Trigger warnings for Self-harm, Suicide and Rape.

Community hours was something Quinn didn't truly have much of a problem with. She was glad to help others. Although her rude attitude toward her fellow peers would beg to differ, deep under that teen anger, Quinn was one of those rare ones with a heart of gold. She just never felt close enough to anyone to show it.

Around her community Quinn had helped at the old retirement home, but after two years, and all the kind old folk she had grown to love continuously passed away, Quinn couldn't take going home crying after one after the other of the people she's grown so close to leave her.

She gradually went to the reregistration that early Saturday after known and said her goodbye's the the staff and her remaining friends, walking toward the door before a friend of her mom's had stopped her.

"I heard you quit" The woman said, disappointment and sadness clear in her voice.

"Yeah well, i couldn't take getting close to people only to have them die on me" Quinn swallowed harshly, she shifted her feet, she felt a tug at her heart as she remembered the old friendly faces she used to visit.

"I understand...It's going to be sad here, without you" Quinn lowered her head. "But I hope you're not giving up on people and volunteering!" Quinn rose her head and shook it immediately. The woman smiled before handing Quinn a paper, patting her shoulder and walked past her, off to give lunch to the remaining residence at the home.

Quinn watched her leave, before looking down at the paper, and walking out the front door.

McKinley Suicidal Rehab

Was all Quinn read before her heart squeezed, and the corner of her lips lowered further. All that was left was the address and phone number. With a sigh, Quinn stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, and pulled out her phone, contacting the head desk of the place.

Rachel sat in the corner of her white room, her sleeves of her white shirt, that's two sizes two large for her, clutched in her fists as she curled her knees up to her chest and lowered her head against the wall beside her, her arms wrapping around her knees dressed in white pants.

"We're going to find someone for you" Rachel whispered to herself. She shut her eyes, tears already filling the rim of them. Rachel shook her head against the wall. "No, No you won't, They'll be here for a week and leave like the rest. No one wants to deal with me, I've got to many damn issues" Rachel sobbed quietly to herself.

"Too many damn issues for anyone to love. for anyone to care. God forbid anyone wanted to come fucking visit...oh one ever fucking would." Rachel's anger mixed with her sadness, she could feel her heart tearing in her chest. She dropped her head in her closed, sleeve covered hands and let the tears sink through the thin material.

She felt a shock of electricity as she heard the loud click of the door being unlocked echo in her plain room. She continued to face the wall in front of her, she tried to keep her breathing quiet along with her sobs.

The caretaker of the most teen patients, Finn, set Rachel's dull mashed food onto the small table beside her white, neatly done bed, before turning and smirking at her curled body. His thumb slide under the waistline of his pants as he took steps toward the curled, shivering body on the floor.

"You know what time it is" Finn said lowly, his erection already pushing against the fabric of his boxers, Rachel inhaled deeply, shutting her eyes tightly and pressing her head against the wall harder.

"Finn, please, I-I can't, It's enough" Rachel's words were useless. Her voice cracked and she knew her pleas and begs of "no's" and "don't" will be useless. A single tear slipped down her cheek along with the sound of Finn lowering his zipper. Rachel swallowed harshly as Finn, roughly took her by the hair and dragged her across the floor. Her scream simply echoing through the room.

Finn wrapped his arm tightly around the brunette's waist before slamming the fragile body on to the bed. Her tears stained her face, her screams muffled by the small towel Finn had stuffed into her mouth, before removing her pants, even with her fighting them to be kept up.

Finn pulled his fist back before connecting it with the side of Rachel's face making the girl freeze, her breath caught in her throat as she sobbed more.

Fighting was useless.

Crying was useless.

Screaming was useless.

She. Was useless.

So she laid there. Laid there, towel in her mouth, as Finn took advantage of the shattered soul of Rachel Berry. She faced the wall and shut her eyes, refusing to watch the shadow of Finn Hudson rape the shadow of the broken Rachel Berry.

So. New Story, Some of you are saying yay, some of you are hating my guts for even continuing to write.

This story is kind of dark isn't it?

I don't know if i wanted to continue it, I mostly just want to right it cause a lot of Rachel's thinking and feelings and the actions that you will learn about further in the story is what I have done and continue to do, sometimes and I guess I'm using this story to get out my feelings out more, to stop me from doing some...stupid things let's say...and if you liked it, I'm sorry it's so short, to be fair it's the first part of a new story, I'm not really sure where I was going with it, I mean I haven't been raped, but closed to it, so my heart goes out to anyone who reads this and had know. So. Those who hate my guts, feel free to put your hateful comments in my review if you wish to not let me continue this cause really...and now i'm talking too much so...bye...