~The Next morning~

Sting and Lucy woke up at the same time. They stared at each other for a long time until they finally relaxed. Sting opened his mouth to say the words 'I love you' without saying a word. Lucy followed suit and she said 'I love you too' and then, finally, the two Blond-haired mages pulled themselves near each other. as the became closer and closer, their lips touched. Ant this is what they call it... A kiss. (A/N: If it's too cheesy, then Sorry! I have been reading too much romance books. ^^'')

Their tounges were touching each other, fighting for dominance. Sting let go, as they needed air after that kiss. Lucy blushed a thousand fold and smiled at Sting. Sting smiled back, and got off the bed. Lucy sat up and looked at him. He was topless! Lucy blushed again and turned around to calm herself down. Sting noticed this and smirked as he went to get his swimwear and got changed in the bathroom. They have until tomorrow then they will be seperated and they will go to their guilds.

~Beach~(Normal P.O.V)

Erza, Wendy, Gray and Natsu have decided to play Beach Ball in the water, Gray have been given a warning of not the freeze the waters. The rest were doing their own stuff, Lucy and Sting were just sitting next to each other, hand in hand. Sting apparently went off somewhere, leaving Lucy alone for a while.

~Lucy P.O.V~

I look at the skys. It looks good! I was wearing a Blue bikini, with white sandals. I was waiting for Sting to get his Ice-Lolly as he was feeling hot. I sighed as I was about to doze off, a waist was around my shoulder as that person sat down. Sting Eucliffe. I should have known. Sting came back with a Blue Ice-Lolly on his right hand and he was sucking it. I stared at him. There's nothing I can do but stare. 'Hey you want some?' Sting asked as he shoved the Blue Ice-Lolly to my mouth. I hesitated. But what harm would it do to try? I sucked the Blue Ice-Lolly and it tasted like...Blueberry? It was nice, so I sucked it a little more. 'Hey, Lucy. Let me have some will ya? Don't take it all to yourself.' 'Oh Sorry~! Here!' I said, letting go of the Lolly and I sighed as Sting smirked and said a kind, yet sweet 'Thanks'

~Natsu P.O.V~

I looked at Lucy. She was SHARING a Ice-Lolly with HIM! Why can't it be me? I really wanted to share an Ice-Lolly with her. But I shared with someone once. But it was not Lucy. It was accidental by Lisanna. When I saw them sharing, I punched the Beach Ball with Flames. 'OI! FLAME BRAIN! DIDN'T WE ALL AGREE ON NOT USING MAGIC TO PLAY BEACH BALL?!' Gray shouted at me. Oh yeah. I forgot. I bet I must be very angry. 'Oh sorry..' I could just say that. I have to pay everyone 10,000 J for using magic. Man, I think I'm broke. I should go on a mission one day.


Everyone took a seat. Seating arrangement was: Erza, Rufus, Wendy,Orga,Levy,Minerva, Gray, Rogue, Lucy, Sting, Juvia, Yukino, Natsu. Lucy held Sting's hand as the food came. It was like a 5-star restaurant feast! Obviously, Minerva ordered this. They tucked in, and Sting ate like a hungry dog. 'Sting!' Lucy scolded. 'Eat like a proper human!' 'S-Sorry...' Sting said and then he ate slowly, just like how Lucy wanted. Lucy blushed. Lucy thought that he look like a gentleman. Rogue ate a lot more than usual. Wendy was looking at Sting and Lucy. They look cute together she thought. But then she looked at Natsu. Natsu was fuming with anger. He looked like he could smash Sabertooth and its members in a second flat. Wendy was afraid, but kept a straight face and continued to eat her food.

Lucy and Sting exchanged Address and Lacrima Numbers. They talked. A lot. After the dinner, they went to the room. Lucy gave him a small peck on the cheek and slept. After all, Lucy and Sting are going to enter the Grand Magic Games. Sting smiled.

Minna~~! This story will be continued! Until the GMG ends!

Bye bye guys!

Is it short? Well sorry, I have to rush cause I did this at school. ^^ .Gommen...
