Disclaimer: I don't own or claim ownership to any WWE Talent. All rights go to their respectful owners.
Rated: T
Warnings: slash, language
Foreword: Hey everyone! I'm going to be starting a series of drabbles/one-shots now. Some of them I'll make on my own, but if you want to request a pairing (M/M ONLY) and a scenario, feel free to do so! It can be fluff, smut, whatever. I'll work with most pairings I'm sent - however, some I just won't be able to do. That probably won't happen, though, as I do try very hard to try different pairings. Fair warning: I can't ship Punk or Chris with anyone other than each other. Sorry! It feels like I'm making them cheat when that happens. So, send me whatever you wish and chances are I'll be able to write it! Thanks guys!
This was a one-shot I had written up in November. It's Chris/Phil fluff. Enjoy!

Phil woke up screaming, once again. Breathing heavily, he looked at the clock – 4:26 am. With a sigh, he turned on the bedside lamp and wiped away the cold, nervous sweat that started forming on his face.

He dreamt about Ryback again. This was the most vivid of all the dreams he'd had so far. He felt every blow to his body, every screaming muscle that he had felt when it occurred. He wiped his eyes, embarrassed that he was crying over a stupid dream. Once his heart stopped racing, he let out a breath and shut the light off, curling back up in bed. He slammed his eyes shut and willed sleep on. After what felt like forever, he eventually fell back to sleep.

Chris slammed his fist on the check-in desk angrily, making the receptionist flinch backwards.

"How can you be overbooked?" he spat angrily. "It says in our contracts that we each get our own bedroom at the designated hotel WWE has booked. There's no way you 'ran short' of rooms, miss."

The woman behind the counter looked like she was near tears. "I'm sorry, sir, I truly am. But you and this gentleman will have to share a room tonight. I truly am terribly sorry. I wish there was something I could do, but I can't."

"If I weren't so fucking tired, I'd call your manager on your ass and get into a heated argument right now. I guess I have no choice but to room with him. I hope in the future you get your act together and make sure you don't 'run short' of any rooms. Have a good fucking night."

Chris stormed away from the counter, leaving his inevitable roommate standing at the counter in awe. Not turning back, he ran up the stairs two at a time until he arrived at the room he had to share with Phil. If this had happened at any other point during the day, he probably wouldn't have snapped so quickly. But his back hurt and he needed sleep, two things that made Chris Irvine a cranky man.

He was already in bed and trying to fall asleep when the door opened tentatively, letting in a soft patch of light. Nothing stirred for a moment, so Chris rolled over in bed to find Phil standing in the doorway, not sure what to do.

"You can come in, you know," Chris said. His voice sounded funny cracking through the silence.

Phil opened the door wider and let himself in, afterward shutting the door and blanketing the room in darkness again. With a sigh, Chris flicked on the bedside lamp and blinked away the sudden brightness that pierced his tired eyes.

"Sorry," Phil said simply. He looked even more exhausted than usual.

"It's alright. I've just had a shitty day. It's not your fault. I should be the one apologizing," Chris muttered, shutting his eyes once again. He listened as Phil crossed the room and got into bed as well. He stayed as far to the edge of the bed as he could.

"I don't mind sharing a room or bed with you, Phil."

Phil gratefully slid his body over so he wasn't hanging off the side of the bed and tucked himself under the covers. He instantly fell asleep. Chris looked on in slight shock that he could fall asleep with such ease.

"Well, goodnight," Chris mumbled to the sleeping body next to him with an amused chuckle. He shut out the light and quickly fell asleep, too.

Chris was awoken by a loud shrieking noise in his ear. He jolted upright in bed and quickly switched the light on. He saw Phil screaming in his sleep. He instantly started shaking the sleeping man.

"Phil, you're having a bad dream. Phil, wake up, it's okay," Chris urged, not liking seeing Phil in a state of distress. Eventually, Phil sat upright with a start and instantly started to cry. Without thinking, Chris pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back comfortingly while Phil rode out his tears.

After a few minutes, Phil sat back and wiped his face, flushing embarrassingly. "Sorry," he squeaked. He coughed, and tried again. "Sorry."

"Are you okay?" Chris asked worriedly.

Phil nodded slowly. "Yeah, I just had a nightmare is all. Thanks for waking me up. And sorry for waking you up."

"No worries," Chris said genuinely. "You okay now?"

"Yeah. Goodnight, Chris."

Chris watched Phil lie down again and fall asleep. Hesitating for a moment before, Chris fell asleep too.

Three days later, the same problem occurred at the next hotel they were staying at. Chris grabbed his keycard from the counter angrily and once again stormed to the room he and Phil were to share. Again.

This time, though, Phil kept pace with him so they arrived at their room at the same time. Chris shut himself into the bathroom to sulk. Shaking his head, Phil kicked off his shoes and started to peel off his socks and outerwear. Once he was dressed only in his boxers, he got into bed and tried falling asleep.

Twenty minutes later, the bathroom door slammed open, startling Phil awake. He had almost been asleep, too.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked tiredly.

"Nothing," Chris grumbled. He got into bed and shut off the lights. "Night."

With a quiet sigh, Phil rolled over and fell asleep.

Chris lay in bed for hours that night, unable to fall asleep. He learned that Phil snored softly in his sleep and he talked up a storm.

"Don't…" Phil said mid-sleep. "Please, get away from me…"

"Who are you talking to, Phil?" Chris asked. Phil had been responding to him in his sleep all night.

"Him," Phil mumbled. "Ryback."

"What's Ryback doing to you?"

Phil grunted softly before answering. "He's trying to rip my flesh off…"

"It's only a dream, Phil. Nothing's gonna happen to you. I'll make sure of it."

Phil's eyes narrowed before he let out a loud scream. Chris instantly jostled him awake. Phil's eyes opened wide before they started to dart around the room, looking for the monster in the shadows.

"It's okay, Phil. Ryback isn't here. I'm not going to let anyone catch you."

Phil looked unsure. "Do you promise?"

"I promise," Chris said honestly. "So long as we have to share a room, I'll never let him get to you."

With a grateful smile, Phil wrapped his arms around Chris' neck and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you," he murmured into his neck. Chris didn't know what to do for a moment, but eventually patted his hands on Phil's back.

"You're welcome. Now, let's try to get some sleep, okay?"

Phil smiled and nodded before he laid back down. Chris instantly followed suit.

"G'night, Chris," Phil said amidst a yawn.

"Night, Phil. You're safe with me."



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