I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I cannot show fear. Not now, with cameras surely watching my every move. Clara can see me; I have to be strong for her.

I open my eyes, and am greeted by sunlight. The air is hot on my skin. A booming voice says I have 60 seconds before the Games begin. I looked at the other tributes; some were scared, others determined. I looked to my feet, where weapons, backpacks, and other items lay scattered. At the center of it all stood a huge golden … horn –thing. The name of it escapes me. I then looked to my surroundings. I froze, every nerve switching to solider mode in an instant: we all stood in the center of a city. No, a district. I looked closer; some buildings were rubble, others only half standing. It looked like the districts had during the rebellion. I tensed, ready to run, to fight.

When there were 3 seconds left, something dreadful happened: Jasmine, the girl from 6, lept off her platform, and the ground exploded. Blake, the boy from 3, was closest to her, reeled and fell. A second explosion rocked through the arena. Then there was silence. Then two blasts in the distance.

No one moved for quite some time. I noticed the clock had reached zero. I found myself wondering if this is how we will all die; getting blown to bits when we step off. Everyone was looking around, though none dared step down. I took a deep breath. Someone has to figure out if it's safe, and the only way to find out is to step down. I close my eyes. "I love you Clara," I whisper. I feel my feet hit the hard earth. I didn't blow up. I looked to my right, where Brian stood. He jumped off, landing with a soft thud. Then, one by one, everyone else stood in the grass. Suddenly, everyone darted to grab supplies, myself included. We all seemed to have been emboldened by our success of not blowing up. As soon as everything on the ground had been grabbed-weapons and all- everyone stopped. We all simply froze, unsure of what to do. No one wanted to attack; we all knew each other, we were all… friends. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Brian and my friends from 1 & 2. By the looks on their faces, they expected me to say something. Everyone else was looking at me expectantly as well. Jamie and Taylor were crying over their partners. I heard my voice, as though it was far away:

"Friends, and I do call you friends, we can't possibly take up arms against each other. And how can we, as friends? As a soldier, you protect your friend, and they protect you. And as this is how we think, would we not act as such? Protect and guard instead of plot and kill. Are you with me? We will die either way, but we can die on our terms, not theirs."

"You mean to be animals for slaughter, instead of butchers?" asked Skai, from 10.

"Yes, I do," I replied. There was silence, broken by a single phrase.

"I stand with you." I look to see Mayella straightening herself, and looking around, urging others to stand as well. Brian, my friends, and slowly everyone else repeated Mayella's words, even Donivan. Only then did I understand: "with you." They wanted me to lead, and I don't wish to. I propose a vote for a pair of leaders, as it seemed we would stay together. A few guys stepped up to lead: Brian, Donivan, and Dondre. But, Brian stepped back, saying "both leaders shouldn't be from the same district." No girls stepped forward. I was mystified.

The vote proceeded and Dondre became our leader. Then it was time for the girls.

"No girl wants to lead?" I asked.

"I guess. We all thought you would," said Martha.

"I know," I said softly. "I just don't think I can."

"Sure you can. You already have," she said. I smiled weakly. "All in favor? And all opposed? Well, there you have it. It's your lead."

"Um, thanks. I'll try my best." After that, Dondre and I walked around the cornucopia-which is what it's called- examining all the supplies. There were loads of weapons, but also med kits, food, iodine, canteens, sleeping bags, blankets, tarps, and all sorts of useful things. We decide that everyone should get a pack, blanket or sleeping bag, and some food and iodine. The med supplies would stay central.

While we had been doing this, we had sent a scouting party to find a building or two for shelter and a water source. When they returned, it was late in the afternoon. We had divided up all the supplies. I handed them their new possessions. They told us they had found a suitable place. It was on the other edge of the buildings, near a forest and a lake. We all grabbed our things and started to move. Night came; and with it cooler air, fireflies and a symphony of night sounds. It was rather relaxing. We had only 4 flashlights, but the moon was full enough that we had enough light.

Then a blaring noise reverberated throughout the arena and a huge Capitol seal appeared in the sky. It stayed there for a moment, and then was replaced by two words "the fallen". The sky then showed a picture of Blake with a 3 and then Jasmine with a 6. Then the sky was dark and all was silent for a minute. Soon the crickets began to chirp again and we carried on.

When we finally got to the spot the scouts had found, everyone claimed a sleeping spot and then filled their canteens. Then drank and refilled them. We sat together and ate a small meal. It was rather peaceful, like the time my dad and I slept out under the stars. When we all had ate, we decided on watches. Both Dondre and I volunteered for first watch, but everyone else said it was fine. The first watch was Damon (10), Will (9), Ronnie (5) and Judy (8). Second watch was James (1), Martha (2), Taylor (6), and June (7). Third were Jamie (3), Brian, Hope (11) and Jack (12).

I lay down on top of my sleeping bag and stared at the ceiling. I was in a small house with a similar layout to my own. I was on the upper floor with the rest of the girls. The boys were downstairs. Next to me were Tybil and Mayella. I waited for sleep, wondering if it would even come.