical doctor and decorated pilot who disappeared in January of 2004. Most if not all of the Stargates were destroyed during a Jaffa civil war that occurred after all the known Goa'uld were defeated. Well, I've given you a lot to digest and as the doctor said you need to rest."
"Wait." Tegan struggled with whether this was in fact real, some elaborate dream or worse yet a very convincing hoax by an alien race hoping to gain knowledge of how to access earth. "Am I—am I your prisoner?"
Janeway smiled sadly. "As far as I am concerned no, but until the doctor releases you and we can set up guest quarters for you I'll have to ask that you stay in the infirmary. Once you've been released we'll give you the grand tour and you'll be free to roam the ship."
"And you trust me to roam your ship because?"
"Because trust has to begin somewhere."