Lestrade drove to his and Mycroft's flat in the rain. Lightning lit up the sky, making the grey clouds glow a brilliant purple. He allowed himself to relax a little bit as he watched the natural phenomenon continue. After the day he had, it was nice to see Mother Nature want to destroy some things and recreate some. He parked his car in the space in front of Mycroft's elegant building and walked in. It reminded him slightly of the building he had visited in New York, the Dakota, where he visited John Lennon's last home.

It had an eerie feeling to it. Everything was antiqued and pristine. Lestrade never felt comfortable there. He was rough around the edges and use to the lower class flats and houses in England, not the ones that the government worker could afford. Lestrade felt like all the neighbors were always staring at him, judging him. He wished that, instead, he was in one of Mrs. Hudson's flats. She was a lot nicer then these people. The only downside was he'd be just down the hall from Sherlock, which would mean sleepless nights as he shot at the wall.

He took the lift up to their flat and unlocked the door. The sitting room was lightly dimmed. Greg set down to take his Converse off when a voice echoed throughout the flat.

"There was a bombing." Mycroft said. Lestrade jumped. He hadn't even seen his boyfriend when he walked in, and now he was making his presence known. "There was a bombing at your office, in your office, and you didn't even call me. I was worried sick!"

"My." Lestrade said. Mycroft set down by him.

"Until I called and Donovan talked to me, I didn't even know if you had been there or not. All I could think about was you dying and…" He looked Lestrade in the eyes. "Do you even realize how hard that is?"

"I'm sorry My." Lestrade said. He laid on the couch and rested his head on Mycroft's lap. Mycroft ran his fingers through Lestrade's silver hair. Lestrade closed his eyes and hummed softly as Mycroft held him.

"I can't lose you." He whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too My." Lestrade said. "I promise I'm okay."

"I'll be the judge of that." Mycroft said. He leant down and kissed Lestrade gently. Lestrade closed his eyes and moaned softly. Mycroft smiled.

"So, do you think I'm okay?" Lestrade asked. Mycroft set there a moment, acting like he was deep in thought.

"I think I should get a second opinion. How about we go to the bedroom?" Mycroft winked at Lestrade. Lestrade's cheeks burned a bright red. While he was at the station, he could make innuendos with the best of them, but when he was with Mycroft, he was reduced to a giggling schoolgirl. All Lestrade could do was nod and take Mycroft's hand as they walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

It was one in the morning when Lestrade's phone started playing "I Fought the Law", this version by the Clash. It was his ringtone for work. He had specialized ringtones for everyone, even Sherlock, who rarely called unless he absolutely needed something.

"Let it go to voicemail." Mycroft said, wrapping his arms around Lestrade. But it just kept ringing. It soon changed over to Sally's ringtone of "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar.

"I have to answer it." Lestrade sighed. He grabbed his phone and pressed talk. "Lest…" He was cut off before he could even finish his own name. He set up quickly, his eyes wide. "What?!" Mycroft set up and looked at him.

"Greg? Honey, what's wrong?" Mycroft asked.

"I'll be there in five minutes. Don't call anyone else, because word will get around to Sherlock and he'll throw a cupcake party." Lestrade hung up the phone and jumped out of bed, pulling his clothes on. Mycroft watched him.

"Honey, what's going on?" He asked. Lestrade looked at him.

"Anderson's in the hospital. Someone put a bomb in his flat. It blew up as he was going to unlock his front door." Lestrade said as he pulled on his pants. Mycroft threw off the covers and got out of bed.

"I'm going with you." He said. Lestrade looked at him.

"You have work in the morning. I'll be fine." Lestrade said. He gently kissed him.

"I don't want you to go out there alone. Someone's targeting you, I know they are. And I'll be damned if I let you die on me." Lestrade sighed and looked at Mycroft.

"Get your clothes on."

Sally was pacing the waiting room with several of the other members of Lestrade division, whatever it may be. Mycroft walked with Lestrade to the waiting room. They all looked up at him when he walked in.

"How is he?" Lestrade asked.

"They're treating him for burns now." Sally explained. "He broke his left arm in three different spots and busted his head open. Three other people in his building have been brought in for minor injuries. The whole building has been evacuated."

"Why attack Anderson?" Lestrade asked as he paced. Sally's eyes followed him. The rest of them were all thinking exactly what she was.

It was to get to Lestrade.

"I'll have the best doctors help Mr. Anderson." Mycroft said, pulling Sally's attention away from his boyfriend. "He'll be in good hands."

"Thank you Mr…." Sally said, never having met him before, so she wasn't sure who he was.

"Holmes. Mycroft Holmes." Sally's eyes darkened some. She wanted to say something about the elder Holmes, how they didn't need their family's help anymore, but she knew better right now. He was going to make sure that Anderson got the help he deserved.

"Thanks." She said coldly. Lestrade looked at her.

It was going to be a long night.

Sorry for the delay. I have a bunch wrote but actually forgot I had put this on here. I hope people like it still!