Hello. Uhm,long time no see... I have a new chapter! YAY! I thank everyone who waited. I'm not sick and nothing happened to me, don't worry. I just procrastinated and had mega writer's block. Thankfully, I feel motivated to write. So here it is! Enjoy!

We were quiet once more. We couldn't look each other in the eyes properly anymore. This Thalia girl seemed very important to them, judging by the look in their eyes. Furious. In that moment, my heart dropped and my fingers froze. I got nervous. If this girl was truly important to them, they were not going to think twice about letting us, Egyptians, go. We were nothing compared to Jason's sister.

We were walking to our next destination. I didn't know where. I wasn't able to listen to their conversation. My mind was totally out of it. They were already walking ahead of me. I couldn't bring myself to get closer.

Betray? I've never been betrayed before. I've never been double- crossed before. I didn't know how that felt. I didn't want to know how it felt like. I was scared.

I was lost in my thoughts when Hazel patted my back. I looked to her and she was walking with me with a warm smile. I smiled back but I couldn't hold my gaze with her. I felt so guilty. I shouldn't be thinking about things like this. Is this equivalent to betraying? This is what's called talking behind someone's back, no? Although I wasn't talking to anyone...

"Why the blank face?" She laughed, trying to make the atmosphere lighter. I put out a smile. I was about to cry. Hazel is so kind. I could tell she didn't hold anything towards me. I felt guilty. I didn't mean to think that way.

"Just distracted," I told her and shook my head. We both knew at that instant to drop the subject. I was probably making the atmosphere awkward. I shook my head and exhaled heavily. I'm not like that, I shouldn't try to become one.

"...You know, this is really random but you're eyes..." Hazel said slowly, examining my face. I had to move back.

"My eyes?"

"They're extremely identical to Jason's," She grinned. I blinked, confused.

"Uh, thank you? I guess."

She pouted. "That was supposed to be compliment, you know?"

I panicked, "Oh, s- sorry! I didn't mean it like that! It's just, I think my eye colour is very mundane."

"Mundane? Are you being serious? You look like you're supposed to be the Grace's little sister! You know, children of Jupiter or Zeus- whatever floats your boat- usually have those really bright eyes. Electric."

I had to roll my eyes. "Electric blue? What is this, a fanfiction?" I had to bluff. [Guys, I think she's onto us.]

"I'm being serious! Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror before?" She was flabbergasted. [Lol, what an ugly word.] I smirked at her and flipped my hair to the back. "Oh please, I look at myself more than I would like to admit. Do you know how often I check myself out?"

We both laughed. She was wheezing and I had to help her stand up properly. "You're amazing, you know? I just wish Piper would be more confident about herself too."

"Piper? Wow, the topic changed fast." I joked. "What is it? Jiper? Jasper?" [Guys, I swear. She's onto us.] "What about Piper, though?"

"You know she's a daughter of Aphrodite, right?" She asked. I nodded. It was obvious. Piper was so gorgeous. If she was my girlfriend, I would brag about how hot she was! [*cough* Jason *cough*]

"She's really self- conscious. She tries to cover up that she's insecure by making jokes and not taking things seriously. Just like Leo and that dolphin over there." I choked. She just referred to Percy as a dolphin. Oh my god. How amazing is Hazel?

"She doesn't look at herself in the mirror for too long. And as her friend, I bothers me that something bothers her," she looked down. She really cares for her friends and I almost felt envious because I wondered if someone thought of me that way too.

"It's nice to know these things, Hazel." I said, "But why are you telling me this?" She looked at me with a small smile, it looked sad.

"Because I want you to become comfortable with all of us. I know it's bothering you, what happened back there. But I want you to understand, we won't do something like that on impulse. We can't lose anyone here."

Was Hazel a mind- reader? Or was I the one easy to read? But nonetheless, I felt slightly relieved at what she said. I was so thankful for her.

"I really appreciate you doing this, Hazel. Thank you." I held her hands in gratitude. She shook her head and pulled her hands away. Instead, she locked her arms with mine and pulled me towards the others.

"I also think you guys can help us a lot," she smiled. "I can feel it."

Hi, how was it? I know it's different from what you guys were expecting but I wanted the Egyptians to get to know the demigods well. It will really help with the flow of the story.

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