A/N: As a special treat, y'all get a little teaser of what's to come~ Consider this as the "Easter egg" in a DVD movie ;) Enjoy!

DISCALMER: I only own the OCs. All other characters belong to WWE and NXT (FCW).

Bits and pieces of Lily's matches from (FCW) NXT with various chunks of praises from the commentary team played, accompanied by a euro trance instrumental.

The video went on, transitioning in and out of present day with a silhouette of her rave dancing to the music with her purple poi as the only source of light. Eventually, the music ends with dim lights illuminating Lily who donned a shorter Japanese rock star cut. Without uttering a single word, Lily slowly turned her head, delivering a chic wink, and a grin of confidence.

"I don't think this is a good idea." A mysterious voice spoke.

"The end result is all that counts." A second voice argued as the screen paused. "Not your feelings on the subject, ok?"

"Are you sure she's the one we need?"

"Haven't you been watching? No human being can do what she does. But she denies herself that fact because she clings to this childish notion that she's a raver kid. We are gonna help her realize the full extent of her abilities. And what's more, she'll shed new light on this so-called empire."

"Sounds like you've really thought this through." A third voice praised, but immediate turned into concern. "One thing, though. How do you know she's gonna go for it? I mean, she'll think that we're just using her. Besides, she's not a 'group' type of girl given her... temperament."

"Once we educate her on the injustice she and the rest WWE Universe have been so oblivious to, she will understand where we're coming from. And with that... She will believe..."

The End...

For now...