Lazy author is Lazy. This took ages to right TTwTT I'm so sorry. You guys were all awesome and reviewing/favouriting/following and well yeah. I LOVE YOU~ Not creepy at all ;3 So y eah, I LOVES YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH. I hope you keep reading. I may take a while to update, but I will update... eventually ^~^;; LOVES YA - If you didn't realise that is
Lots of hugs (AND LOVE),
Lottie xoxo
"You did what?" Alfred growled, his heroic personality being completely shadowed by his rage. "You forced my lil' bro to wear a dress?" This question was mainly aimed at Elizabeta, though everyone backed up a bit, scared for their lives.
"Yes. Anyway, in Japanese culture it's completely normal for guys to cross-dress." Waving him off, Elizabeta turned back to the massive wardrobe of clothes she had. Picking up dresses of all kinds, examining them before chucking them away, claiming they weren't right.
"...Really, Kiku?" Completely forgetting why he was angry, Alfred questioned his 'Gaming buddy', as he called him. "Can I see?" His eyes sparkling with delight as he imagined how adorable Kiku would look in a dress.
"Alfred-san, it is not part of my culture to wear a dress." Kiku didn't seem at all bothered by Alfred's request or lack of knowledge about any place that didn't home enough fast food places to create diabetes. A sign that he had been spending a lot of time with the American, probably too much.
"It's not a dress, idiot! It's a... Well, I know it's not a bloody dress!" Trying his best not to get involved with the horrible mess that was slowly being created by Elizabeta's clothes, Arthur sat on the bed. He was meant to be helping out but so far all he had done was correct Alfred's grammar or just out right insult the American. Also, he argued with Lovino but that was something the two always did so no one really noticed any more.
"Why the fuck do I even have to be here?" Lovino rolled around on the floor, bored. He wasn't bothered by any of this; after all, it wasn't his problem. He had his own issues to deal with too, like a clingy Spanish boy.
"You choose to be here, Lovino-san. You said by coming here you didn't have to spend time with Antonio-san." Kiku answered, not realising Lovino just wanted to moan about the situation.
"Guys! Shut up, will you? We have to get Mattie ready for his date~" Facing them with her fan girl smile, the boys quietened down, mildly scared for their lives. "I wonder which would suit him better, pink or purple~?" Another bunch of outfits flew past her head as she regarded them unworthy of being worn by the Canadian.
"Don't tell me to shut up, Frying Pan Bastard!" Lovino huffed, chucking a pillow at her. Not a wise idea. He at one point always been to nice to Elizabeta, she was a girl after all. After having actually got to know her, it didn't take him long to realise for all it was worth she might as well have been a boy. Though he wouldn't suggest saying that to her; his head was still killing from the last time he mentioned her less than lady like manners.
"Lovino, do you want to play dress up too~?" Her face changed instantly, into a some what evil grin, quickly picking up a lip stick that looked brand new.
"Hey, Maple Bastard is the fucking cross-dresser! Not me."
"...Where is Matthew-san?" Kiku asked, making them all stop preparing for an all battle. Looking around the room they all realised, that not one of them could see Matthew.
"Uh, Mattie bro, you here?"
"...I've been here the whole time." Matthew sighed, shoving the pile of clothes that had piled up on him to the floor. Seriously though, trying on twenty different outfits seemed a bit extreme to him. He only needed one as no matter what Elizabeta thought, it was only going to be for one more night. Then he wouldn't have to worry about this any more. Life could go back to normal; and no ones feelings would be hurt. Perfect.
Quickly picking up the dresses and sending a half-hearted glare at Matthew, it was hard to be mad at the shy Canadian for too long, Elizabeta asked the question most of them had been wondering. "Mattie, I know you have a plan. But, well, what is it?"
"As I was saying before Al interrupted me," Matthew shot a glare at his brother who simply shrugged wrapping an arm around Kiku lazily. "Gilbert likes me in a dress, right? I'll go to the party disguised as 'Mattie' and act horrible so Gilbert will stop liking me. That way he won't be upset and no one will know I've ever worn a dress. Well, except for you lot, but you'll keep it a secret, right?" Matthew asked jutting out his lower lip, hoping he was right to be trusting them. Alfred always said he trusted people to easily; he didn't want to do that with something embarrassing like this.
"Mattie! You can always trust me!" Elizabeta cried out, tackling him into a hug. "We're friends. That means you can tell me anything. Like who you like." Grinning at him, Matthew took a step back, worried that he was going to be forced to blurt out who he liked. Something he would definitely prefer not to do.
"Liz, bigger issues! Like getting that perv away from my bro. Matt doesn't like anyone anyway. I would totally know if he did." Alfred snapped, rolling his eyes.
Kiku stared up at his boyfriend wondering if he should point out that no sane person would trust Alfred with a secret. They had tried to keep them dating as a secret, Kiku would have preferred not to have all the attention, but it had only taken 4 hours for Alfred to tell anyone who had ears. Reading the atmosphere he guessed now was not the time to have this discussion.
"As if! No one trusts you, Burger Bastard!" Chucking another pillow, this time aimed at Alfred, Lovino turned to face the Canadian. "Don't trust him. He's a bastard." Lovino's voice was serious, making Matthew wonder what his brother had done to piss off the Italian. Though just saying hi could make Lovino hate you for days.
"Don't turn Mattie against me! He totally trusts me." Getting up to face the Italian, Alfred glared angrily while Lovino just stuck up his middle finger. Alfred's face just got angrier, Kiku sighed trying to pull Alfred back down. Knowing the two of them wouldn't back down and would start a fight because they were too proud.
Matthew had a sinking feeling there was no hope of getting anywhere today. The party was in tomorrow according to Elizabeta, so he would prefer to be ready before then and not sort everything out 5 minutes before, like Alfred had helpfully suggested.
"Can you be quiet, s'il vous plait?" Trying to get them to shut up, Matthew asked as harshly as he could muster. He still sounded far too polite for anyone to take much notice. It also just sent Arthur into a rant too, going on about what a shame it was young Matthew had been brain washed by the Frog.
"Mattie, try this on~" Handing him a purple sun dress, Elizabeta pushed him towards the bathroom. Matthew wasn't so sure, he really didn't want to leave the room and come back to find he no longer had a brother. Guessing this was the issue, Elizabeta added, "Ignore them, I'll beat some sense into them with my frying pan." With an evil smirk she pulled out her infamous frying pan, she turned around to face the others. Leaving Matthew to run into the bathroom, he didn't want to get hit by accident. From what he had heard from the others, it was almost as painful as eating Arthur's cooking. He had no intentions of finding out if that was true any time soon.
"What is wrong-"
"Fuck! That hurts, you bitch!"
"Elizabeta-san, this is a bit-"
"The hero is not scared- Owie! Kiku! She hit me!"
...Maybe, he should have stayed and tried to calm Elizabeta down. Then again, his brother was meant to be the Hero. Surely a hero could cope with a frying pan. If not, well Matthew really couldn't be blamed for that. Not that they'd remember...
Finally, looking down at the purple pile of fabric in hands, Matthew wasn't sure how thankful he ought to be to the Hungarian. She was helping him, but... This dress, well, it wasn't exactly something he would have picked himself to put it politely.
It wasn't like he had much choice though. He'd come up with the plan, told Gilbert he would be there and arranged a dress, even if it was more revealing than he was hoping for. It was to late to back out.
With one more disgruntled sigh, Matthew finally changed into the strapless sun-dress. Bringing his hockey stick had seemed like a bad idea, but now he was thinking it would be a good thing to hit his brother with when the snickering started. Oh maple, could he really do this? He wasn't sure. He would try his best though, he had a plan and he would stick to it like maple syrup.
"E-Elizabeta?" Matthew poked his head out the door slightly, calling over the expert in such matters of cross-dressing. Actually the expert would be Felix, but everyone knew that the blond couldn't keep his mouth shut for five seconds, so he wasn't someone Matthew would trust with something like this.
The others were still arguing. There was even blood on the floor! No wait, that was just tomato juice. Matthew frowned slightly at that, how come Lovino seemed to have an endless supply of tomatoes? That wasn't fair. Shouldn't he get an endless supply of maple syrup? That would be cool though. So many pancakes too...
"W-who are you?" Snapped out of his daydream, Matthew could see the Italian fidgeting nervously. Lovino was the type of person, that if he liked you or knew you, he would curse you using words that even sailors didn't utter. People guessed this was why Antonio got the worse of the Italian's anger, as it was obvious to all but said Italian they were in love. If you were a stranger though, he would be perfectly polite, he was more of a gentleman than Arthur! Especially if you were a girl, then you would have to be prepared to have your socks charmed off.
"...Seriously?" Matthew sighed, this really was hopeless, he leaves the room for a minute or two, then everyone forgets him. How was that even possible? He really didn't know any more.
"...Mattie?" Pushing the boys off her, she had been just as involved in the fight with her trusty frying pan, she ran over to Matthew. "It is you! Ohmigosh! You look so adorable~!" Before Matthew could say a word, she had her arms around him,spinning around the room. It was one of the hugs you only see in the movies, so no one thought it was possible.
"Woah, bro. I almost didn't recognise you! You look so girly." Not really surprised at that, Matthew just rolled his eyes slightly, his brother forgot he existed half the time so it wasn't surprising he couldn't recognise him. That doesn't mean he's not angry about it. He's just got bigger things to deal with than getting Alfred to remember him.
"Thanks, Al." Finally managing to get out of Elizabeta's grasp, Matthew went over to the mirror to see if there really was that big a change. He'd only put on a dress, so it's not like he could look that different, right?
Maple. He was wrong. He looked extremely different. It was surreal really. Matthew wasn't sure whether to be relieved his disguise worked or moan at the fact he could pass off as a girl. He was a guy after all!
"Bloody hell. That's just... How is that even possible?" Examining Matthew Arthur was shocked to say the least. Sure, the last time Matthew had worn a dress he looked feminine but this. This was completely different. He wasn't quite sure how but the was a definite change in the Canadian. Maybe it was because like that damned Frog he kept his hair long. "I wonder if it would be the same for Francis..." Arthur muttered, thinking out loud.
Luckily only Matthew heard him and he was to busy worrying about his masculinity which seemed almost non-existent. Alfred would have had a field day if he'd heard. Not that he could say much as he always loved it when Kiku wore his cosplays. None of them were exactly normal.
"It looks like your plan might work, Mattie~!" Elizabeta patted him on the back, Matthew never taking his eyes off of his reflection. It just looked so different.
"I doubt anyone shall recognise you Matthew-san." Smiling Kiku stood next to Elizabeta, this would make an excellent plot for one of his rom-com mangas. Obviously Elizabeta would help him, he would have to make sure to keep an eye on the developments between Matthew and Gilbert if that was the case though...
While Kiku seemed to drift into thought, Matthew smiled slightly. This was going to work. It had too. If not well, he could always live in a cave and bribe Al to give him a life supply of Maple syrup and pancakes. That could work too.
"So she's definitely coming?" Gilbert had taken to follow Matthew around for the day, asking as many questions as he could think of. If Matthew hadn't miscounted, this was the 25th time he'd asked if 'Mattie' was coming, and overall the 87th question he had been forced to answer about his alter ego.
Not that Matthew minded. Honestly he was enjoying the attention quite a bit. Most people would past him, not realising he was even there; even if they walked into him they would assume it was a ghost before thinking of Matthew. So, having someone focus on him, it was nice for a change. Sure, he was asking question's about 'Mattie' but Matthew was Mattie, so it didn't really bother him.
"Oui. She told me she would be there." Looking at Gilbert, Matthew felt the Prussian's excitement rubbing off on him.
Matthew wasn't sure why, but for some reason Gilbert seemed to think he needed Matthew's permission if he wanted things to got well with 'Mattie'. Matthew wasn't about to correct him any time soon though. If people give you free maple syrup, you don't question it, ever. He didn't feel a bit bad about it, but free maple syrup! He couldn't resist.
Matthew had also learned a lot about Gilbert, who seemed happy to share his life story with the Canadian. He now knew Gilbert had a blog called 'the-awesome-prussia1'. He's heard Gilbert blab on for twenty minutes about how he knew that 'damn commie bastard' Ivan was hoarding the url, 'the-awesome-prussia'. Matthew had never been all that good with computers, so he had no idea what any of that meant. From what he could gather that was bad though.
"So, are you gay?" Gilbert asked sitting opposite Matthew in the lunch hall.
Munching on his lunch, which was pancakes with the maple syrup Gilbert had got him, Matthew spat out his food, staring at Gilbert in shock.
"Eh? Wha- Wh- I mean... What?" Matthew spluttered his words getting messed up as they left his mouth, wondering if that had just happened.
"Woah, calm down." Gilbert jumped up, running over and slamming his hand onto the Canadian's back in an attempt to help. He didn't mean to kill him, he was just curious. This was bad though, he would have to hide a body and killing Mattie's, well whatever Matthew was to her, would probably wreck his chances. "The awesome me was just wondering."
"I... You just took me by shock." Matthew slumped onto the table in an attempt to hide his face which he was assuming matched the red on the Canadian flag.
"Are you in the closet?" Gilbert asked, not reading the atmosphere; if he had, then he would have know to keep his mouth firmly closed.
It took a well aimed pancake to the face to make him realise now was not the best time to be questioning the Canadian.
"Au revoir, Gilbert." Getting up Matthew walked off hoping to find his brother, he was staring to reconsider that offer Alfred made to beat up Gilbert. It was slowly starting to become more and more tempting.
"Matt!" Almost tripping over his feet Gilbert ran over to the Canadian, who against his better judgement decided to listen to what he had to say. "I don't mean anything by it. Gay people are awesome so if you are it totally doesn't matter. Francis is like one of my awesome friends and he's like dating Arthur. At least I think he is. There always making out and crap. Anyway, if you're gay I'm not bothered at all. Also, I'm... I'm sorry."
"Don't worry." Matthew smiled, guessing this was probably the first time Gilbert had actually apologised to someone. He seemed genuine as well which made it even easier for Matthew to accept his apology. "I just... I get bullied enough." He muttered, glancing up at the ceiling.
He hated admitting to the fact he got bullied. It made it more real. People always looked at him then, as if to offer pity, not that they would do anything; to be honest it felt like he was just saying 'look at me, I'm pathetic'.
"...If anyone ever says anything to you, just ask the awesome me. I'll beat them up for you."
"Merci, Gilbert. That's really nice of you." Matthew looked up at Gilbert, tears forming in his eyes. He was just grateful. Maybe he was just making a mountain out of an anthill, but the fact that someone out there who wasn't a blood relative or friends with his brother was willing to defend him, well it meant a lot to him.
On impulse Matthew wrapped his arms around Gilbert, not bothered if it gave out the wrong message, he was just happy.
Letting go of him, he quickly waved before heading off to his next class.
Gilbert stood there for a second frozen. What was Matthew doing to his chest? This was worse than last time and he was fairly certain he shouldn't be this angry at the idea of Matthew getting bullied. He just didn't get it though, why would anyone not like someone as sweet as Matthew?
"Oh, mon ami, you have it bad." Francis laughed as he appeared out of nowhere, it seemed like he had seen everything that had happened though.
"Got what?" Francis didn't answer Gilbert question, he just carried on walking with that all knowing smirk of his that made Gilbert really want to punch his friend. "What do I fucking have?" He yelled after Francis. Somehow he got the feeling it would either be the greatest thing in the world or... It was going to leave him broken and crying into his pillow. Not awesome at all.