Bella POV

I had not seen Demetri all day and I was getting nervous... where the hell was he? Edward followed me as usual, but he had already given up trying to talk to me, he realized that he could do nothing but exasperate me.

When I finally could not find my boyfriend, I decided to talk to my jailer.

*Edward, do you know where Dem is?* I asked.

*Not love, I know that it is assumed that today is in charge of the neophytes, but this afternoon Renata was in charge of them...* He answered shrugging his shoulders.

*Edward... please, I'm asking you for the last time! Stop calling me love, any day of these you will end Demetri's patience and he will behead you!* I threatened it.

*Bella if you gave me a chance...* It started.

*Edward you had your chance and you left me, you told me I was not good enough for you and you left.* I interrupted.

*But I'm here now, paying for my mistakes...* He said giving me that look that used to melt me.

*Paying? To who? You used to be my ex-boyfriend, now you're my jailer. Understand it once and for all, Edward, Dem is my life now, and in a week we are going to leave here and we will never see you again.*

*But the opportunity that they are offering you...* He argued.

*I'm not interested. I don't want or deserve that kind of attention... Now come with me, I'm going to ask Aro where he sent Dem that I can not find him.*

*Bella the only thing I ask is that you think, that you analyze your options* He asked.

*Ok, but get used to the idea that no matter how many options I have, Demetri is my partner. There is no one else for me* I said and said the conversation was over.


We went to the audience room and before arriving I could hear the voice of Aro saying

*I am sorry to inform you that your actions will have consequences Demetri...* Dem? From what the hell are you blaming on Dem?.

*I accept the punishment, Master* Demetri said in a resigned voice, tired. Dem was happy the last time we saw each other, something serious must have happened since the morning... And what the hell is that to accept a punishment? I'll be damned if I'm going to allow someone to punish my Dem!.

*Very good, very good...* Aro said *Because your punishment is an extension of your sentence... 10 additional years!*

*Whaaaaat?* I screamed without being able to contain myself. 10 years? They are crazy? My hands moved as if in their own accord and formed a huge ball of light that hit the wall and exploded. I felt my body charged with energy and capable of destroying the castle to its foundations if necessary.

*Isabella!* Aro said across the shattered wall.

*Aro* I said locking it in a bubble *Marco, Caius...* I said and locked them in bubbles too *What the fuck is what I just heard?*

*Bella, love...* said Edward.

*Shut up, Edward!* I yelled and threw him against the wall with my shield, making him go through to the next room.

*Isabella, let's talk* Aro said while his bubble began to shrink in size, as well as Marco and Caius's.

Dem stood by my side and putting a hand on my shoulder asked me

*Are you sure Piękny?*

*Sure* I answered with a smile only for Dem. *Aro* I said, addressing him. *I've held all your shit for longer than I thought possible because I thought you were a man of word, but unfortunately I see that I was wrong* The bubbles shrunk a little more, and his knees almost touched his ears. If I had not been so pissed I might have found it funny.

*You do not know all the facts, Demetri attacked Alec and Felix for no reason... he tore them apart!* Aro said moving his eyes theatrically, as his hands hugged her ankles.

*Dem... why did you tear that pair of bastards? I asked with all the sweetness I was capable of.

*They... they were talking about you Piękny, they called you whore... I could not let them go...* Dem said in a hoarse voice of anger, looking sexy like the devil!.

*Then it was good that you tore them apart. If you had not done it, I would have done it. I can also guess that they probably were not talking about me near you at random... could Aro expect you to attack them?*

*Isabella, dear, I never...* Aro began to defend himself, without any dignity.

*DON'T LIE TO ME!* I screamed and reduced the bubbles until their skulls began to crack like marble. The three cried out in pain.

*Fine! It's okay! We may have suggested to the men of the court that they vocalize their opinions! Let us go, Isabella, you do not know what you're doing! Marco groaned. Coward.

*I know perfectly what I doing* I answered them *I'll release to the world of the shit that you represent. Despots!* I exclaim shrinking the bubbles a little more. Edward looked at the situation without knowing what to do, and wisely chose to remain silent.

*Isabella...*Dem said* Don't... The world needs the Volturi... they are the only order our world has, if they did not exist we would have insurrections like Maria's everywhere...

*Shit Dem! If we don't kill them they will not leave us alone!* I exclaimed.

*I know Piękny, but they will never be able to find us...* Dem said in a soft voice, trying to make me see reason.

*Dem! Let's get this over with once and for all!* I complained.

*Let's go Isabella... let's start our new life... No matter what we do, there are always going to be vampires who want to put their claws on you.*

*Listen to him Isabella* Said Aro.

*Shut up!* I exclaimed, whipping his bubble against the wall.

*Piękny* Dem said with a firm voice extending his hand. I gave them one last look and I took it.

*I'm sorry Edward* I said, locking him in a wide bubble. *It's for your own good.*

*Bella think about it... your options* Said him.

*I already chose Edward... bye-bye* I said and turned to disappear from the living room with Dem.

Passing in front of Giuliana's desk I looked at Dem with the eyes of Shrek's kitten and he bowed to me and said:

*Hurry up*

I did not need any more incentives and I threw myself on her and I drank her almost everything. I left her a little bit of blood so that she could transform as his dream was, and when I finished I got up and told him:

* I hope you have a good awakening, Giuliana, you were delicious*.


I kept the bubbles that imprisoned the Volturi brothers for as long as I could and we started to run west. Dem made sure we did not leave tracks and I protected ourselves with my shield. When we reach the sea, we jump into the water and swim to Cannes, France.

In Cannes we took a good amount of cash from Dem's credit card and took a private plane to London, England, where we spent a couple of days making plans and stealing money and jewelry (or as I preferred to say, capitalizing). Once we were sure that nobody was following us, we ate a couple of tourists who physically resembled us, and stole their passports, with which we traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina. From Buenos Aires we took a flight to Ushuaia and we settled there.


It's been 5 years since the day we became Argentines. 5 years that is equivalent to half of the sentence that Aro had planned for Demetri... 5 years during which I have been extremely happy.

It is true that we are isolated. It is true that sometimes we have to cross to Chile to feed without raising suspicion among the human population.

But all inconvenience and sacrifice is worth it in exchange for having freedom with my Dem.

Because now we are no longer damned. Now we are fugitives.

Thank you very much to all! Thanks for reading this translation. Thank you very much for all the favorites, followers and comments, sorry that it took me so many years to finish it, and I hope my English has improved.

Would you like them me to edit all the fic to correct the mistakes of past chapters?

If you all can read in Spanish, read the other Asallam1 fics, they are the best.