Hello, everyone who I hope will read this! I had a dream a few nights ago of meeting Mr. Sparklez, so I decided to turn it into a Fanfic! Surprisingly, this only took me, like, a day to work on.
Well, I'm blabbing. Enjoy the chapter

The trip from Virginia to California takes forever. Believe me, I know the worst, and the worst is

definitely when your twenty-two year old sister received a text from her "steady boyfriend" breaking up with her. I had to endure her heartbroken crying that I could still hear through my Beats. I don't even bother telling her to shut up and, being the introvert I am, didn't feel like getting involved with the drama. I could really care less about her issues, which seem to multiply with everything. She had already graduated college, but yet still kept tabs about everyone's personal life.
She likes to know about 'who's dating who' and 'who hates who.' It really annoys me, so I just put my Beats on and ignore it. But her sobbing was so loud that I could still hear it, even though my Owl City music was as loud as my IPhone can go. My sister, blonde hair and blue eyed, is nothing like me. She had gotten plastic surgery a year ago, and now she wore a 34C in bra sizes. I was actually embarrassed to be around her with her plastic surgery. I will never get plastic surgery. Not even if you paid me five hundred bucks. I'm basically the complete opposite of my sister. She loves to be the center of attention, while I like to hide in the shadows and watch CaptainSparklez on my IPod. My sister has had about seven boyfriends, while every time I see a guy who's cute, I just mess up my chances with him. And besides, I've never really liked anyone.

Well, until I found CaptainSparklez on the internet.

I basically fell in love the second I saw his first Captain's Vlog. He was absolutely beautiful; everything from his voice to the way he always says "Alright, what's going on, dudes?" His real name is Jordan Maron, and I absolutely adore him. I'm kinda the only one in my family who really knows who he is. My sister has never cared about what I like, and my mom was so busy trying to get enough money to get our family going. Her job made us move to Southern California, and my dad stayed at my home in Northern Virginia. I'm nineteen, and have something called Social Anxiety Disorder. It means that I hate social interaction, and I hate being the center on attention. Anyways, the trip from Virginia to California was torture, and having to drive 3 days just to get to our new apartment made me want to shoot myself. I almost started crying with relief when my mom announced that we were going to arrive in fifteen minutes.

Those fifteen minutes were the longest part of the trip.

Another reason I hate long car rides, is that I get carsick really easily. At the ten minute mark, I began to feel sick. I had already thrown up about three times on the trip. It was a very long ten minutes and I was so happy when we arrived at the apartment building that I ran out of the car, and threw my hands in the air. I got my bag and headed inside. My mom followed me, and got our key. We got in the elevator, and headed up to the fourth floor. Our apartment was the eight door down the hall. I entered my new apartment. It was spacious, and very empty. I put my suitcase down and explored it, my desperation increasing when I realized I had to help unload the moving truck. I went into one of the bedrooms, and saw that I finally had a room to myself. After all the years, I finally got my own room. I've had to share the same room with my sister since I was four. It was torture, especially since she snored. She says that I breathe very heavily when I sleep, but I don't believe it. Anyways, by the time I was done exploring the apartment, my mom had already gotten a chair out of the truck. I sat down in it, and finished watching the episode of Modded Survival that I was on. It was only when my sister shouted my name when I took out one earphone and said

"What do you want?"

I heard her huff, and then said in a sickly sweet voice:

"This nice man has agreed to help us unload. He lives next door."

I rolled my eyes. The guy was probably just another hot guy that she's going to fall for.

"Hello." The man said. I froze. I paused my video, and I listened to the voice that I swore I had just heard on the video. I turned my head slowly.

Jordan Maron.

I stared, and my mind was reeling. Here was the man I had been dreaming about meeting for over two years.

He was wearing a black shirt, sweatpants, and his hair looked like it always did when he recorded. Beautiful. His eyes were as gorgeous as ever, and he looked at me, his eyebrow raised.

And then I reacted.

My Social Anxiety kicked in, and I stood, my IPhone falling to the wooden floor. My breathing got heavier, and I began to shake all over. I shut my eyes, trying to stop the world from spinning. Usually, with a cute guy, I just make a fool out of myself and that keeps me from falling for him completely.

But I did not want to make a fool of myself in front of Jordan Maron!

I wanted to cry, I wanted to hide. So I ran, as fast I could, to the nearest bedroom. I then closed the door and cried. I cried like a kindergartener who had just got their candy taken away. I just made a fool out of myself in front of him! In front of Jordan! The most handsome guy on the Internet, maybe even the whole planet! I didn't know how long I cried until my sister knocked softly on the door.

"Kris?" She asked quietly. "Can I come in?"

I said a watery "Yes" and the door opened. She came in, and shut the door behind her.

"Kris? Are you okay?" She asked, sitting down on the bed. She put her arm around me.

"I made a fool out of myself in front of him, Kylie." I whispered. She looked into my eyes, and frowned.

"How did you know who he was, Kris? We've only just met him. I don't even know his name—"

"I do." I said quietly. "His name is Jordan Maron. He likes to skateboard and play Minecraft."

Kylie gaped at me.

"How do you know that?"

"I've been dreaming about him for two years. I would know his name."

"Why have you been dreaming about him?"

"He's a YouTuber. I love watching his videos." I said, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"He wants to meet you. He's in the living room." She said, standing up.

"No!" I cried. "I just made a fool of myself in front of him! Why would I want to meet him?!"

Kylie shrugged.

"It's what I would do."

"Well, you're different than me!" I said in exasperation. Kylie just shrugged again, and walked out of the room. I buried my face in my knees, and cried again.

It was just before dinner that I came out of my confinement, and my mom was wondering what had happened. I told her that it was nothing, and that I just was tired. So we sat down and ate Chinese takeout. Halfway through the meal, my mom said:

"I'm inviting that nice man that helped us unload over for lunch tomorrow."

I choked on my dumplings. My sister thumped me on the back, and I swallowed. Eyes streaming, I coughed:

"I think he'll be busy."

My mom looked at me, surprised.

"And how do you know that?"

I was about to say, "Because his recording schedule is," but I caught myself.

"I just know." I said in a small voice. My mom and my sister were looking at me, and I just stated down at my plate, my cheeks crimson.

"Well, why don't you go invite him over? He hasn't seen you yet." My mom said, getting up. She took her plate over to the sink, and said in a firm voice:


I buried my face as tears escaped my eyes.

"Mom, don't make her." Kylie said, and I heard footsteps.

"Kristine? What's wrong?" My mom asked.

"I can't go invite him, mom!" I cried.

"Kylie, you go do it." She said, and I heard more footsteps.

"Why can't you?" My mom asked as the footsteps receded.

"It's a long story. I'm going to bed, mom. Thanks for dinner." I said, getting up and wiping my eyes. I went back to my bedroom, and buried my face in my pillow. I screamed.

I woke up the next day at ten o'clock hoping that the previous day was just a dream.

No. I was in the apartment.

I quickly got up, got in the shower, dried my hair, got dressed, and put perfume on. I put a little mascara on, but that's it with the makeup. I left my room, and went to the kitchen. My mom was there, cooking something that smelled good.

"Good Morning, mom." I said.

"Good morning, Kristine, dear. Can you hand me that knife? I'm almost done, but I need to hurry, seeing as Mr. Maron will be here in a while." My mom said.

I had totally forgot about the lunch.

"No! Oh crap! Oh crap!" I said, pacing.

"Relax, Kristine. He's a nice man."

"I'm not relaxing! And I know he's nice!" I snapped. My mom frowned as she put sandwiches on a plate. Apparently, she had made sandwiches and coleslaw for lunch. I hated coleslaw. It made me gag. My mom just put down the food on the table when the doorbell rang. I swallowed hard, and brushed my fingers through my hair.

"Thank you for inviting me. It was really nice of you." I heard his voice coming from the hall. He came into the living room, and I was so mortified when he noticed me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice perfect. It was just like in my dreams. I nodded.

So we sat down and started eating.

"How long have you lived here, Mr. Maron?" My mom asked, and my hand almost collided with my forehead. Mr. Maron? What is this, a conference meeting?

"Mom," I muttered, embarrassed. "His name's Jordan."

At once, I wished I hadn't spoken.
Everyone was looking at me. My mom looked confused, my sister appalled, and Jordan was looking at me. I just stared down at my lap, wanting to disappear.

"What's your name?" He asked. I was blushing furiously, and when I spoke, my voice shook.

"Kris." I whispered, mortified. I wanted to hide again. Stupid Social Anxiety Disorder!
"No, her name is Kristine. Kris is just a nickname." My mom said.

Thanks, mom! Now I wanted to cry.

I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut. Jordan probably thought I was a complete idiot! Why was it always me?!

"I like the name Kris. It's very pretty." Jordan said. I thought I would die of embarrassment.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Well, I've lived here for a little less than two years. It was two May's ago, I think, when I moved here." He said. My mom nodded and I wanted to say something, but I couldn't.

"Where are you from?" Jordan asked, his voice projecting his smile.

"Virgina" I said, and then lapsed back into silence.

"I've never been to Virginia, but I have been to Boston a few times. Have you heard of PAX East?" He asked. I nodded vigorously, still staring at my lap.

The rest of the meal passed, and I just wanted him to leave so I could go to my confinement and watch his videos. I hoped that I didn't mess up his recording schedule. When he was leaving, he asked if he could talk to me in the hallway. Extremely nervous and stomach churning, I agreed. So he pulled me out into the hall, and I just looked at my feet.

"Kris... What's wrong? Why are you so nervous around me?" He asked softly in his amazing voice. I swallowed around the bile that was rising in my throat.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered, blushing scarlet. That statement seemed humorous to him. He laughed his amazing laugh.

"You're blushing. I'm just a normal dude." He said. Suddenly, his finger was on my chin, making me look at him. Glowing blue-green met chocolate brown. His eyes were wide, and he looked very innocent.

"You're quite pretty, by the way. I don't mean to be offensive, but way prettier than your sister. So just smile, okay? I've never seen you smile." He said softly, grinning his lopsided grin.

That made me smile.

People always complimented me on my smile, because I had dimples and white teeth. People also say that my eyes sparkle when I smile.

Jordan seemed happy when I smiled, and he grinned broadly.

"Your smile is very pretty. Thank you for the lunch, by the way. It was good, but I don't like coleslaw. Anyways, just call me when you want to hang out. Or just ring my bell 'cause I'm right next door, but anyways, nice to meet you." He said. He turned to leave, and said:

"Oh, and you guys didn't mess up my recording schedule. I recorded this morning. A new episode of Minecraft Modded Survival will be up soon."

I laughed, and he grinned. He then left, closing his apartment door. I opened my apartment door, and shut it.

Kylie was immediately on me.

"What did he want? Does he like me? Oh, I want to kiss him so bad!" She said. I frowned in disgust, and then shook my head.

"He just said that I shouldn't be embarrassed around him." I said, not wanting to tell her about what he said about her. She frowned.

"Ugh, no fair. He should date me. We would be so cute together!"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

I was totally fangirling while writing this. It made me excited! I am posting every week, by the way. I love this story!