Passion, Determination & a hint of Revenge

KuroBas Fan-Fiction

Chapter 1:

"I would like to introduce Tachibana Rinnosuke," The homeroom teacher said to the class instantly receiving the attention of most of the students. Everyone had heard the rumor of a new transfer student, news spread incredibly quickly especially since the students wondered if the student would be male or female.

The female students of the class had glittering eyes as they looked upon the new student. Rinnosuke turned from writing out his name on the bored. He was an average height, at least 168 centimeters, and had a slim-lean build, he probably weighed 60kg at most. Rinnosuke had a pale smooth skin, some of the girls even commented on it, and he had a smooth pretty face. Long dark eye lashes, almond shaped chestnut brown eyes, and fine silk black hair.

"Hello, please treat me well," He was blushing, his voice was unsteady, and he looked nervous. Still his smile was sweet and even captured the hearts of the male students who were paying attention.

"Alright, please have a seat beside Himuro-kun in the back."

Rinnosuke's eyes searched the room until he spotted the empty desk by the boy who had looked up when he heard his name. He had a handsome face, half of it was hidden by black hair, and he had a mole nearly hidden under the eye that was visible.

"L-let's get along, H-Himura-kun," Rinnosuke stuttered before he settled into his new seat.

"It's Himuro," The teen corrected with a cooling stare.

Rinnosuke's face turned a bright read, "Ah, sorry…"

Crap, what am I doing? No wait, now is not the time to go back…it's too soon to turn back now! Rinnosuke glanced around the unfamiliar room, he caught many curious glances. Regret and uncertainty caused him to fidget in his seat. Just get through this first day Rin, if you can get through today you can continue throughout the whole year…maybe…hopefully… Oh dear merciful heavens I'm going to get caught.

About ten minutes passed and homeroom shifted into their first lesson of the day, English. Rinnosuke got out a notebook and looked to Himuro. His cheeks instantly flushed red.

"Ah, um, Himuro-san, could I p-possibly borrow your notes after class?"

Uchi…isn't that feminine? Himuro thought glanced at Rinnosuke from the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry, but I don't take notes," He said with a polite smile, "If you need help though, I'm sure I can help."

Rinnosuke looked to his right, the girl sitting next to him looked eager to speak with him.

"Himuro-kun, originally came from America, English was his first language," She said with a bright smile. She had butterscotch brown hair, obviously dyed by her darker roots, hazel eyes, and lightly freckled skin. She had a curvy figure, she didn't seem totally confident with herself but she wasn't entirely insecure. "I'm Karasuma Mimiko, if you need any help just ask."

Rinnosuke nodded his head and took the notebook she offered. "D-don't you need this?"

"It's fine, don't worry about me, just take your time copying the notes," She said waving a dismissive hand as she smile.

"Thank you," He nodded his again and reached into his bag pulling out a black case containing his glasses.

Throughout the class many students looked back to peek at Rinnosuke but he was too busy writing down Mimiko's notes in between copying the new notes that the teacher was putting up on the front board. He had a cute yet serious image, especially with his glasses on. His eyebrows knitted together whenever he tried to decipher the teacher's handwriting.

Near the end of the class, while a handout was being passed out for homework, Rinnosuke finished copying Mimiko's notes and handed the back. She handed him her other note books which included Math, Japanese Language, Chemistry, and Social Studies.

"Ah, thanks so much Karasuma-san," Rinnosuke thanked her for the third time as he took them.

"It's not a problem, I just hope my handwriting isn't too sloppy."

For lunch Rinnosuke went to the canteen. He was pushed around and nearly ran over by plenty of tall strong looking students. It was luck and chance that he was able to get his favorite melon bread and a deli sandwich.

Rinnosuke felt a little triumphant as he got tropical juice from the vending machines and headed up to the classroom.

"Tachibana-san," A group of three girls approached Rinnosuke, "Do you have any club you want to join? If not you should join the drama club, it is fun and you don't even have to know how to act."

Rinnosuke paused, he had an armload of his lunch, "I…uh, sorry I'm not interested…I already have a club in mind."

"Aw," They all pouted.

"What club?' The girl that spoke first asked with a curious smile.

"I was hoping that I could possibly try and get into the basketball club."

"Ah…good luck, our team is really tough and strict…"

Rinnosuke smile, "Thanks for the support."

"Oh! Tachibana-kun, I can't believe it! You got melon bread? How did you manage that? Not even Murasakibara-kun has managed to come back with melon bread!"

Rinnosuke looked towards the loud male student who seemed shocked.

"And not only the schools famous melon bread but the mouthwatering teriyaki deli sandwich?! You're amazing Tachibana-kun!"

His face turned red, "Uh…I was very lucky… I guess, and this school's canteen was kind of… better than at my previous school."

"What? Really? Our canteen is pretty amazing… What school did you go too previously?"

"Who has melon bread?" A large presence stood behind Rinnosuke causing a shadow to be casted over him.

Rinnosuke slowly turned to the large Enoshima Tower that stood over him. He had long shaggy purple hair and an apathetic look. He carried a large armload of snacks and breads from the canteen, he also had a plastic bag packed full of stands. Rinnosuke practically gaped at the teen, not only because of his height but because he recognized him.

"M-Murasakibara Atsushi-k-kun goes to Yousen?" He asked cheeks flushing red. He seemed to blush a lot.

Atsushi looked down at Rinnosuke; he spotted the two packages of melon bread in his arms.

"Do you want to trade an autograph for melon bread?" He asked his monotone matched his apathetic expression.

Himuro appeared beside Atsushi and stomped on Atsushi's foot, "You've got enough to eat, plus you shouldn't rip off a classmate."

The student who had approached had slowly disappeared amongst the class. Rinnosuke glanced around in search for him, but he hadn't been able to study his face long enough to recognize him.

"Ah, I guess I don't need to…" Rinnosuke said looking back up at Atsushi, "I'll trade you for…" His eyes ran over Atsushi's collection, "For a pudding."

"…Sure," He agreed after contemplating how much he wanted the melon bread.

Rinnosuke moved towards his desk, setting his lunch down on the table top. On the other side of Himuro's desk, by the window, Atsushi was setting his meal down. Rinnosuke wondered how he could've missed noticing such a tall student, especially one from his previous middle school.

"Here," Atsushi said holding out a pudding.

Rinnosuke smiled as he traded his melon bread, "Thanks."

The next two classes breezed by, Rinnosuke was a bit unfamiliar with having four classes before lunch and only two, plus homeroom, after. He was glad though, it kind of made the day seem to pass more quickly.

Ah, where did I put my sports bag? Rinnosuke thought turning on his heels in the middle of the hallway. He startled a few people but they quickly recovered and moved onwards. He went back to the classroom, eyes scanning for the nearly forgotten duffle bag.

He let out a relieved sigh as he spotted it against the wall directly behind his desk. He vaguely remembered placing it there in the break between English and Math. He slipped the strap over his head, and adjusted it so that it balanced his satchel that carried his notebooks and textbooks.

"I heard that you were going to try and join the basketball club," Himuro stated as Rinnosuke turned to leave the class. Rinnosuke's new classmate had just woken the giant that had managed to sleep through every class, including Physical Education.

"Ah…ye-yes," Rinnosuke replied with a small nod of his head, "Himuro-san was it? Um…are you in basketball with Murasakibara-k-san?"

"Yes," Himuro answered, "and my name is Himuro Tatsuya, I apologize for not properly introducing myself before."

"Oh, no, I should apologize…I hope I didn't bug you or anything." He quickly stated with light pink cheeks.

"…You didn't…"

"Muro-chin, let's hurry up and get to the gym," Atsushi mumbled as he rested his head on Tatsuya's.

"Would you like to come along?" Tatsuya invited glancing up at Atsushi.

"A-are you sure? Is that alright?" Rinnosuke asked uncertainty filling his voice as he glanced between Tatsuya and Atsushi.

"I don' care," Atsushi muttered with a lazy shrug of his shoulders.

"I invited you, didn't I?"

A smile spread across Rinnosuke's lips, "Thanks."

He keeps using Uchi…that's pretty strange isn't it? Well, maybe not… it's not like Japanese is my first language… Tatsuya thought and was the first to move towards the door.

Author's Note: Hi there, if you're wondering about a few things I'll quickly explain them... but first I want to state that I was inspired by the story Hidden Beauty by Love me Hate Me-chan [Link: s/9104107/1/Hidden-Beauty]. Well her story her character is in Kaijou, while I wanted to set the setting at Yousen. I actually contemplating making Rinno-chin join Touou, but well you'll see why it wouldn't have worked *smirks* I hope you like it, I'm enjoying writing it. :3

okay some things I want to make clear

So Uchi is a feminine way to address oneself, Atashi is also a cute/femine way while Boku/Ore is masculine... if you're not totally sure look it up... I mean I don't know much about the Japanese language and such so I'm just kind of going off manga/anime and google haha

Oh, i nearly forogt. I mentioned the Enoshima Tower haha, cuz i'm lame like that ohoho or it has something to do with Rinno-chin's background ohohoho

OTL and I apologize for having the characters so OOC, as you know I don't own them or anything so they're never going to seem like the original.

=3=b look forward to the next chapters~