Blackinnon Love
Prologue - Fifth Year
They were all seated in a circle next to the roaring fire in Gryffindor Common Room. James had suggested, seeing as they were the last people in the Common Room, that they should play a game. Predictably, Sirius had suggested Snog Spin. Marlene groaned - of all the games... It's not that she didn't like the idea of snogging someone, it's just James was her brother in all but blood, Remus was nice but was in love with Mary, Peter was sweet but not kissing material and and Black was an arrogant prick.
"So, who's turn is it to spin?" James Potter asked, grabbing the empty Butterbeer bottle ready to flick it round.
"It's Marls, I think, seeing as she didn't get a go last time." Sirius smirked, glancing at Marlene who looked pointedly away. The last game she had endured with the Marauders had ended with Marlene being told to snog James (which she refused saying it was incest) and McGonagall breaking it up before Black made her. Marlene sighed.
The bottle spun in the centre of the Gryffindor Common Room rug for what seemed like forever, until coming to a resolute stop in front of Sirius Black. Lily Evans laughed, Remus Lupin wolf whistled and Marlene McKinnon got up to leave.
Rolling her eyes, she said "This game is stupid!" She was not going to kiss him! Not a chance in hell - he could be the best kisser in the world and she still wouldn't kiss him.
Emmeline pushed her back down on the sofa.
"There is no way you are getting out of this one!" she cackled. Marlene thought about how cruel her friends could be sometimes: they knew she couldn't stand the sight of Black at the best of times, let alone when she was being made to snog him.
James and Remus hooted with laughter while Sirius just sat in his armchair and smirked at Marlene, who was sitting on the sofa opposite him, facing the door.
"No! You are NOT kissing me, you... you..." Marlene spluttered, desperately trying to escape Emmy's tight grip on her arms.
Still smirking, Sirius sauntered round their circle, round the back of the sofa and whispered into her ear. "You know you love me really, McKinnon..."
"I! I... I don't you arrogant git!" she squealed as Sirius grabbed her from behind, leaped over the back of the couch and kissed her full on the lips. "GERROFFOFME!"
James fell off the chair with laughter. Using his momentum to push him off her, Marlene glared at him as he grinned from the floor and stormed off up to her dormitory, while Hestia snorted at Sirius' pleased expression.
A/N: Okay, so this is my first ever story on here, so BE NICE PLEASE! Umm... To warn you, the rest of it will be in first person, from Marlene's POV or perhaps someone else's, but this prologue just screamed at me in third person. REVIEW PRETTY PLEASE WITH A SIRIUS ON TOP *flutters eyelashes at you all*
Also, I know it's short, but I think it's okay...