"Let's have dinner. Might be my last chance. IA." Irene sent the text message from her hotel, unfortunately she had had to give up her house in Belgravia due to lack of payment. Funds were often low when you were a dead dominatrix.

Sherlock set his violin and bow down as he heard the familiar and long-awaited moan of his personalised text alert. He crossed to his phone slowly, realising that he hadn't heard her cry of ecstasy since he had had a sword raised above her neck. He read her message and swallowed, a heavy pit beginning to form in his stomach.

"What do you mean by 'last?' SH" He responded quickly.

Irene looked down at her phone with a small smirk. "This will be my last chance to have dinner with you. I'll never ask you again after tonight. You should take me up on the offer. IA"

He frowned, "Why? Where are you going? What's happened? SH" He hated how invested that sounded but was beyond truly caring. He didn't like where this was headed.

"Call it the end of an era. IA" She smiled slightly, surprised that he actually cared, and surprised that this made her so happy.

He furrowed his brow further, "What are you talking about? Stop being vague and just tell me. SH"

"Have dinner with me and find out. IA" She sent, knowing that she really shouldn't be doing this but unable to resist.

Sherlock sighed and ran a hand through his hair, she just had to be difficult all the time didn't she? "Where are you? SH"

"The Ritz. IA"

"I see. Come here? SH"

"Is John out? IA"

"Obviously. SH"

She rolled her eyes at his text before standing up and grabbing her coat and bag. "I'm on my way. IA"

"Do hurry. SH" He set his phone down and sat down on the couch, his hands steepled and his look pensive. He waited.

She quickly walked out of the hotel and hailed a cab. She sat in the back seat, letting her mind wander.

Sherlock closed his eyes, his mind returning to their night in Karachi. The air between them had been tense and awkward. Twice they had come close to some sort of...unmasking...and twice they had each failed to follow through, an anticipated serve where the ball unfortunately hit the net.

She dashed out of the cab and walked calmly to the door before knocking once.

Sherlock opened his eyes, returning to reality. He got up and slowly made his way downstairs and opened the door. He gave her a small nod. "Punctual, as ever." He murmured, glancing her up at down briefly.

"Of course, you know what they say, time is money." She said with a smirk, her eyes raking over him as she recalled their previous meeting.

He stepped aside to let her in. "Please." He said, gesturing with his hand.

"Why, thank you." She grinned before brushing past him and heading up the stairs and into the flat.

He followed her, keeping his eyes downcast and focusing on the steps. He opened the door for her, closing it behind them once they were both in. He turned around slowly and studied her. "So. What's this all about?" He asked.

"My... situation will be changing in a manner of weeks and it would be... inappropriate for me to have dinner with anyone." She said vaguely, walking to sit on the sofa.

He narrowed his eye at her, "Situation?" He prompted.

She lifted up her left hand, a rather large diamond ring in place. "I'm getting married."