Hey guys just wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating in a long while.

I got grounded because of grades (and I have an A in English mind you) so I was away for a long time.

I just hope this story isn't taken off because of this author's note...anyway while I was grounded I had all sorts of other stories going through my head so I'm writing those right now.

I lost some inspiration for this story, it might come back eventually but I don't know when.

So until then I won't be updating for who knows how long.

I don't blame you if you never come back to this story, I wouldn't be hurt I hate it when people do this.

Anyway I love all my reviewers and to all the flamers I understand maybe when I get back to this story I will be better at writing.

I'm also sorry if I made Angel a Mary Sue, she wasn't meant to be I promise!

Anyway if you want you can check out the other stories I may or may not publish since I'm going to try and finish them before posting them on here so this doesn't happen...again.

I love every single one of you *gives kisses* but until then, au revoir~