Rickycool: Ohayou, dear readers~! Ricky here, collaborating with this monstrosity called Mitsuki Arisato Sawada. She's digs Yandere people, and, well, being the crazy person she was, started coming up with Yandere scenarios for the male members of Mekakushi-Dan. XD Honestly, they were good, so I went and made one-shots~! So, that's why Yandere Days were made. (If you're gonna ask about the title, blame the monster; she came up with it! XP)


MitsukiAS: Hello people! I'm not sure if it's morning there or not so I'm just gonna say hello unlike the other one here who just greeted you good morning. ANYWAAAAY, I absolutely LOVE yandere people (but I don't want to meet a yandere in real life XDDD) and thought of these awesome scenarios which I shared with the barbarian (Ricky) and she LOVED it. She said it was fun to read (I was shocked about the word 'Fun') and decided to make one shots for it! I think she explained it to you but oh well! I want to make this awesome! Yeah, sorry for the title I suck at making them XDD Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!


Rickycool: If you want, you can ignore the monster's rant above, and just go on reading~! X3 And so, we present to you, Yandere!Kano. R&R~!



*~Lies of A Monster~*


"I love you. It's the truth."


I was just a normal, sixteen year old girl. Everything was fine, everything was ordinary, and I was happy.

But then, I met them.

Everything was finer, everything was extraordinary, and I was happier.

I made new friends. I accidentally met them one time, and they suddenly demanded me to come join their 'secret gang' since they couldn't let me go after I just discovered their 'secret'. I was scared at first, but they were all nice people, so I eventually took a liking to them. They even had super cool powers, so why not? I even made a best friend. His name was Kano Shuuya.

Ah, that guy. He was such a liar. He was pretty good at lying, and he looked so laid back. He always liked to goof off, keeping everyone in the gang amused and safe. He may have seemed unreliable, but he was a friend worth counting on. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.

One of the most unforgettable moments with that guy was this one time he decided to tease me, and that I almost believed him. Almost.

"I love you."

The expression on my face must have been priceless, because not a moment later, Kano Shuuya burst into laughter. He was tearing up as he clutched his stomach, while I just stared at the spoon I dropped on the floor. And I was eating ice cream when he decided to execute his plan, too. I glared at the laughing idiot, who was looking up at me with those cat-like eyes.

"Wh-What are you saying all of a sudden?" I asked, bewildered. I could feel my face burning.

He laughed again. "But you're so cute when you're all flustered~!"

I 'hmph'ed at him. He merely showed that sly smirk of his, and sat beside me on the couch.

"Oh, don't be like that. You know it was just a joke. C'mon. Smile for me, will you?" he grinned. I glared, but I couldn't help it but grin right back at him. I punched him lightly on the shoulder. There was still a hint of blush on my cheeks.

"Okay, okay. Don't go all lovey-dovey on me now." I laughed. He just stared at me. "Ah. Because of you, I dropped my spoon. I'll have to go to the kitchen to get another one. Be back in a jiffy, okay?"

Without even waiting for a response, I stood up with the cup of ice cream at hand. I made my way to the kitchen. It was weird though, 'cause before I left the room, he had such an indifferent look on his face. I even thought he had red eyes back then.

The rest of the day went normal like always. I'd spend the noon and early afternoon with Mekakushi-dan, spend the rest of the afternoon with my school friends, and spend the night with my family. That day, I merely shrugged Kano's fake confession with ease. I thought I could keep up the routine tomorrow, too. But it seemed that Kano had other plans.

"Do you like someone?"

Same place, same time, same situation (I was eating ice cream, too. Darn it.), though a slightly different statement from the cat eyed. Thankfully, I didn't drop my spoon this time. I blushed furiously at the question, making me stammer for a moment. Kano didn't show any means of laughing or teasing at that time, so I thought he was definitely serious.

"Ah... Y-You... What's with that question? Are you becoming one of those nagging best friends I always see in animes?" I burst out suddenly, pointing an accusing spoon at him. He just stared at me as if I was the stupid one. Suddenly, he placed his hand over his mouth, and then showed that 'I-can't-believe-you-fell-for-it' face. My face was beet red both from blushing and from restraining the urge to punch the liar.

"As expected~! So cute when flustered~!" he laughed. I just turned and looked away from him, continuing to eat my ice cream in rage. I noticed his attempts of making me notice him, but I tried my best to ignore him and just eat the ice cream grumpily.

And then, like yesterday, he sat beside me. I was about to turn to look at him, but I remembered I was angry at him, so I kept looking away. I could hear him sigh. "But seriously though, do you like someone?"

This time, I turned to him, and he was wearing that sly smirk on his face. His yellow eyes looked serious though. "That..." I gulped, but then looked away again. My face was burning once again. "That's none of your business!"

He sighed again. But even though I couldn't see it, I could feel a grin creeping up to his face. I merely continued looking away from him. Unexpectedly, he jabbed his finger on my side, making me yelp and drop the spoon and ice cream on the floor. I would have screamed at the sight of wasted food, if it weren't for the blonde continuing to tickle my sides.

"Wha... S-S-Stop! Hahaha! Kano Shuuya―Haha...!" I tried to stop laughing, but Kano was relentless. I tried to shove him away, but my arms were limping from his tickles. "I-Idiot! Stop it!―Hahaha!" I thought it was hopeless since I was running out of energy fast, but then I saw an opportunity, and I quickly went for the attack.

I jabbed at his sides, making him yelp and stop tickling me. I didn't continue tickling him though, since I knew it would just become a tickle fight and I'd probably lose because of my endless ticklish spots. I sighed, catching up to my breath as I sat normally on the couch. Kano was beside me, also panting, but he was grimacing at the pain at his sides. Serves him right.

"Why... Why'd you suddenly do that?" I asked him as soon as my breath was normal again. I pointed at the mess on the floor. "Look at the mess you made! You even made me drop my precious ice cream, you idiot!"

The blonde just grinned in response to my scoldings. "But I wanted to see your laughing face again~! It's been a long time since you laughed so hard like that."

It was true. I haven't laughed like that for a long time. Still. It didn't give him the right to suddenly tickle someone without notice and make that someone drop food on the floor. I then just sighed, shrugging it off. "You really are beyond salvation."

I thought I saw him flinch at my words, but then I didn't really pay attention since I was too focused on the ice cream on the floor. I was about to stand up and go in the kitchen to look for a rug or something, when I noticed Kano's unusual smile. I shot a confused look.

"Are you okay, Kano?" I asked. I was worried he might have gotten sick. He liked to fake that he wasn't sick lots of times, too.

He laughed. "Of course, I'm fine."

I wanted to argue, but then I just let him be. Remembering what we were talking about in the first place, I blushed slightly, before turning to look at him again. "Look, Kano. Whoever I like doesn't concern you, okay? You may be my best friend and all, and best friends are supposed to tell each other the truth, but there are some things that you shouldn't poke around until I'm comfortable to tell you at the right time. I'll definitely tell you at the right time, I promise."

I was worried I might have angered Kano after saying that, but it seemed that he took it well and was currently showing a smile. "I... understand. I'm just worried, that's all. You're like―like a sister to me. I wouldn't want anything bad happening to my sister."

I smiled at him. "Thanks, Kano. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have wasted food to clean up."

I laughed, before standing up and walking towards the kitchen. Thing was, I didn't notice how tight Kano's grip on the couch pillow was. Moreover, his red eyes were covered because of his smiling face.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with my buddies at school, as usual. This time though, I had the weirdest feeling of being followed around. Of course, I had my friends who were following me, but it felt as if someone's pair of eyes were glued to my back, and it was definitely a weird feeling. I tried to shrug it off until the end of our outing.

I was about to go home on my own, when a close friend of mine asked if I could come over to his house to help him with the recent homework. Not really the kind to leave a friend behind like that, I agreed to help him. His house was just a few blocks from mine, so there was definitely no problem. The weird feeling on my back still hadn't gone away, and it was creeping me out. This caused me to walk a little closer to my friend than usual. Fortunately, the pair of eyes that had been following me that afternoon went away when I arrived at my friend's house.

I went home after a few hours, and thankfully the weird feeling didn't come back.

The next day was supposedly normal. What was weird was that I didn't see Kano at the base at all. I even asked the others about it; Kido said he went out early in the morning for an errand. I've been in the base since then. A few hours had passed. I've had arguments with Hibiya, barbecue-eating contests with Konoha, and weird conversations with Shintarou and Ene.

'Jeez, how long does that idiot take to finish an errand?' I thought, eating ice cream as I sat on the couch. I turned the TV on, not really watching it. It was that time of day again. Usually, I would sit and eat on the couch, and then Kano would suddenly pop out of nowhere and we would talk endlessly. Honestly, I was getting lonely without him around. I sighed as I watched the news talk about some murder case, and it only took me a matter of time before I finished the ice cream at hand.

I was set to visit my friend from last night, since we weren't finished with his homework. He didn't come at the outing that afternoon, so I assumed he was working hard on the notes I gave him last night. It was nearly dark when I arrived at his house. Thankfully, the weird feeling from yesterday seemed to have gone, so there were no worries of a stalker that day. I knocked.

No one answered.

I tried turning the doorknob, and surprisingly, it was unlocked. Although I was confused, I went inside. What greeted me was the smell of rotten goods and rusty iron. What the hell? I just left yesterday, and now his place had gone to be a total wreck without me? I laughed silently to myself. But since the smell was overbearing, I pinched my nose and began to walk towards his room.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I kept calling out for him or any of his relatives. I walked through the corridor where the door to his room was situated, and I couldn't help but notice that the foul smell was getting stronger.

Suddenly, I slowed down. I could see the door to his room by the end of the corridor, and it was opened slightly. I stopped. There was something off. But nonetheless, determined to get everything done with, I picked up my pace and grabbed the door knob, opening it.

"Hey, I brought―"

Eyes wide, mouth agasp, and feet trembling, I dropped the notes I was holding to the ground. All I could see was red. His body―his corpse was there on the ground. Stabs. Lots of stabs. I felt my feet about give in, but I tried my best to step back slowly. Blood was splattered all around. I resisted the urge to puke my lunch.

The smell of rotting flesh. The smell of dried blood. I could feel tears forming at the corner of my eyes. A friend―my friend was dead, right in front of me. I... I didn't know what to do. I couldn't even scream from this horrible scene before my eyes.

That's when I noticed that the blood splattered all over the wall weren't just splatters. They were words. My eyes widened more upon the realization. Those weren't just words. My name was written all over the wall with blood. Why... Why? Why did it have to be me? I noticed that there were more words formed all over the room. I just... cried. Damn it.

I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you
I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you
I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you
I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you
I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth
I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you It's the truth I love you

My back hit the wall as I let myself out of the room, tears streaming down the side of my face. I cradled myself as I tried to pry my eyes out of that horrid room. I... What do I do? Call the police? Call an ambulance? What?

"Hey, I was worried,"

A voice shocked me and almost gave me a heart attack. I abruptly turned to the side, and saw none other than Kano Shuuya himself. He was drenched in red. My lips quivered as I backed away, but I knew it was useless since the corridor had a dead end. I couldn't form any coherent sentences, and all I could sputter out were gibberish. I kept on stammering. He was smiling as if there was no bloodstained room at the side. Smiling as if he wasn't covered in blood.

Finally, my back met the wall. He showed a knowing face as if he just noticed my terrified state. "Ah~! I was helping Seto with his work today. You know, his painting job. Don't worry, it's just red paint." He grinned, holding out a hand to me. "Now, come here. And then, smile for me, will you? That expression doesn't suit you at all~!"

What... What was wrong with him? Can't he smell that awful... Doesn't he even notice that there's a dead body right there? He―He can't be... That's just sick. Too... Too much. This was too much. How does he even know this place...? Suspicious. Too suspicious. I...

"K-Kano..." I finally managed to call his name. He seemed a bit surprised. I hadn't even made any attempt to take his hand. "I... There's..." I shakily pointed towards that room, which actually made his expression harden. "My... He's..."


A hand slammed at the wall just beside my face, immediately silencing me out of fear. I was looking up at Kano's gleaming red eyes. I tried to look away as I felt myself crying, not knowing what else to do. He had such a dark expression; I didn't know if he wanted to kill me, too. I was scared, darn it. A murderer was right in front of me, and I decided to keep quiet to not upset him further. My legs were at their limit, and my whole body was trembling as I leaned on the wall.

His other hand shot up to cup my face, forcing me to face him. My vision was blurred because of my endless tears, but I could hear what he was mumbling to me.

"Ah, you saw it, didn't you? In that room? It's really the truth, you know. I love you. I really do. Back then, when I suddenly said that to you, and I said it was a joke, that was a lie. And yesterday? When I said you were like a sister to me? That was a lie, too. But it was true that I didn't want anything bad to happen to you. I won't let anyone touch you. Ever. Because I love you, that's why."

I sobbed. Who was this person? This... This wasn't the best friend I knew for months. The best friend I would always talk to everyday. The best friend that always made me angry, but then make me happy, too. The best friend that tricked me into joining their gang. The best friend that didn't make me feel alone. The... The best friend I loved.

"You might not believe me because I'm such a liar..." Kano smirked darkly, before suddenly hugging me. I didn't make any move of hugging back; I didn't want to aggravate him. I just stood there, trembling, crying, letting this person do what he wanted. "But I'll make you believe. I'll make you believe my lies, my truths, everything."

I cried. He cried.

He shed tears with a dark expression on his face. A face that said that he would never let go of me no matter what happened. He continued hugging me. This Kano Shuuya before me wasn't the Kano Shuuya I knew. This person was a murderer. He killed a precious friend of mine. Damn... it.

I shed tears because I lost someone important to me. Someone so important―A very valuable person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I cried because I wasn't able to keep my promise to him. I promised to tell him who I liked. I... wasn't able to tell him. The right time was too late.





"I'll do anything. Even if I have to be a complete monster for you."


*~The End~*


MitsukiAS: *drools* Kano...Oh gosh Kano...Even though I made the scenario...I love you Kano! *hugs a nonexistent Kano plushie*He is so awesome! Ah...Kano...*daydreams* Oh Kano you badass yandere dude...You killed the friend...Oh Kanoooo! 3 AAAAAAH! ARRRGGGHH! *fangirls in a corner*


Rickycool: And there goes the monster. I'm the only sane person in our partnership, so I apologize on her behalf. XD Anyway~! Thank you for reading, and a review is much appreciated! (P.S. Don't ever tell the monster, or else she'll realize that by calling her a monster, I'm practically putting her beside Kano, the lying monster. XD)


MitsukiAS: Thanks for reading guys and I hope you look forward to the others as well! *smiles and continues to hug the nonexistent Kano plushie* I hope I can meet the Mekakushi Dan..! XDD