Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Regular Show JG Quintel and Cartoon Network owns everything. This story takes place after "Picking Up Margaret". I want to thank Hawkmeister and RegularShowLuvr for helping me. I just want to say this is my first fanfic and I'm a terrible writer so I want constructive criticism no grammar nazis or anything. Well this is enough of me babbling, onto the story

*Beep beep beep* I woke up to my alarm almost as soon as it started going off. The first thing that entered my mind was the thing I couldn't stop thinking about the past few days."Today is the day. The day she comes back." It had been three days since I had dropped her off and ever since then all I could think about was that moment. The moment where I finally got the kiss I have been wanting for the past 4 years without the world ending or me having to go back in time to fix it. Everything seemed so much better for me after the kiss. The sun shined brighter, the work days seemed shorter, even getting chewed out by Benson for destroying his car wasn't even that bad. The only sad part about this whole experience was that I couldn't get in contact with Margaret while she was away thanks to The Wickets, but that didn't matter much. I knew that once she got back that we would talk about where our relationship would go.

I glanced at my alarm clock. 6:30am huh I wonder if Margaret will go into work today? Looking accross the dark room I saw my hyperactive annoying best friend who was sleeping with his back half of his body hanging off of his trampoline."Hey Rigby wake up we have to get to work soon" He only gurgled and adjusted himself to a more comfortable position on his trampoline. "Come on dude I want to try to get our work done today so I can try to talk to Margaret" Rigby still didn't move. "Oh fine I guess when I go to the coffee shop I'll just tell Eileen that you think she's cute" Rigby quickly hopped off his trampoline and started throwing punches at me. "Ha I knew that would get you up."

"You better not tell Eileen, dude." Rigby said while giving me his classic STOP TALKING look.

"Don't worry man that's between us." "Now come on we need to get our work done pretty fast today so I can talk to Margaret."

"Dude I hate work, and I still think that you're lying about that kiss" Rigby groaned while we were walking down the stairs.

"You can think whatever you want to but I'm telling you she kissed me" I began puting on my jacket but got interrupted by the phone ringing.

"Hey Mordecai this is Benson I can't make it to the park today because I'm feeling sick but I want you and Rigby to rake all the leaves, get all the trash, and wash the cart"

"Ahhhh, ok Benson" I was hoping for an easy day but thanks to Benson it looks like that's not happening.

"Good, get it done or YOU'RE FIRED!" Benson slammed the phone down.

"Rigby get in here" I said with the frustration in my voice growing.

Rigby came out of the kitchen with his mouth full of his oats "Whht if it?"

"Benson just called, he wants us to get to work"

Rigby finally swallowed his breakfast "What can't he come here and yell at us in person any more?"

"No man he's sick so he's gonna stay home today" "We have a lot of work to do so let's start soon"

"So Benson isn't coming? Sweet we can just watch TV and play Did Dug"

"No dude! We are gonna get our work done then I'm going to the coffee shop" Why can't he see how important this is to me?

"Uhhhh fine" Rigby groaned while getting off of the couch.

7 hours later
We sat down at one of the tables at the snack bar to rest.
"Man I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life"

"Me neither man" Rigby said out of breath

"So since we got all the jobs done I'm goin to the coffee shop, you wanna tag along?" I'm finally gonna get to talk to Margaret. I hope it's not gonna be awkward. Man I really need to stop worrying so much, I mean she kissed me so that must mean she likes me. What if she was just thanking me for giving her a ride? I finally snapped back to reality.

"Earth to Mordecai."

"Oh yeah man what is it?"

"I told you yes like twenty times but you just zoned out, now come on let's go to the coffee shop"

"Sorry man, let's go" We got to the freshly washed cart and headed off for the coffee shop. We were almost out of the park but Muscle Man stopped us dead in the road. I don't really like Muscle Man which made every time I had to talk to him painful.

"Hey ladies where you going?" His fat face jiggling after every word which made me just want to punch him.

"Huhhhh, we're going to the coffee shop" Just keep calm and try to ignore him.

"Why you going there? Oh I know, you're going to go just so you can talk to that chick and probably wuz out"

Just ignore him. Just ignore him "Yes I'm going to talk to Margaret now get out of the way we don't have time to put up with you"

At this point I can see that even Rigby looks like he wants to kill Muscle Man. Just think how can I get him out of the way? Hmmm I think I know.

"Hey Muscle Man I think I saw Starla earlier kissing some guy by the fountain you might want to go check it out" Ha that should get him.

"What? Starla? Weweeeeeweeewee (his annoying squeal)"

Rigby fist pounded me. "Ha nice one bro. I'm glad that he's gone he was starting to bug me more than usual"

We went on to the coffee shop and parked the cart in the front. We walked in and took our usual spots. I began looking around for Margaret but couldn't spot her. Hmm I guess she not here or she's in the back. I see Eileen coming out of the back to take our order.

"Hey guy, the regular?"

Rigby groaned "Hey Eileen, yeah" then he put his head down on the table. I don't know what is problem is, he told me he liked Eileen but he still acts like a jerk huhhhh... Oh well.

"Um Eileen is Margaret here?"

"No I'm sorry she came by and said that she was exausted from her trip, but she said she'll be coming in tomorrow"

I was hoping for even the little bit of information about how she felt after the kiss. "Did she say anything about me?"

"Now that you mention it she did ask if you came by and when I said no she looked a little sad"

It wasn't much but I'll take it. I fist pumped in the air and almost instantly regreted it remembering where I was and who I was next to. I looked down at Eileen who was smiling ear to ear.

"Don't worry Mordecai I know that you like Margaret. She has been talking about you more and more lately. I think she likes you too"

I was shocked and I began to blush. I turned to Rigby who just started laughing at the expression in my face.

"Dude your face is priceless" he started rocking back and forth because he was laughing so hard

I finally regained my composer and punched Rigby.
"Oww man it's not my fault." He said while rubbing his arm.

We finished our coffee and sandwiches. Eileen came to clean our table, she stared at Rigby the whole time and finally said "Umm... Rigby I get off in thirty minutes would you maybe wanna go to the arcade?"

Rigby on sighed and shrugged

Eileen squealed "Oh my gosh, you actually want to go?"

Rigby finally spoke "I guess."

Rigby is lucky, he gets a girl that obsesses over him and who can actually stand his childishness. I wish I could be that lucky. I really need to stop talking to myself I'm sort of creeping myself out.

I decided to leave so the love birds could be alone. As I was leaving I turned to see a miserable looking raccoon sitting with his arms crossed across from him was a mole that looked as love struck as I do when I see Margaret. I walked outside the wind started to pick up. Brrr I'm glad that I brought my jacket. I decided to leave Rigby the cart for his date which left me to walk back to the park. I began walking and the things that have been happening between Mararet and me flooded my thoughts. She must like me. No wait maybe she only likes me as a friend. What about the kiss? I'm driving myself crazy I really just need to talk to her. My pocket started to vibrate. I opened my phone to see a text from an unknown number.


Who is this?

Guess :)

Um... Skips?

No it's me diaper boy

My heart skipped a beat.

Did you get a new phone?

Yeah my old one got crushed remember?

Oh yeah, sorry about that :/

It's ok it's not your fault

I still feel bad about it though :/

I'm telling you it's fine. So listen I think we need to talk about what happened at the airport.

I began to worry. Oh no this doesn't sound good.

Um ok?

I'd rather talk about it face to face do you think I can stop by the park?
Oh god I'm dead I'm soo dead.


Good I'll be there in 30 minutes.

Thirty minutes? I smell terrible from working and I'm still ten minutes away from the park. I began sprinting towards the park as fast as I could. I arrived in five minutes. I hopped in the shower, brushes my teeth twice, and put on my moderately good looking shirt. I looked at my phone. Good I still have a few minutes to try to think about what I'm gonna say. Just then I heard a car pull up to the front of the house. Oh god it's her I think I'm gonna be sick. I hear a car door shut and someone coming up the steps then a knock at the door. "Umm... Coming!" I open the door slowly.

Yay cliff hanger :). Ok I just want to say I know that I'm terrible at writing (my least favorite subject in school) but I am going to try to give you all a good story so review and PM with any feedback.