On The Other Side

Chapter 1

There it is again. That sound, it sounds like... a latch unlocking, or closing. I can't exactly tell. That sound woke me up this morning. Or evening, or whenever, I can't tell time in this dark empty closet. I don't know how long I've been in here either. Just counting every second of my life, that is so fragile it could be whisked away by the minute.

I wish that sound, that unlocking of latches, would unlock this closet. Who puts locks on closets anyways? Why am I here? Who am I?

Footsteps. I hear the same kind of footsteps. They walk in a rhythm. Click-Click-Clack Click-Click-Clack. Over and over again. Maybe high heels, or boots. I wonder what this house looks like from the outside of the closet. Maybe a big, pretty house. I wonder who lives here. Maybe a family with a baby girl, or boy. I heard a baby laugh. But I don't know if it's a boy or a girl.

But those questions aren't important. I need to figure out who I am, and why I'm here. I look down at myself. I have long light blonde curly hair, pale skin, and my fingernails painted blue. Why blue? I don't know what color my eyes are, although.

The footsteps are getting closer, and closer, and... they're gone. I wish somebody would find me. I could try banging on the door, now that the person is home. I clump my hand into a fist, and hold it up against the door. As I do, thoughts are rushing through my mind like a busy street in... New York! That's where I'm from! New York! At least.. I think. The place sounds familiar, but I can't be sure. The foot steps are still clacking their way around. Here I go. I gently knock on the frame of the door, my breathing steady, readying myself for what could happen next.

I finally bring myself to knock again. The footsteps stop. They begin again, getting louder and louder. This is it! This is it! I'm thinking to myself with joy. There's that sound, the latch unlocking. A kind female voice says "Hello? Anyone there?" I look up in excitement, only to see... the locked door. Outside, someone's closing a door with that sound that woke me up. I guess they thought it was the front door. Let's try again.

With the lady nearby, I begin to knock ever so slightly. The footsteps walk towards my direction, and I'm crying with tears of joy, waiting for a moment of freedom. I heard hands on the door,the door just in front of me. Then I heard a voice. "I could've sworn I heard knocking from right here.." It was the lady's voice. I tried yelling out to her. I opened my mouth, but my voice was caught. No sound came out. I realized I didn't even know what my voice sounded like.

Well, that's another thing I don't know about myself.


woo~ okay, so guys this is another story I'm working on. This chapter was short, but it took a while to write, and after all, it is the first chapter, which I like to think of as a preview. :D I really hope you liked it, and there will be more coming.