Please review! I love you guys!
Olivia slowly opened her eyes to find that her clock said midnight. She looked at her sixteen year old daughter to find her watching TV. She sat up on the couch. "Orlando, it's a school night. You should be in bed."
"A cop was shot. I'm waiting to see who it was." Orlando explained joining her mother on the couch. "I thought Brian was coming over tonight."
"That's what I thought." Olivia yawned. "Did he call?" Orlando shook her head. Olivia started worrying. "I'm sure he's fine."
Orlando turned up the TV as the news came back on. "We have confirmed that the detective that was shot is okay." The news reporter said. "Officers have sided with the detective about keeping his identity a secret."
"Mom, I'm sure Brian is fine. Call him. I bet he'll pick up." Orlando prompted.
Just then, the phone rang. Olivia picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey Liv, can I talk to Orlando?" Dickie asked urgently.
"Yeah." Olivia said and handed the phone to her daughter. She nor Orlando had seen Elliot since he left SVU. Kat remained friends with Dickie and Lizzie. She watched as her daughter got off the couch covering her mouth. What happened?
Orlando slowly hung up the phone and set it on the counter. "Orlando, honey, what's wrong?" Olivia asked.
Kat slowly looked up at her mother. "Dickie knows who was shot."
"Is it Fin? John? Brian? Olivia asked. She watched as Orlando put on her coat.
"No." Orlando breathed shaking her head. She put a hand onthe door knob. "It's Elliot." She looked her mother in the eye. "I don't care that he left anymore. When you couldn't, Elliot took care of me. I'm gonig. You can be mad at me all you want, but...I need to see him."
Olivia looked at her daughter a moment. Orlando was right. She didn't care that he left anymore. She just really missed him. The thought of him being shot scared her more than anything. She took a deep breath. "Let's go see Elliot."
"Really?" Orlando asked with wide eyes.
Olivia chuckled lightly. "Yes, it's time we paid him a visit."
"You're not going to shoot him, are you?" Orlando asked cautiously.
"He's in enough pain." Olivia smiled. "Are you sure you want to go see him?"
"Yeah." Orlando nodded before leaving the apartment with her mother. They soon arrived at the hospital and entered a waiting room to find the Stabler kids and Kathy there. "Dickie?"
Dickie looked up and quickly enveloped her in a hug. Olivia was surprised to see tears in his eyes. "I'm so glad you came."
"Of course I came." Orlando breathed. "How's Elliot?"
"The bullet hit his chest. They're still in surgery." Dickie sighed. He pulled Orlando to his chest and looked up to see Olivia. "Liv?"
"Hey." Olivia said quietly. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm okay." Dickie said. He let go of Orlando when Lizzie stood up to hug her. "How are you?"
"I'll get back to you on that." Olivia breathed. Her phone vibrated, signaling that a text came in.
Sorry, I couldn't make it. Had a lot of work to do." ~Brian
Olivia put her phone back in her pocket after glancing at the text message. She sat down and put her face in her hands. Looking up, she saw Orlando sitting down next to her. She put an arm around her and kissed her head. "He'll be alright." Orlando let out a shakey breath and leaned into her mother.
Hours had passed and there was little news on Elliot. Olivia looked down at her daughter to find her asleep. She laid her head on Orlando's and looked over to find Kathy's eyes drooping. Carefully leaning Orlando onto Dickie, she walked over and rubbed Kathy's arm. Her eyes snapped open. Olivia chuckled lightly. "Do you want to go get some coffee?"
"Please." Kathy smiled and got up. She and Olivia started walking down to the cafeteria. "So, how has Elliot been"
Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "I was going to ask you that. Orlando and I haven't seen Elliot since he left SVU."
"Oh, I didn't know that." Kathy said. "The way Elliot talks about you, it's like he still sees you every day."
Olivia smirked lightly. "I wish it was thta way. Elliot shut me out."
"I wonder why?" Kathy asked herself. "I thought for sure he would turn to you. It got so bad that we were going grocery shopping or him because he wasn't presentable to do that. He's been getting better. Maureen said that he was going to go to the presinct next week for the first time."
"Really?" Olivia asked. She and Kathy walked into the cafeteria and got coffee front the pot. "So, what exactly has Elliot been saying about me?"
Kathy smiled. "Uh, he told me about all the times he stayed at your place when he didn't want to come home."
"Nothing happened." Olivia said knowing that she had accused Elliot a couple of times of cheating.
"I know." Kathy chuckled. "He loved talking about the times when you and Orlando would get sick together and he would take care of you."
Olivia smiled. "Those were fun days. Elliot ususally set something on fire." She took a sip of her coffee. "One time, a blanket caught on fire and we couldn't figure out why."
Kathy laughed. "Good thing that didn't happen at our house."
"I didn't mind." Olivia said honestly. "I hated that blanket and when we got the fire out he said 'My hotness must have been too much for the blanket."
"That's Elliot." Kathy chuckled. "I haven't heard a line like that since I got pregnant with Maureen." They walked into the waiting room to find everyone still sleeping. "How long ago did he say that?"
"Uh, it was a week before he left the unit." Olivia recalled. "He made dinner and everything for us. Once he sits down, the blanket was on fire."
"Elliot Stabler's family?" A voice said from behind them. Both women turned to see the doctor.
"That's us." Kathy said gesturing to Olivia and herself.
"Uh, he was very lucky." The doctor said. "He's stable, but he's going to be here for a while. He woke up about ten minutes ago and is asking for an Olivia Benson. If she's not here, he said to drag her here."
"Thanks Elliot." Olivia chuckled. "That's me."
"Are you going to come? I really don't feel comfortable having security take you there." The doctor asked.
Olivia rolled her eyes. "I'll come on my own free will."
The doctor heaved out a breath. "Thanks." He led her to Elliot's room and left.
Olivia slowly opened the door and saw Elliot laying in the hospital bed watching TV. She'd been here so many times before. His bare chest rose and fell before he looked at her. "Hey." he greeted with a small smile.
"Hey." Olivia said back with a small wave. "How'd you know I was here?"
Elliot opened his mouth then closed it. He spoke a moment later. I sensed it."
"You can sense me now?" Olivia asked. "Can you sense how I'm feeling right now?"
"Liv-" Elliot started, but was stopped when she lifted her hand.
"Don't." Olivia breathed. She threw her jacket on a chair nearby. She walked over to him and hugged him. "This is for getting shot. Don't scare me like that." She slapped the back of his head. "That's for leaving me."
Elliot watched as she sat down on the side of the bed. "I am sorry." He whispered.
"I know you are." Olivia nodded. She took his hand into hers. "How'd you get shot?"
Elliot searched her eyes. "Uh, a guy accused me of killing a girl that he knew. She died a few nights ago apparently. Megan Cross, I think her name was."
"That's my case." Olivia said. "There was no DNA on her."
"Liv, you know I could never do that." Elliot said.
Olivia squeezed his hand. "It's not even a possibility. You could never do that. Do you know who shot you?"
"You can't work my case." Elliot reminded her. "But, I do know."
"Who is it?" Olivia asked.
"You're not going to belive." Ellliot sighed.
Olivia scoffed. "Elliot, you're the longest relationship I've had with a man. I'd trust you over anyone."
"Well, you're not going to want to believe me." Elliot said and rubbed her arm. "You'll find out in time." He groaned as he moved his other arm slightly. "I think my heart is literally bullet proof."
Olivia chuckled. "Yeah, I'd say so." She paused. "Why'd you go wihtout...saying goodbye?"
Elliot didn't feel so cullet proff anymore knowing how much he hurt her. "Come here." He breathed holding ihs arm out. He wrapped it around her when she leaned into his good side. "The reason I didn't say goodbye is simply because I can't say goodbye to you. It would be too hard." He leaned his forehead into her hair so he was next to her ear. "I saw you walk in and my stomach literally jumped for joy."
Olivia smiled and patted his stomach. "I am going to find the guy that did this to you."
"You wont' have to." Elliot whispered. "Just lay here and relax with me." He rubbed her back and groaned softly.
"Am I hurting you?" Olivia saked sitting up.
Elliot pulled her back to his chest. "You're hurting me by not staying here." Olivia smiled and leaned back into him. "Did you bring Orlando?"
"Who do you think found out you were shot?" Olivia asked. "Your kids and my daughter are like peas in a pod."
"Well, they did love you and Orlando to death. They still do." Elliot pointed out. "It feels like just yesterday you walked into that squad room for the first time."
"That was a long time ago." Olivia sighed.
"We've done a lot since then." Elliot nodded in agreement.
After a moment, Olivia spoke. "Hey El?"
"Yes?" Elliot asked.
"I couldn't have said goodbye either." She breathed. She could feel his smile.
Elliot held her just a bit tighter as he drifted off to sleep with Olivia right behind him.
Please review! I've had this story in mind for a while and I've been waiting to post it.