warnings: um pg-13 sex and language and that's about it.

One of first things Annabeth noticed after moving into her new apartment, was her non-existent cooking skills. On her first morning there, she manages to burn her toast and set the toaster on fire. Luckily, she was able to control the fire (she threw the burning toaster into the shower), but now as a precaution she's living off of cereal, oven pizza, and microwave oatmeal. Not the healthiest- but Annabeth's just happy that she hasn't succumbed to being a stereotypical college student with the whole insta-soup thing.

All-in-all she was really enjoying the new privacy and her new life style. Her life was almost perfect.

Keyword: Almost.

The only problem were her walls. They were too thin. It sounds stupid at first, but when your neighbor is basically having sex every night it turns into the worst thing ever. Especially, when the girls he brings over like to scream profanities loud enough for the angels in heaven to hear. Annabeth's tried to ignore it, covering her ears with her pillow, listening to music, and once she even tried the whole 'fingers in my ears singing lalalalala'. Didn't work. She ended up staring at her ceiling, her face fifty different shades of red.

She could usually put up with his stupid, loud intercourse, but not today. School had been hectic and as she had been walking out of the classes some dumbass managed to hit her with a football. Now, she was sporting a major headache and all she needed was some peace and quiet.

Of course, that wasn't gonna happen.

The moment she had started to drift off -after a nutritious meal of burnt mac n' cheese- she heard her stupid neighbor drunkenly stumble in next door, a high pitched giggle followed his steps. There was a moan of "Oh, Percy..." and some groans.

Honestly, Annabeth couldn't take it, not tonight. "Hey! Can you not do this tonight?" She calls out. Immediately all noises stop, and Annabeth gives a small satisfied smile. "Thank you." She waits for moment, but all she hears is a door close and then silence.

For once this week, she can sleep peacefully.


The next day was Saturday, and thankfully she didn't have classes that day, but as she rolled over to have more sleep there was a knock on her door.

"Hey Annie! I know you're in there!" She could hear, Leo her friend, yell.

"Uugh, dude! It's barely afternoon!" She calls back, but gets up anyways.

Before she steps out of her room, she hears a muffled: "Erm, excuse me? Can you keep it down, please."

"Yeah sorry, Percy," she moans the last part, just like the girl from last night had. Annabeth hopes Percy's embarrassed and with a snicker, she walks to her front door. "Whaddaya want, you jerk. You woke me up."

"I need food," Leo answers, and steps into the flat.

"Too bad, I've got none."

"Let's go grocery shopping, then."

"As long as we can get ice cream after."

"Course, Annie." Leo says. "Anything for you."

Annabeth laughs. "Alright, let me go get dressed."

After suiting up in a dress and pulling her hair up, she walks back out. "Annie, damn. We're going to buy food not meet the president."

"Oh shuddup and let's go."


Later, when they had finished the shopping and went to Baskin Robins, they return back to Annabeth's flat. Leo's hands loaded with bags and Annabeth licking happily at her vanilla ice cream.

"Hey there's something taped on your door," Leo says.

She steps up and pulls off the sticky note: "Sorry I disturbed your sleep. Won't do it again. -Percy"

I shouldn't be starting a new story, oh gosh.

Ok so I'll continue it as long as I get some feedback on it, how's that?

ok so review..? please
