Dear Ms. Forbes
Before your transfer to Sector- ██ is complete, you are required to take the oath of fidelity to the foundation and swear that what you experience in the next few months will never leave the facility walls.
Please read the next part out loud before continuing to your SCP assignment.
My name is Emily Forbes and I work for the foundation. We are the last bastion of security in a world where natural laws rapidly break down. We are here to protect humanity from the things that go bump in the night, from people who wield power beyond mortal understanding. We are here to make the world a safer place. We are the holders of wonders, and the crafters of dreams. We are why the world continues.
Like the foundation I am cold but not cruel. My work here is vital to the survival of the human race and failure is not an option.
Audio input accepted. Please move on to the data sheet for your new assignment.
SCP-2056 - The Ghost Boy
Item #: SCP-2056
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2056 is to be contained within a two room residential containment suite comprising of one bedroom and one bathroom. Entertainment devices are provided dependent on good behavior. The walls of this container have been specially reinforced with an energy shield donated to us by Mr. and Mis. Fenton. All tests on it have proved that it safely and reliably contains SCP-2056.
With the shield in place normal locks are sufficient to contain him. Should the shield fail however, SCP-2056 can pass directly through any wall or obstacle making him nearly impossible to recapture. The shield is therefore equipped with a back-up generator.
Due to high threat of escape, SCP-2056 is not allowed outside his cell unless the enclosure is being cleaned. Exercise equipment is provided to alleviate the need for physical exertion.
A specially trained Level-3 Psychologist is to be assigned to SCP-2056 to monitor his stress levels and keep him manageable. He/she and any other personnel that need interact with SCP-2056 should head the following guidelines.
SCP-2056 can turn himself invisible for extended periods of time. If he is not visible upon entering the enclosure attempt to communicate but do not assume there has been a containment breach.
Specimen should be referred to as "Danny" failure to do so leads to bouts of depression in the subject.
SCP-2056 may try to invoke sympathy in you by begging for freedom. Be firm but sympathetic failure to empathize will also lead to depression and possibly violence.
Once inside the shield it is completely possible that he will attack. Psychological assessments infer that murder is beyond SCP-2056's mental capabilities, but if he attacks no amount of protective gear will be able to defend personnel on the other side of the shield.
The specimen is sentient and looks human. In his passive state he is indistinguishable from a Caucasian teenager between the ages of 13-15. In this relaxed mode he has black hair and blue eyes and his body is tangible.
When active SCP-2056's hair will turn white, his eyes will glow green and he is markedly more aggressive. In this state he can turn invisible, fly, shoot energy beams from his hands and eyes, duplicate his form, summon ice from the air and possesses superhuman strength. All of these effects are neutralized by the shield and he can only damage people or objects inside.
This aggravated state is rare under normal containment procedures and seems to happen when intentionally triggered by SCP-2056. White rings mask the transformation and afterwards SCP-2056 will always be wearing a black and white jumpsuit. This does not change no matter what its passive form was wearing at time of transformation.
Primary reports on SCP-2056 prove sentience and his mental capabilities are on par for a human of his visual age. Psychological profiles revealed a strong will to help others and other empathetic tendencies.
SCP-2056 has shown an extreme dislike for the containment facility and the foundation. He brings up his desire for release often. Reasoning with the subject has proved fruitless and he will often say that he needs to be released so he can protect the city we obtained him in.
SCP-2056 has not been told about any events occurring in his hometown of ████ ████
Further profiling of SCP-2056 is to be handled by ████ Forbes Psy.D. As well as doctor ████ and ████████
SCP-2056 Recovery Log
Unauthorized viewing of the following documentation will result in reprimand
SCP-2056 was discovered in the suburban area surrounding ████ ████ USA. He was originally captured by amateur paranormal investigators Maddie and Jack Fenton, who were planning to conduct a dissection/autopsy on him.
Note: The Fenton's are on a list of monitored civilians after they were rejected for foundation employment by Director ████ for more details see archived persons of interest files Document #132
Strike team Leto-136 was able to intervene before any damage was done to the SCP.
As predicted the Fentons were unwilling to hand the SCP over. After negotiations and a reasonable amount of intimidation they decided that our containment center would be the best place to study the SCP or as they called him "The Ghost Boy".
SCP-2056 was gagged for much of the proceedings but seemed to be suffering from high levels of stress and anxiety. Standard SCP tranquilizers proved effective and he was loaded into a reinforced glass box for transport.
Before departure the Fenton's surrendered a device to the team, hereby to be known as SCP-2056-1. They insisted that it would be needed to insure that the SCP would be unable to escape. The foundation has used various methods to contain intangible SCP before but this device is extremely effective at containing SCP-2056 specifically.
The foundation engineers created a copy of the original device for further testing (SCP-2056-2) while the original (SCP-2056-1) remains part of SCP-2056's enclosure.
Further notes and identity:
Identity match on the relaxed state of SCP-2056 shows that he was legally registered as Daniel Fenton, the son of Maddie and Jack Fenton. Whether or not the Fenton's were aware of their son's abilities is unknown. However sergeant ████ Miller has given testimony that he did not detect any existing bond between the three while negotiations were in progress and police interviews in Daniel Fenton's missing persons report contain nothing that suggests they knew.
Daniel Fenton has officially been reported as a missing person. Attempts to falsify the child's death have already begun. More details will be added once the operation is completed and the threat of a security breach is fully assessed. Personnel with level 4 clearance or higher should consult the files on operation 34-D.
Further inquiry into the affair by the Family or other related parties will be met with bureaucratic silence. Should they attempt to jeopardize the security of SCP-2056 or the foundation they will be terminated.
Video log #1 First Encounters
Emily clutched her notebook to her chest, her eyes glued to the metal door with the letters SCP-2056 written in fresh red paint. Below it the warning label stickers had been added. A blue hexagon marked the subject inside as Euclid class. A yellow sticker below warned that the subject was sentient.
The security staff member who had walked her to the door was waiting for her to tap her security pass key. She needed one more moment to clear her head before going in. She glanced down at the report on her clipboard, eyes gliding over the small black print as she gathered her thoughts. So far this seemed like a typical acclimatization problem. It was perfectly normal for sentient SCP to have trouble coming to terms with the necessity of their containment.
This SCP's age was just an unfortunate happenstance, not a reason to give him any more or less consideration then the rest of her charges. After all, he was not the only child in the foundations care. SCP-053 was only three years old and absolutely needed to be kept as far away from humans as possible. SCP-2056 would be the youngest patient she had ever been assigned, but this wouldn't be a problem. She wouldn't let it be a problem.
She tapped her ID card to the reader. The heavy metal door slid back, revealing an unassuming-looking wood door. It was purely aesthetic. Sentient SCP tended to react poorly to reminders of their imprisonment
She knocked on the door and took a step back, seeing if SCP-2056 would answer her. A minute passed, then two. No sounds were coming from the other side. She shared a look with the guard who had brought her here but he just shrugged his shoulders.
Emily opened the door. It swung aside, leaving her staring at the translucent green shield that covered the entryway. The lab techs had assured her it was completely safe for humans but the wavering green still made her nervous. She took a deep breath and stepped through it, the tingle of energy making her shiver as it passed over her skin.
The room beyond was uncomfortably dark; the only source of light was the small sliver bleeding in from an opening in the curtains. Emily looked around but it was too dark to see anything but dark shapes. She would have to open the blinds.
It was times like these that she wished she didn't know how easily the average Euclid could kill a human. Emily walked across the room, her footfalls almost silent on the carpeted floor. She kept her eyes open for any trace of SCP-2056.
Halfway across the room her foot caught on something and she gasped in shock. Her hands flew out in front of her and she managed to catch herself on something firm and wooden. Something shifted around her ankle, settling in place around her. She looked down.
Video games. Just a stack of video games. Emily sighed. This is exactly what she got for wearing heels. She pulled herself up, steadying herself on the TV stand. She reached the window in two quick steps and pulled the curtains open. Sunlight flooded the room and a groan from behind her caught Emily's attention.
The space she had just lit up was no bigger than a hotel suite. The single bed sat in the center with a sofa pushed against the end and leaving just enough room before the television to make for comfortable viewing.
Now that the lights were on she could see that the bed was occupied. Blue eyes glared up at her from the pillow as the boy sat up. He was easily recognizable from the pictures attached to his file.
SCP-2056 yawned, his attention quickly falling to the source of the blinding glare. It suddenly stuck Emily how awkward this was, for all intents and purposes she had just barged into someone's room while they were sleeping.
She checked her watch. It was 4:37pm exactly. Oversleeping could mean depression was starting to take hold. Or perhaps he was suffering from proverbial cabin fever. It wasn't unusual for one's body clock to get confused when confined to single rooms.
"Umm… good morning" she offered, planting a smile on her lips. The boy shifted into a proper sitting position on the mattress, glaring wordlessly at her. His black hair looked extremely messy. He probably hadn't brushed it since he arrived. Poor personal grooming, add another tick on the depression checklist.
"I'm Emily" she added, extending a hand towards the younger male. SCP-2056 narrowed his eyes. "I don't care. Go away."
His voice was low and gravelly, like he hadn't had a drink of water in far too long. But maybe that was normal for him, she didn't know.
Emily pulled her hand back swiftly, her fear flooding over her in a rush. There was no time for panic now though. She needed to think of him like any other teenage boy. He wasn't going to get himself together so she needed to give him a push.
Nothing else for it, time to enter mom mode.
"Come on Danny you can't lay around in bed all day." She scolded, taking hold of the covers and pulling them away. The boy snarled at her and tried to pull them back but she just threw the blankets to the side and out of his reach.
"You're fourteen years old. Stop acting like a baby, go get dressed and brush your teeth." Emily planted her hands back on her broad hips, staring down at SCP-2056 with her best no-nonsense look.
Danny didn't seem very impressed. He was curling up near the pillows, his fingers balled into fists. He didn't look like he was about to attack, just showing his frustration.
To her exaggerated horror, the teenager was still clad in the clothes the researches had given him nearly three days ago. "Better add a shower to that as well." she huffed. SCP-2056 looked taken aback; obviously he wasn't immune to criticism on his smell.
His lips parted and his blue eyes flashed an electric green. "This is your last warning. Go away."
Emily's heart was beating so hard inside her ribcage she could hear it in her ears. "And this is your last warning before I come back with a bucket of ice water."
She and SCP-2056 stared at each other for a long moment. Then the boy sighed and began to stand up. He stopped by the drawer and pulled some clothes from it slamming it closed loudly just to show his frustration.
"That's a good boy" she smiled, "I'll wait until your done, then we can have our talk. Okay?" Danny's only answer was a slammed door.
With a long exhale Emily collapsed into the armchair next to the sofa. Her whole body was trembling. She pulled her purse from her shoulder and took out a package of Reese's cups. She bit one of the cups in half, focusing on her breathing. Progress. She had made a lot of progress today. Just focus on that.
She balled up the wrappers and stuffed them into her bag. She felt a little better now. She stood and walked to the door, gesturing to the security personnel that she was fine and she didn't need them for backup. SCP-2056 wouldn't hurt her.
At least not yet.
Thanks to Nebulous Mistress for helping with the editing. The SCP foundation and related characters belong to their creators and the foundation wiki.