A/N: Hey, I just wanted to give a few shout outs before I get going with the next chapter! First:

ColorM – You are so sweet! Thank you for the kind words! I agree, even villains need love. With that said, I think that Marcus and Bree together are interesting. Also, I have half of the next chapter of "Just A Distraction" finished! ;)

BTRlover1122 – I love your username! haha As you can tell by my profile picture, I'm a HUGE James Maslow fan! Anyway, thank you and I hope you hang with me til the end of this story! :)

Bebdksn – Don't worry, I'm a Brase fan too! But I wanted to spice things up a bit! And since there weren't many Bree/Marcus fics out there and I ship them too, I figured, why not? haha But anyway, I'm glad you're sailing with me in the Brase ship! :P

Guest – I decided to put this person on here because they bring up a good question. What should the Marcus/Bree ship be called? They thought of three options: MREE, BARCUS, and MAREE. I'll let you guys vote and we'll decide then, sound good? XD

I'll give more shout outs, but only if you sign in! Don't just put 'Guest', however don't let that stop you from reviewing! I'll take ANY kind of feedback! haha

Okay, onward to the story!




Chase and Adam are sitting on the couch, engulfed in a video game, as the doorbell rings. Bree, who's standing at the kitchen counter, sees that she has to answer it, because there's no way the guys will.

"You guys are obsessed with that game, you know that?" She says over her shoulder as she walks passed them, blocking their view of the TV for a second.

Chase doesn't even take his eyes off of the screen. "Look who's talking! You lived at the mall for a week when you found out there were different kinds of shoes."

She chuckles and rolls her eyes, meanwhile opening the front door.

Her gaze meets Marcus'.

"Hey." She smiles, stepping aside to let him in.

"Who is it?" Adam asks, pressing the buttons on his controller with a determined expression on his face.

"If you'd look over for only a moment you'd know." Bree says in an amused tone.

The boys sigh and push pause on their game, turning their eyes to see Marcus. Chase smiles. "Hey man!" He then holds up another controller. "Come on, there's an extra place for you on our team."

"Actually," Bree interjects. "He's here to see me."

Marcus nods as the other two look at each other, then break out laughing. "Yeah right." Adam shakes his head, smiling from ear to ear.

"It's true." Marcus admits. This gets their attention. "I feel like I don't know Bree enough. I mean, I spend all my time with you guys."

"Yeah, but that's because you're our friend." Chase states. He then looks at Bree. "Do we have to share everything?"

Bree rolls her eyes and starts toward the hallway. "Let's go, Marcus." She grabs his elbow before shooting a look in Chase's direction. "They were just getting back to their game."

Marcus, acting as friendly as usual, waves to them. "See you later!"

Chase and Adam stare after them with shocked expressions plastered on their faces. "I don't believe this." Adam mutters.

Chase, also scowling, shakes his head. "Neither do I."




Bree leads Marcus to the back patio and closes the sliding glass door behind them, holding out her hand to a set of nearby chairs. "Have a seat!"

He chuckles and sits down in the one across from where she sits. They then stare at each other for a few seconds. "So..."

"So..." Bree repeats, rocking back and forth on her heels. She looks to the ground, but Marcus' eyes stay on her. Her gaze then shoots up again. "What did you do today?"

He thinks back on what he did exactly. Mostly just discussing things with his father about the plan...but there's no way he can tell her that. So he quickly comes up with a believable lie.

"Oh, just helping my grandma with chores around the house. You know, boring stuff." He chuckles.

She smiles and nods. "Well, that's very sweet of you."

He looks down, pretending to be touched by her words. "Thanks."He then looks at her again. "I think you know what I'm going to ask."

She chuckles and nods. "Yes, what did I do today?" She thinks back, realizing she had been training with Chase and Adam for the past few hours. So she quickly comes up with a believable lie. "Nothing much...chores as well."

His eyes narrow a bit, getting the sense that she wasn't be truthful. But then he decides it doesn't matter and changes the subject. "Bree, can I say something?"

She shrugs and nods. "Of course, it's a free country."

He chuckles. "True." Then he looks into her eyes. "I've never seen a girl spend so much time with her brothers." He sees her look away. "If you don't mind, may I ask why you do?"

She sighs. "Well, we've been home schooled for most of our lives. I guess I'm always with them because I feel so comfortable around them."

He raises an eyebrow. "That makes sense." He then meets her gaze again. "But, you know, you can become comfortable around other people too."

She smirks. "Is that an invitation?"

He wiggles his eyebrows. "Why? Would you accept?"

She lets out a laugh, causing him to as well, and he finds himself actually enjoying it. He even misses it when it dies down into chuckles every now and then.

He realizes, then, that maybe their afternoon together won't be so horrible.




Nothing could be heard but the sound of buttons being pressed on plastic controllers, when suddenly Adam called out, "Come on, Chase! You're leaving me to die out there!"

He's obviously referring to the virtual battlefield in which their characters are fighting. But Chase's head isn't into it, his mind is too preoccupied with other things to focus on killing zombies.

He snaps back to reality when he hears Adam's groan of defeat, throwing his game console onto the coffee table in front of them. Chase looks at the bright red letters on the screen spelling "GAME OVER" and sighs.

"Sorry man." He mutters, placing his controller on the couch cushion next to him.

"What's with you?" Adam questions, leaning back in his seat. "Usually you're so focused, but ever since about fifteen minutes ago you've been spacey."

Chase picks at his index finger nail. "I know, it's just..." He suddenly looks up at his bionic brother. "Don't you think it's a little weird that Bree and Marcus are together right now, alone?"

Adam shrugs. "I think it's kinda cool that they're getting along. I mean, he's here a lot. Why don't we all be friends, you know?"

Chase is staring at the wall, shaking his head. "I don't like it."

"Is it because he's our friend, as you said earlier?"

Chase looks over at him, his eyes slightly bigger. "Yeah, that's it." He then stands up as Adam rolls his eyes.

"Come on, bro. She can get to know him too." Adam states as Chase begins to walk toward the kitchen. The older one then chuckles. "Wouldn't it be funny if they started dating?"

Chase is facing him again, his eyebrows furrowed. "Absolutely not!"

Adam looks at him as if he were crazy. "Why not?"

Chase realizes what he just said and brushes himself off, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "I just...I don't think they'd be a good match."

With that he turns on his heel and walks out, leaving Adam just standing there. He then shrugs and grabs his controller again. "Might as well make up for that depressing defeat."




Meanwhile, out on the patio, Marcus and Bree are laughing about God knows what. Even to the point where there are tears in their eyes.

"What are we even laughing about?" He asks between breaths.

She shakes her head. "I have no idea!"

This causes more laughter. Suddenly they hear the door slide open, Chase appearing before them. "Oh, hey man." Marcus chuckles.

Chase looks from him to Bree. "What's going on out here?"

Bree shakes her head, smiling at Marcus. "Nothing, nothing at all."

They stifle laughter, not noticing Chase slightly grimace. "That's great, but Marcus," Said boy looks up. "Your grandma just called, she wants you home."

Marcus frowns. "She did?"

He knows that's a lie, since he hasn't talked to his actual grandmother in years. Well, the one that's still alive. Believe it or not, he wasn't kidding when he said his grandma died before. He just wasn't as upset considering he'd never actually met her.

But Marcus can sense that his meeting with Bree bothers his friend, Chase. So he stands up. "Okay, I guess I have to go."

Bree stands as well. "I'm glad we did this, Marcus." He looks at her. "We should do it again sometime."

He smiles at her. "I'm game."

She returns his smile just as Chase says, "She says it's urgent, so off you go!" He even goes as far as to make a sweeping motion with his hands.

Marcus gives him a look before saying, "I'll see you guys later."

He walks off, leaving just Chase and Bree outside together. "Well that was rude." She states, crossing her arms.

Chase shrugs. "What? I was delivering a message to him!"

"Yeah, and he was going." She chuckles. "But you didn't have to be so pushy."

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, at least he's on his way now."

She sighs. "I can see why you and Adam hang out with him so much. He's really fun."

"Hopefully not too much fun." Chase crosses his arms, raising his eyebrows as he looks her over.

It's her turn to roll her eyes. "Calm down, I don't have any plans to seduce him or anything."

She doesn't know it, but that makes him feel a little better.

She then walks passed him, pushing his shoulder playfully as she does. "But next time try to be less crazy, alright?"

He smirks at her back and follows her inside.




Marcus arrives home thirty minutes later, considering he lives all the way across town. He decides to forget about how Chase lied to him for now, planning to get it out of the lab rat later.

Right now he needs to talk to his father.

After going through insane amounts of unnecessary security inside his own house, he finally reaches the dark room in which his father resides in.

"Dad," He starts, walking up to the desk located in the middle of the room. "I just got back from Davenport's."

"Anything new?"

Marcus shakes his head. "No, not with the inventor. But I did just hang out with the female lab rat, Bree."

His father raises his eyebrows. "And?"

"We're on our way to becoming friends, like you said. She'll be putty in my hand before we know it." He smirks.

He sees his dad smile. "Good. I expect things are fine with the other two, no?"

"They suspect nothing." He shakes his head. He then says, "Although Chase, the youngest one, doesn't seem to like me hanging out with his sister."

"Probably just an over protective brotherly thing, I'd pay no mind to it." His father says as he signs a paper that a man just brought to him. His attention is then on his son again. "Anyway, continue to befriend her. You have to be close to this family, almost like another son to Donald Davenport."

Marcus rolls his eyes in annoyance. "I basically am, the only thing getting in my way is that little pest Leo. He's onto me, Dad."

"Well clear his head!" His father demands. "He can't know of our plans, understand?"

Marcus looks up and nods. "Of course. We can't have that, can we?"

His father nods. "No we can't. Again, things went well with the girl today?"

Marcus smiles. "Yes. We had a...wonderful time."

He ignores that there's actually a little fact to that statement and walks off, not saying another word.

Hopefully that satisfied you guys until the next update?

Anyway, yes, I'm including some Brase in this. Well, I guess it's one sided because Bree will be too focused on Marcus. Hey, if you want to read a love story between her and Chase, go to my other stories! haha :P

But still, read&review! And I promise that you'll see more of Bree/Marcus interaction in the future! But I wanted to show Chase's jealousy during their little get together! XD

Also don't forget to vote on what YOU think the Marcus/Bree ship should named!