The morning came quickly as the sun's rays begun to peek through the closed curtains, spilling over their pillows as Elena's eyes opened to meet the day with a dissatisfied sigh. She had only gotten four hours of sleep and she knew it wasn't enough to get her through the day. Today was a big day, it was the first day of classes and she had no idea as to what she would start the year off with. She was an English professor at New York University (NYU for short) and she only had half the list of books to be read done.
Her loving husband still lay asleep beside her as she stood from their king sized bed to open the curtains and start the new day off fresh. She padded into the bathroom, stripping herself of her clothes and climbing into the shower to wash away the sex from the night before. She paid close attention to her tangled brunette curls, making sure her fingers didn't get caught in any knots as she rinsed out the conditioner and turned the shower head off, wrapping a towel around her and drying off. When she headed back into the bedroom, her husband was sitting up in bed, running a hand through his hair and smiling lazily at her, "Good time last night." She smirked, "Keep complimenting me like that and you'll have to tie me to the bed so my big head doesn't lift me off the ground." "Mm, tempting." Stefan said sleepily as he watched her dress.
"I'll see you tonight." She said, kissing him briefly before leaving their flat and headed down to the parking lot to start up her jeep. When she reached the university, she parked her car and headed inside to air out her room considering all the hot air that had been accumulated over the summer had been locked in there for three months. She sat at her desk, waiting for her laptop to boot up so she could take a look at her roster for the first class of the day.
An hour later students begun to pour in, young adults ranging from 18 to 25. She leaned back against her desk, looking over the class, there were about 30 students total. Right before she begun to speak, a man about 18 came running in through the door, huffing and puffing as he bent over to catch his breath. "Sorry…I'm…late." He struggled to get out as he stood up straight and looked her in the eye. Elena felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked this late comer over. "That's quite alright, it's nice of you to join us Mr.?" "Salvatore." He supplied. She nodded, "Yes well, you can take your seat anywhere in the room." He seemed the type of guy to cause trouble with the ladies and to pick fights with guys he didn't like, so it surprised her when he picked the seat in the first row, front and center.
She cleared her throat, "Now that everyone's here, I would like to start off by introducing myself, I'm Mrs. Pierce, some of you may know me from your upperclassmen or from simply seeing me around campus." She could feel his eyes on her as she stared at the back wall, trying to find the right words to say. "As you already may know, there will be plenty of reading, you will read 100 books all together this year." A few groans rang out from the back of the room. "Yes I know it's not the most exciting thing and that this is a required course but I will make it go by real fast. Every book you will read I picked precisely for many different reasons." She could feel all 31 pairs of eyes on her; some guys were whispering profanities at each other. "Please boys, didn't your mother ever tell you how to act in front of a lady?" The boys who were whispering went bright red, being caught talking sexually about their teacher as the rest of the class chuckled.
"Thank you." She said, knowing that they wouldn't be talking dirty for a while. She felt his eyes on her as he smiled smugly, waiting for her to continue her speech.
She clasped her hands together, "Any questions?" she asked. A few hands shot up as she pointed to one near the back, "What times this class over?" the guy asked. She looked to her watch, "Five minutes." She answered a few more questions concerning what book they were going to read first which she wouldn't tell them yet and what they would need to bring to class on a daily bases. "Just a notebook is all." She answered. The bell rang after a few more questions as the room filed out and Elena was left alone to sit with her thoughts for another hour and half before her next class. Just when she thought everyone had left she heard someone clear their throat as she looked up from her lesson plans. He stood there, looking down on her with those dangerous blue eyes. Just those eyes could get her into a lot of trouble. "Hello, I just wanted to know if I could get the reading list ahead of time, I like to be prepared." Elena felt her throat tighten, for god's sake woman you're married! She yelled at herself. She rifled through her papers for a moment before pulling out the list of books, "Only half finished though." She said uncertainly. He smiled, "That's alright, I'll just ask for another copy once it's finished." She couldn't tell if he was flirting with her or not but she handed the paper to him anyways. "Thanks." He said. He begun to head out the door before turning around and saying, "I'm Damon by the way, I prefer first names to suffixes." She raised a brow, an English major, as if that didn't make him even more attractive.
That night Elena sat before her computer, typing away the rest of the list in hopes to have another conversation with Damon the next day. Stefan sat up in bed, "When are you coming to bed?" he whined. "Just a few more minutes." She said, when in reality she spent two more hours looking up book titles that she thought the younger man might find interesting.