A/N: Hey everybody! I'm BAAACK!

This is going to skip to the beginning of the train ride, because his school shopping was normal.

He got his stuff then left. No pranks, nothing.

On to the story!

Goten hopped onto the train with his stuff in capsules. Grinning, he sat down next to Trunks with some Extra-Loud Wizard Whoopee Cushions. Trunks introduced Goten to his friend from Italy, Leonard Carper. Leonard was light tan and kept to himself. Goten and Leonard shook hands, a bad decision by Leonard because Goten had a tiny taser on his hand that sent three volts up to Lenny boy. Goten and Trunks were laughing so hard, they were rolling on the floor. Trunks almost wet his pants he was laughing so hard after Goten accidentally stunned himself. Trunks jumped out of his seat in shock after Goten stunned him.

" I guess we're all 'shocked'!" Goten joked. ( Heh. Puns.) Trunks and Len cracked up, and Goten prepared the Whoopee Cushions. Trunks and Goten sat on them, making a fart noise that was heard all around the world. It would be known as " The Fart Heard 'Round the World'. Goten and Trunks got laughs from a few people, while the prefects went nuts looking for them. It was basically their prank spree in Order of the Phoenix all over again, just not as many pranks. They enjoyed every nanosecond of it. Goten and Trunks ran around until they had to go on the boats and thestrals, respectively. About halfway to the school, both of them got bored and levitated two feet before dashing through the air to Hogwarts. Goten arrived before Trunks, and they set up a dungbomb in the Great Hall by the Slytherin table. The two raced out before anyone caught them and stood in front of the school, talking about their UP( short for Ultimate Prank) plan. When the rest of the students arrived Goten was scolded and told to get in line for sorting, while Trunks was given a week of detention because they knew he did something to the Great Hall. Goten grinned sheepishly at Trunks as he got in line in alphabetical order. McGonagall gave her usual speech, and then the sorting started. This is how it went, just saying the houses.










































Finally, it was down to the last few. Goten was getting sorted. He sat down awkwardly in the chair and put the hat on. ( The hat will talk in italics. Goten will talk in bold.) Well well well, what do we have here? It seems like a saiyan. Yes, I know you're people. And your brother, too. How is he? Just focus on sorting me, dumb hat.Is that any way to treat somebody? Don't answer. You have the bravery of a Griffindor, the loyalty of a Hufflepuff, and most of all the cunning of a Slytherin. You are way too not smart to be in Ravenclaw. Hey! But think the house that suits you best is...

" GRIFFINDOR!" The hat shouted. The Griffindor table erupted in cheers. Goten was excited as well. The other tables were clapping politely, since his brother is the minister and all that bashizzle. There was one person left, so it was really a small first year group.

" Williams, Jenna!" McGonagall called ( If you have not read the fic The Misadventures of Gohan and Friends, the newest chap, then you should because she will be VERY important!). As soon as the hat touched her head, he shouted " RAVENCLAW!". Goten clapped. McGonagall sat down, and at that moment, the dungbombs under the chairs went off. The teachers went flying through the air.

" TRUNKS! DETENTION FOR A MONTH! WITH FLITWICK!" McGonagall shouted, knowing Flitwick was Trunks least favorite teacher.

" Great speach." Goten muttered. Len snickered.

" All jokes aside * stern glare at Trunks*, I wish to welcome all of you to another wonderful year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As most of us know, we have banned any product except for clothes and books from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Yes Trunks, that was directed at you! And you Goten! The other teachers and I remember your prank spree with Peeves! * Goten and Trunks chuckle* We would like to announce that we are having a new sport, available only to students up to the fourth year. After that, you get to play actual Quidditch. The sport is the newly invented phenom, baseQuidditch. It is basically muggle baseball with Quidditch items. Have a nice year, we hope it's MAGICAL." McGonagall joked. ( TWO PUNS!) She told them all to dig in, and our heroes didn't need to be told twice. They gobbled fifty plates in 5 minutes! Each! The sorting hat stepped up to the podium.

" Oh my! It seems I have made a mistake! Goten Son is not in Griffindor! That was the wrong decision to make! He is in Slytherin!" The hat shouted. Their was a collective gasp around the room, but Slytherin was cheering like there was no tomorrow.


I think it's a good place to end it, don't you? Oh, that was totally surprising, huh? Tell me in a review. Ooh, answer these questions!

Q: Were you surprised that the Hat made a mistake?

Q: Surprised about baseQuidditch?

Q: Did I portray the characters right?
Q: Are all these questions making you feel like your in school?

Q: Were any of the characters OOC?

Q: Any tips?

Q: Any questions about anything? ( Not spoilers!)

Q:Did I spell anything wrong?

Q: Will you keep reading the story?

Q: Will you favorite it?

Q: Will you follow it?

As usual review, and this is Gohanlaser9, signing out!