So sorry I didn't update this sooner, I finished it a few days ago but wasn't quite satisfied and wanted it to be the best for you guys. Thank you so much for following this story, its been amazing - like I said in the first chapter, this is my first fanfiction and it's literally inspired me to write so much more. I have three more stories coming your way folks, two of them already posted, one finished, one is still a wip. (in fact, I just updated - it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out!)

Thanks again for all the reviews, alerts and favourites, and I hope to receive a few more with this last chapter! And I may come back to this story and edit this last chapter, as I am still not 100% happy with it - but my friend did a quick beta for me and said I should update it. So here it is. Okay. Here goes.

You next saw them up ahead of you on the street corner.

Huh. That's ironic, you think. But at least they're not arguing this time round.

"No, it's my turn, you got to push him yesterday!"

"You're such a child! Are you sure you're not meant to be the one in the pram, Merlin?"

Well. Spoke too soon. You can't help but smile across the street at them, almost wrestling with a navy blue push chair between them. Ohh...my god, is that the baby?! Has it really been that long? You wonder if they'll recognise you - it has been a few months since you last spoke to either of them. The sight makes you think back to all that drama you accidentally got caught up in; the last thing you'd known was that Arthur agreed to go with Merlin to receive the paternity test, but after that you felt it was really time to go home, so you'd said goodbye to the two of them, and Gwen, and gracefully faded out of their lives. The following days you'd often found your thoughts slipping back to them, wondering whether Merlin is the father, and what that meant for him and Arthur. You'd wondered whether they'd stopped being so 'frustratingly oblivious' as Gwen had put it, and figured things out between them. Well, to be honest you still wonder about these things, but you've recently resigned yourself to the fact that you might never know. It takes you a second to realise that all the answers to the questions that you'd been pondering over for several weeks on end, are now right in front of you.

"Arthur! Hey, Arthur! Merlin!" you shout out, desperately trying to grab their attention before they walk round the corner. Merlin seems to pick up your voice and he turns, scanning the crowd - Arthur notices his movement and looks round too, then soon spots you were you stand in the middle of the street, waving madly. He looks confused for a moment, then seems to recognise you and a huge grin breaks out over his face, leaning towards Merlin and saying something - probably reminding him who you are.

You stride quickly down the pavement, swiftly closing the smallish distance between them. "Wow, Arthur! It's been a while." you smile up at him, then at Merlin, who looks pleasantly surprised, and just a tiny bit smug as he's managed to use the distraction to nick the buggy off Arthur.

"Yeah! Yeah...I suppose it has," Arthur replies, a little out of breath. He seems to remember the baby then, and gestures your gaze down towards it. "Well, as you can see - Freya had the baby! It's a boy..." he laughs, pushing the hood of the push chair back to reveal a little new born wrapped up in light blue blankets, with pudgy arms and legs, tiny little fingers that are curled up under it's round chin, and, looking closer, you spot two bleary blue eyes peeking up at you amidst the soft, creamy skin.

"He's beautiful..." you gush, and you can't stop smiling at the two of them. You don't have all your answers yet, but just knowing that the baby had arrived, and Merlin and Arthur are here, together, taking care of it...it's more than you could have hoped for. "He has your eyes, Merlin." you say gently, so proud of the two of them, that they'd somehow worked something out. Arthur chuckles softly, taking his eyes off the little boy and back onto Merlin, smiling even more than before, making his eyes crinkle round the edges.

"That's what I said." he says tenderly, still with his eyes on Merlin. "Merlin here, wanted to name him something ridiculous like- what was it, Moran..Morde-"

"Mordred." Merlin interrupts, quirking his eyebrows up at Arthur, rolling the pram backwards and forwards slightly with his long fingers wrapped tight round the handle bar. You smirk at the pair of them. "And what exactly is wrong with the name Mordred?" Merlin asks, annoyed. Arthur just bites his lip and tries not to laugh again - but his eyes give him away, lighting up and teasing.

"Just because you happen to be 'blessed'-" Arthur makes the sarcastic speech marks in the air with his fingers. "- with a medieval name, doesn't mean you should give your son one." he grins cheekily at Merlin, like he's trying to tease another retort out of him. Wait- his son?!

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"I really do."

"So what's his name, then?!" you interject, before Merlin succeeds in burning a hole through Arthur's head with the deadly glare he's fixing on him. Your words seem to pull Arthur out of a trance, almost if he'd forgotten you're still standing there.

"Oh- oh, yeah...it's Charlie." Arthur hastily replies, casting his eyes back down to the little thing in it's cocoon of blankets. "Freya suggested it, I think it's after her great, great-grandfather or something...right, Merlin?"

"Hmm, yeah I think so."

"I'm guessing- that he turned out to be yours, Merlin?" you ask, just to confirm. Arthur seems to have taken it well - but then it's been several months since they'd first found out. Are they...together, or what?! And how's Freya? And Gwen?!

Merlin laughs, then lets go of the handle and crouches down in beside the pram, a long, pale finger coming up to stroke across Charlie's cheek.

"Yeah.." he says softly, smiling brighter as a tiny hand latches onto his own finger, clinging tightly with each little finger. "Yeah, he's mine."

You feel that familiar feeling of curiosity swelling up again, just like it had back when all of this started - and you decide you have to ask.

"So..." you start, wondering if you're about to enter a delicate topic. "Did the penny finally drop, Arthur?" you glance back at him cheekily.


"Did you...see the light?" you try not to laugh at the sight of Arthur's bemused expression, looking ridiculous where it replaced the smug smirk that normally lived there. Out the corner of your eye you pot Merlin also stifling a laugh, attempting to hide his face in the side of the push chair.

"Wha- what light?" Arthur stutters.

"Did the fog clear from your eyes?"


"Any mystical epiphanies in the middle of the night?"


"Oh, for god's sake - did you get together or not?" you sigh, quitting teasing Arthur - who looks like he's about to explode, but he relaxes considerably when your words sink in. Merlin's still laughing, and he stands back up to lace his long fingers through Arthur's own, squeezing gently.

"Yeah - the prat's been putting up with me for the past few months now." Merlin smiles, clearly still trying not to laugh at the slightly startled look on Arthur's face. However, he seems to regain the use of his mouth again a few moments later.

"Two months, fifteen days- actually." Arthur corrects, a familiar smirk falling back onto his face.

"Prat." Merlin retorts, but you can see the fond look settling in his blue eyes as they train in on Arthur - and you don't miss the way Merlin's thumb starts to draw little circles on the back of Arthur's hand.

"Idiot." Arthur grins back.


Arthur's smug look drops instantly, replaced with one of indignation. "You just made that up." he protests.

Merlin shrugs. "I didn't think 'pratty prat of pratliness' quite covered it. And anyway, prove that it isn't a real wor-"

Arthur swoops in then, pressing a chaste, but firm kiss to Merlin's lips, silencing him quite effectively. He pulls back, but keeps his face close to Merlin's.

"Merlin." he says quietly. "Shut up."

You can't stop beaming at the pair of them, seeing them together - it finally puts your mind at rest, they'll be okay now, they're going to be just fine. More than fine, in fact. Arthur's leaning his forehead against Merlin's own now, and you hate to break the moment...but there's still a few things you want to iron out. You clear your throat quietly, and it's just enough to remind them of your presence.

"How's Freya? Did the pregnancy go okay?" you ask. You'd never actually met the girl, but heard several things about her from Gwen and the others.

"Oh, yeah, she's great!" Merlin replies cheerily. "It's good actually, Gwen and I have managed to persuade her to keep on a little of the pregnancy weight - she's always been too skinny."

Arthur scoffs at that."Yeah, like you can talk." Merlin elbows him sharply in the ribs and he winces. You just grin wider at the two of them.

"Arthur's been amazing." Merlin continues, still clutching his boyfriend's hand. "He came round every day the first week when I stayed over at Freya's - we all took turns looking after him, gave Freya a break for while...and of course the others dropped in every now and again, so yeah." he smiles, blue eyes gleaming. "We've been coping just fine."

"That's great," you smile at them, then crouch down in front of the pram to stoke a gentle finger across Charlie's tiny face. "You're extremely lucky, you know?" you say softly. "So very lucky. You get the best of both worlds, you've got the most amazing family and they all love each other very much. You're going to be brilliant, Charlie Emrys, you know that? Just brilliant."

Straightening back up, you tell Arthur and Merlin you really ought to be getting along, and you start to say goodbye to the little family - Merlin promises to send your love to Freya and Gwen, and you tell the two of them to behave and not to cause too much trouble, or any more ridiculous arguments. You say one last goodbye to little Charlie where he lays cocooned in blankets, and finally to Merlin and Arthur themselves. Yes, of course, you'll come round some time to check on them, no, oh, only if it's not any trouble...yes, you're certain they'll do fine, remember to say hi to Gwen, oh- well, goodbye, good luck!

You last saw them as they walk round the corner, sending a wave over their shoulder as Merlin pushes Charlie down the street.

Yeah. They'll do brilliantly.