(I just can't pass up ideas such as this...I really do hope you like it!)

"It's alright sweetie..." Said Virgil Potts as he patted his terrified daughters back. Pepper was fiddling with her fingers and swinging her legs as she waited for the doctor to call her. She was at the dentist with her father because it was time for her check up. "Dad can we come another time?" She asked desperate to leave.

There was of course other people in the waiting room. There was a little boy crying and annoying the heck out of his mother and everyone else. There was a man who looked like he was from some place in Europe but Pepper couldn't tell where. "Excuse me but would you PLEASE silence your son" the man said in a familiar accent.

"Sir you can't blame a child for being afraid!" Said the mother as she tried to calm her son. "Pfft Petit garçon ennuyeux!" The man mumbled. The mother growled. "Je peux parler français aussi !" The mother said. The man froze. "Uh huh yeah surprised French boy? Don't you ever call my son annoying again!" She said. "Did not see that coming" Virgil said nudging Peppers arm. A nurse opened the door. "Miss Potts?" She said.

Pepper froze when she heard her name. "Come on" Virgil said. She shook her head. "Don't be silly you'll be fine" he said pulling her up from her chair. Pepper slowly walked to the nurse. "Don't worry it's only a check up" she said smiling and leading Pepper to a room. "Alright I'm going to take your x-rays" she said. She sat Pepper on the chair and lowered it a bit which freaked Pepper out. "Do I have to be all the way down?" She asked nervously. "It'll only take a second" the nurse said.

The nurse stuck a small camera in different sections of her mouth. "Are we done?" Pepper asked. "Almost now I need you to stand up and walk over here" the nurse said. Pepper walked to a special x-ray machine that scanned all around her mouth to show a full x-ray of her teeth. The nurse stuck something rubber around a special stick that was right in front of Pepper. (Sorry I can't explain this very well this is speaking from experience from a visit months ago)

"bite onto it and stay that way until I say to let go" she said. Pepper nervously bit it and the machine turned on making weird sounds. "Good job you weren't afraid this time" the nurse said. "Now just sit on the chair and the doctor should be here soon" she said then left the room. Pepper sat on the edge of the chair.

She looked around nervously. She saw the tools neatly placed on a cart next to the chair. She saw a drill which freaked her out the most. There was a chart on the counter that talked about gingivitis. She saw the gums not looking too good so out of being paranoid she walked up to a mirror and started looking at her gums with her mouth open in an awkward position. "You don't have gingivitis" said someone chuckling behind her. Pepper spun around and saw a man in a lab coat and gloves.

"Hello Miss Potts please have a seat" he said tapping on the head rest of the chair. Pepper nervously walked back to the chair and sat on it. He lowered the seat very low. "Ahh" the doctor said signaling for her to open up. She shook her head. "Come on I won't hurt you" he said. Pepper slowly opened her mouth and he stuck in his mini mirror and looked around. "Hmm..." He said as he was examining her teeth and glancing over at the x ray monitor from time to time.

"Well everything looks good except..." The doctor said. "You have some gaps and slightly odd positioning" he said. "Bottom line you need braces" he said. Peppers heart stopped when he said that. "I'm so going to be the laughing stock of school!" She thought. "Uhh and how long do I have

to wear these?" She asked. "About two years" he said. Pepper almost choked on her saliva when she heard that. "Don't worry I think you'll look fine" he said. The doctor started with a tooth clean then went on with applying the braces. After about an hour she was done. "Take a look" he said pointing to the mirror. She opened her mouth to see the top row with light pink braces. "Oh my god..." She thought. "My life is over" she thought. "Alrighty your free to leave" he said. Pepper thanked him then left the room and out to the waiting room where her father was. "How'd it go?" He asked standing up.

Pepper didn't speak. "What's wrong honey?" He asked. She covered her mouth and tried speaking. "What? Sweetie I can't hear you take your hand off" he said. "I got braces!" She blurted out with her hand not covering her mouth. The French guy started laughing even the crying little boy stopped crying to laugh. The mother silently giggled a little as well. "I'm gonna walk home" she said. She looked down and sped walked out of the dentists office. Pepper stayed home the whole day ignoring Rhodeys and Tonys calls. The next day she had to go to school.

"It's going to be alright just don't talk to anyone and no one will know" she thought. She took a deep breath then walked through the school doors. She walked over to her locker where Rhodey and Tony were hanging out at. "Hey Pep" Tony said. Pepper smiled with her mouth closed and waved. "Hey, how come you weren't answering your cell?" Rhodey asked. Pepper signaled she couldn't speak. "You can't speak?" Tony asked. She nodded. "How come?" Tony asked whipping out his pod and tapping on the notepad app. He gave it to her and she started typing.

She handed back his pod. "I lost my voice" he read. "How did that happen?" Tony asked giving back the phone. She stopped to think of an excuse quickly then started typing. She finished then showed it to Tony. "I screamed so loud that I couldn't speak anymore?" Tony said awkwardly. "Pepper that can't happen you can still speak but very low" he said. She quickly opened her locker and grabbed her books then ran away. "What's up with her?" Rhodey asked. "I don't know but I'm gonna find out" Tony said.

(How was that? plus I don't speak French in fact any foreign language you read from any of my stories are translated so sorry if I used a bad translator I used Babylon which I think is reliable to me :P I only speak English, Spanish and some Italian cause I'm learning it in school)(REVIEW! :D)