"to Germany... No I can't," Mr. Davis said. It's too hard."

"What! No, Mr. Davis you have to tell us!" I cried. "We have to know what happened to him! He's our best friend!"

"I'm your teacher. I have the authority not to tell you anything."

"Well, we also have the authority to tell other students who Andre is then. Because no teacher or anything has told us not to, even if they did, what could they do to us? Punish I suppose, but it'll be too late. Everyone will know the truth and demand for answers." Jonathan said smartly. Mr. Davis sighed.

"You do have a point there Mr. Jonathan. I suppose I have no choice but to tell you two. We can't have other students knowing. You'll understand why once I finish explaining."

"Then start explaining already! We NEED answers!" Jonathan said firmly.

"Mr. Andre was lucky to survive you see. It was only a week after he moved there. His family was visiting his mother's cousin, I believe. They were all in the car together. It was a wet, foggy and and rainy day. His family's car slipped, in the rain, and fell into a ditch."

"WHAT!" I exclaimed. "A car accident?" I couldn't believe it.

"I don't want to believe its true, but yes. His family got into a terrible accident. His mother and her cousin died right away. Andre and his father were just barely alive. Luckily, an ambulance was called right away, but his father didn't quite make it. Andre was the only one who survived." Mr. Davis paused. We were slowly taking all of this in.

"Mr. Andre was severely injured, and had to stay in the hospital for nearly two years. You see, he had injured his head quite severely and was having many memory problems. He was having many physical problems as well. He has no memory of his parents. All he knows is that he was in severe accident. According to his therapist, he seems to pretend that he never had therapy. He pretends he has no memory before 5th grade. He chooses not to think about all the therapy he went through. He tries, to forget..." Silence stood between the three of us. I knew Mr. Davis's story was over.

"Why are the teachers hiding that from everyone? And who does Andre live with now?" Jonathan asked.

"The only reason Mr. Andre lives here is because of his guardian's job. We tried to convince Mr. Ferguson not to send Mr. Andre to school here, but he wouldn't listen. He said he had to live in Gravity Falls, and Andre had to go to Gravity Falls North."

"Who's Mr. Ferguson?" I asked.

"Andre's late mother's late cousin's husband. He lives with him and a younger adoptive sister, who also goes to Gravity Falls North. According to Mr. Ferguson he told Andre he was his father, and told him his mother was Mr. Andre regains his memory, he will realize he doesn't live with his father. We fear that he will be traumatized from this. We don't want to hurt him. So he cannot regain his memory. Is that a good enough explanation, Miss Wendy? Mr. Jonathan?" How was I okay with that explanation?


"Miss Wendy..."

"DON'T MISS WENDY ME! I, I" Words of hatred escaped from my mouth before I could stop them. Mr. Davis looked at me extremely shocked. I only remember Jonathan dragging me out of the school, and then realized I had finally shut up while walking home.

"Wendy, have you calmed down now?" Jonathan asked. I ignored him, and continued to walk on.

"How can I accept that Andre's past?"

"Mr. Davis had a point there you know."

"You agree with Mr. Davis and all those teachers?!" I asked angrily.

"Well think about it Wendy. If Andre regained his memory, he'd be in extreme pain. I think he'd be angry at his supposed Dad for hiding the truth from him. It's bad that Andre has to even go here."

"But we can't hide the truth from him forever!" I exclaimed.

"We don't have to!" Jonathan screamed. I stopped for a moment. We were both heavily breathing. Jonathan caught his breath. "Look, we can tell him, just not now, okay?"

"I, I I, I just want Andre back..." I whimpered. Water was forming in my eyes, ready to make their way down my rosy cheeks. "I mean, I finally got to see him, but he doesn't even remember me! I, I, I," I could speak no more. By now, tears were flooding me. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. The pain, was too hard to take in. Suddenly, Jonathan came up to me, an hugged me. He hugged me!

"I know how you feel Wendy. I want him back too. But, I also want what's best for him. He's our friend, right?"

"It's just not fair though... All I want is Andre back" I whispered.

"I know it's not fair, Wendy. There are many cruelties in this world that we can't do anything about." We stood, linked together in silence. My body began to feel warmer. Too warm. Yet, I didn't want Jonathan to leave. It was just, somewhat comforting.

"Look, I'll give you a choice," Jonathan started. "We can ignore the teachers, and help Andre regain his memory. Who knows, maybe it'll do good for him. Or, we could befriend Andre once again. Pretend none of this happened. What do you think?"

I stood there, my body extremely warm now. If Andre regained his memory, we could be friends again. I could hang out with him, he'd hang out with me, and we'd have a good time. Yet, something in the back of my mind was tugging at me. I broke free from Jonathan's grasp, and stepped back a few feet.

"I think we should befriend Andre again, and pretend none of this happened," I said. Jonathan looked at me in surprise.
"Really?" he asked.

"To be honest, I want to go back. I want to go back to those carefree days when Andre and I had nothing to worry about. But things have changed. Andre's memory is lost, and if he regains it, it will cause him pain. I really want his memory to be regained. But I don't want him to I won't let it happen. I won't let Andre regain his memory. I'll start over again. We'll become friends again. And hopefully, I'll forget."

Jonathan continued to stare at me in disbelief. "Wendy..." he called.

"I need to go home now," I said. "My mom will get worried." I walked off. I faintly heard Jonathan call my name multiple times, but ignored him, until his voice could not be heard. I knew I was lying to myself. I knew I was lying to Andre now. But that was okay. If it was the best for Andre, I would do anything. Anything. I'd let myself, forget.

Wow, Jonathan's playing a bigger role than I thought he would... I mean he was only suppose to be in one chapter... Oh well. Alright, if you're still reading this, you can officially hate me. I mean really, I haven't updated this in over 3 freaking months! And this story was on page 25 on the Gravity Falls FanFiction was because of honors English, marching band cross country and all that. So ever since I started high school I haven't really had time to write.

I guess what convinced me to write was that were doing "coming of age" in English, and this is kind of Wendy's coming of age story. But anyway, what did you think of this chapter? And also would anyone like to guess how Andre and Dipper are related? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Also, if you're wondering why I changed the title, is because I didn't like that it had an o/c's name in it.

Also to Gravity Falls Alien, Alex Hirsch said,(I think on reddit) that Soos's age is undetermined. Besides, there is no way Soos is the same age as Wendy. He does not act like a teen! Also, Soos has been working there since he was 12 so...