LAST CHAPTER! *breaks down into tears*

I can't believe this is the end of my first fic! I'd like to thank all of my readers and followers for staying with me through this crazy ride of writing. Also to everyone who reviewed, you are AMAZING PEOPLE! You filled me with joy to write more words! Special thanks to the last chapter reviewers SIERRAWOHLMAN, fluffsterzz, and the guest named dragonfire-wolfgirl (Never got to respond to your comment but thanks a TON and I find your little cookies adorably delicious). Another thanks to my Beta BlazingRagnarok who never...actually...Betaed this chapter...(I will correct any mistakes later and probably get a finger waggle scolding from him).

Disclaimer: If you don't known that I don't own Young Justice by now...then go back and read the last 11 disclaimers I've written...idiot.

When Dick's eyes next flew open, he half expected himself to be back in the warehouse, tied to a chair next to a deranged clown. The clown would ask, "Have a nice dream Bird Boy?" and would then proceed to draw a crowbar and cackle manically, the whole adventure of being saved by Batman just one more dream in an endless cycle to come.

But when he awoke, Dick's eyes saw none of that. There was no warehouse, no clowns, and no crowbars. Instead, Robin was welcomed by the comfortingly well-known walls of the Batcave. Well, the Batcave infirmary to be exact. After the fight with Joker and as soon as Robin had stumbled into the Batcave, he had instantly collapsed onto the floor, pure exhaustion having finally taken hold of him. Looking down and taking in his appearance, Robin realized that Alfred must have patched him up when he was asleep. There was a large white cast on his right arm spanning from the base of his fingers to just below his shoulder. White bandages could be seen sprouting from the top of the cast, matching the ones he noticed were wrapped securely around the knife wound on his thigh.

Dick let out a groan as soon as he saw his new bulky white addition. "Guess I won't be fighting crime anytime soon," he sighed.

"You got that right," Bruce said, walking over to Robin's bed. His eyes looked puffy from lack of sleep, but otherwise a genuine smiled graced his lips. He was glad to see his little bird awake.

"Bruce you're ok!" Dick yelled out, struggling to sit up and get a better look at his adoptive father.

"Well of course I'm ok," Bruce said, helping to prop Dick up on a couple of pillows, "It take more than a little knife to kill the Batman. More importantly, how are you're feeling?"

"I'm ok, just a bit sore," Dick said, shrugging his shoulders and wincing as pain flared up his right side.

Not missing the action, Bruce leaned closer to his ward worriedly, asking "You sure you don't need any more pain killer, Chum? You did take quite the beating there."

"No, I'm fine. Totally feeling the aster," Dick replied quickly, attempting to hide his pain. He hated to show his mentor any weakness. Batman didn't need pain killers, why would Robin?

But, being the world greatest detective, Bruce easily saw past Dick's bluff and raised an eye brow skeptically at the injured boy.

Dick sighed, the look of bat-skepticism was almost as bad as the bat-glare. Caving in, he raised his good hand and measuring out a small distance between his index finger and thumb he said softly, "Ok, maybe a little bit."

Smiling at the gesture, Bruce walked over to Dick's IV and administer the pain killers. Instantly, Dick's body relaxed. "Thanks," he said, grateful that his pain was lessened. "So how long was I asleep?"

"Two days," Bruce answered, but at the look of shock in the boy's face added, "But don't worry, that's normal for how much your body went through."

"Well I guess…but two whole days, really? How long was I kidnapped for anyway?" Dick asked. Time felt differently to him after the multiple dreams and dreams within dreams. He really had no clue how long he had been in the mad clown's clutches.

Bruce took a bit of time with his answer before saying slowly, "Actually Dick, you were only taken for about eight hours."

"WHAT! Only eight hours!?" Dick exclaimed. After all those dreams he thought he had been there for at least a couple days if not weeks. But, he hadn't even been taken for half the day!

"Time works differently in dreams," Bruce explained. "A person can feel like they're dreaming for a day when in reality, they've only been asleep a couple hours."

"So if I had dreams with in dreams…" Dick said slowly, his good hand stroking his (hairless) chin thoughtfully. "Then time feels even longer?"

"Precisely," Bruce said, proud he was catching on so fast. He didn't want to toot his own horn, but Dick had been trained by the best.

Then suddenly, Dick's whole demeanor changed. The smile disappeared from his face as he sullenly looked down and began picking at the edges of his blanket. "Dad?" he asked so quietly that Bruce had to lean in closer to hear him.

"What is it Chum?"

Dick took a long pause before whispering, "I'm…scared. I'm scared that if I go to sleep again he'll be back. That if I go to sleep again…you'll be…gone." By now, hot tears were dripping down Dick's face and onto the blanket below.

Bruce's heart throbbed painfully as he looked down at the broken boy. He sat down on the bed next to Dick, wrapped his arms around him, and let his son cry into his strong chest. "I'll never leave you Dick," he whispered into the child's ear. "I'll always be here to protect you, no matter what."

And that was how Alfred found them there in the morning. Curled up together, fast asleep. Father and Son. A smile gracing both of their lips.


(IDK about possible sequel. Probably not...but if you wanna add your 2 cents (or more) then tell me)

So This was my first fic and I really wanna know how I did on it for future reference. Comments will be loved forever and help me become a better writer.

Until next time. Potter out.