Disclaimer: I still don't own any part of Warehouse 13 and honestly, I really don't want to. It's much more fun to play with the toys and put them back to play with later.

A/N: I appreciate all your comments and reviews. Always encouraged.

Yelling and more yelling. Why is there so much water? Dark, piercing eyes. So much pain resonates through the soul. It's all-encompassing, but is not my own. I'm floating in a sea of pain and loss…Running…chasing the untouchable. She's right there. I can't touch her. I keep trying. Emptiness…

There is a whisper in her ear. Wait, there is a whisper in her ear. "Myka…Myka, wake up." Myka turned her head finding herself in the unexpected surroundings and jerked in surprise. "Myka, it's okay. It's me, Helena. You're with me." Unfocused, tired eyes were desperately trying to stare back at her.

She ran her hands through her hair and shook her head to clear it. Reality was attempting to come back to life.

"Myka, you were having a bad dream. Oh, please don't jerk the bed like that. I feel miserable enough." Helena looked up into the tear stained eyes above her now.

"Sorry." She looked at the clock. Two a.m. Why does everything happen in these hours? "Did you need something?"

"No. You were having a bad dream, but now that you mention it, a trip to the bathroom would be nice. It appears the fluids are catching up with me. I'm not sure I'm up to the trip alone."

Myka jumped out of the bed before it could swallow her whole. Helping Helena to the bathroom and back she asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Would you all please stop asking me that? Miserable, of course. At times I feel like I've indulged in some opium." She started coughing again and they had to stop while she finished, Myka supporting her whole weight as her body attempted to rid itself of the heaviness in her chest.

"You didn't?" Myka was surprised by this revelation on the way back to the bed.

Having gotten settled she soothed Myka's curiosity. "Of course I did, darling. I believe we have established I was far from conventional in my former life and it was not all that uncommon, then. It was not a frequent practice of mine, though, I assure you. It must be this fever."

Myka sat in the chair thinking this new information through. It shouldn't have surprised her. Though a grim facet of the Victorian age, it was a highly used substance for many purposes; including recreational. Feeling Helena's forehead she guessed she still had a fever. Helena started coughing once again. Myka moved to the bed rubbing the slender, strong back through the episode. After taking a drink of the water Myka offered her, Helena unabashedly placed her head on Myka's lap.

"He's right, you know. Pete." Myka had started to stroke the dark head resting on her thighs. She momentarily stopped and took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly before continuing to enjoy the soft hair beneath her hand.

Helena continued softly,"I do hide behind my flirtations." She cleared her irritated throat. "I may tease the others, but with you it is so much more. Never have I felt such a strong connection with anyone; and there have been many, I am ashamed to admit. Even in my confusion with MacPherson, that first day I met you, I knew. I'd never physically felt such a strong reaction to another's touch. I never belonged in the time I was born. There are so many options in this next life, but for me, only if you so choose, Myka." Helena's voice was fading into the darkness of the night.

Myka's stomach dropped 40 floors at that moment. A slight snore came from her lap. She gently adjusted Helena back on the bed, resting her on the pillow without waking her.

She sat in silence watching the woman beside her sleep. Had she understood what Helena just admitted and desired or was it the fever? Was it a result of hallucination or merely an uninhibited release of the truth? 'Pete is right', she said. Pete had said 'she knows', 'remember'. What were her dreams reminding her? Giving up on these unproductive questions, Myka got up and checked on the others. Steve was sound asleep. Claudia was half asleep watching a movie, with little focus, unable to sleep. Artie? He was all Vanessa's!

The dawn was breaking. Myka saw no reason to go back to sleep and made coffee instead, preparing for the day. Reinforcement was arriving today, so she prepared one of the guest rooms, finished the laundry and continued preparing breakfast. Pete would be hungry. Cereal for him. If he wanted pancakes he could make his own. She'd just burn them.

She could hear the activity upstairs start the morning when Pete walked through the door. Helena was coughing horribly again, but Vanessa was with her. The results of the culture were expected today with an appropriate antibiotic. Hopefully, she would start to improve soon. Claudia seemed over the worst of it and just needed rest. Steve was a little worse off. Artie? Vanessa's problem.

Pete walked in through the door. "Wow, thanks for this, Myka. This coffee is heaven. You look really tired. Are you getting sick, now?" Pete was concerned how much his partner was over extending herself. She did it all the time on the field, but this was different. He could see the emotional battle she was fighting.

"No, I'm fine, Pete!" she snapped. She dropped her head, rubbing her forehead, regretting her harsh response. "What is it The Dr. always says? Ah, yes. 'I'm so sorry'. I've been awake since two." She poured another cup of coffee.

"Ah ha, HG has you hooked, too. I've never seen her so intent on any other television show. Actually, I don't think she seriously watched anything else. She tends to sit there with us reading, not really paying attention. Now we have a 'Dr. Who' night." He laughed at the thought of her intense attention to the program. "Why were you up at two?"

"Bad dream, and then Helena got stuck in coughing fits again. After I checked on everyone I didn't see a reason to go back to bed. The sun was already coming up. I should probably go see what everyone needs. Will you fold the laundry and bring it up before you head back?"

"Yeah, sure Mykes." He poured another bowl of cereal.

Myka sat back down and stared at Pete trying to gather her thoughts. He looked up expectantly, waiting patiently for her to ask what he already knew she wanted to know.

"Pete, what exactly did you mean when you said 'She already knows?', and what am I supposed to remember?"

Putting his spoon down, he sat back in his chair and sighed. "I can't tell you, Myka. It's something you have to figure out on your own." She started to protest and he put up his hands. "I know it sounds cruel, but it won't mean anything to you unless you figure it out on your own. I hate seeing you struggle like this Mykes, but you know what it is in there," he pointed to her chest. "If you need to talk I'm here, but it's your journey." The door bell rang. "I'll get it. You head upstairs with that stuff. I'll get the laundry up as soon as I can."

Myka headed upstairs. From the top of the staircase she heard Pete's surprise. "Mom. What are you doing here?"

Jane's voice boomed in the hallway. "I heard you needed some help, and who better than a mom? How are you feeling?"

"Mom, I'm fine." He hugged is mother relieved to see a familiar face. "They will be so happy to see you."

"Well, let's get to work getting this team back on their feet."

Jane's presence was a welcome sight. The day went more smoothly. Everyone was eating again and just needed rest. Dr. Calder had received Helena's blood work results and wasn't happy, but said it could be much worse. She was still waiting on the culture, hoping to have some preliminary results later that evening. Though she had not worsened, Helena was not improving either and they needed to start treating with the appropriate antibiotic. Myka concentrated on Claudia and Steve for most of the day, avoiding Helena and the conflicting thoughts of her words from the early morning. Pete was managing the warehouse on his own, thankful that it was quiet.

Everyone that could partake was grateful for the home cooked meal Jane prepared. With the exception of Helena's condition, they seemed to have gotten through the worst of their little epidemic. Vanessa didn't want to hospitalize Helena and expose her to even more germs to attack her immune system. So, they waited.

Jane spoke up from the dinner table when the tired agent started to clear the table. "Myka, you are exhausted. Pete said you've been awake since two this morning. I've got this under control. Why don't you go upstairs?"

She hesitated before agreeing and leaving the table. Feeling guilty for having ignored her friend all day, she popped her head in Helena's room, leaning against the door jamb. She was propped up against the headboard, eyes closed.

"Where have you been all day? I missed you. I thought you were supposed to start reading A Prayer for Owen Meaney to me?" Helena asked never opening her eyes.

Myka smiled amazed how she always knew. "How do you do that?" She entered the room resuming her place in the chair.

Helena slowly opened her heavy eyes. "Do what?"

Myka tipped her head just the slightest bit. "Know I'm there?"

Helena turned her head towards Myka. After a moment of silence she closed her eyes and sighed. "I don't know. I can just feel you. I know how you smell, hear how you move, and know what your presence feels like. I can't explain it." She dropped her arm on the bed offering her hand, palm up. Myka took it without a word, starting to rub her thumb over the slender wrist. "But you have just proven to me you know, too. Myka, I don't question it anymore."

Myka stared at the hand in hers, memorizing every line and scar. She examined and caressed every finger bringing it to her lips and kissing the inside of her wrist before setting it down on the bed, refusing to release it. Helena opened her eyes and smiled slightly, so unlike the cocky grin Myka had come to expect. Helena took her hand, bringing it up to Myka's face, caressing it with the backs of her fingers and returning to slide her palm and thumb down the young woman's cheek and chin before returning it to her possession.

They sat in silence until darkness claimed the room. "Helena?" Myka's voice seemed to echo off the walls after the long silence.

"Hmm?" Helena was still awake.

"My dreams are my memories, mostly emotions really. I need time to sort them out, but I'm understanding." Helena didn't respond. "Helena?"

The older woman opened her weary eyes. "I know."

"I'm tired," Myka sighed.

"I know." Helena slid down from her propped up position and rolled on her side. Myka threw off her shoes and climbed in behind her. Pulling the smaller frame into her body, she wrapped a protective arm around it and promptly fell asleep free from the confusing dreams.

Myka woke the next morning in the same place she had fallen asleep the night before. She brushed the dark hair out of her way and kissed the back of Helena's neck before she realized what had woken her. Dr. Calder had come in and was quietly working with her patient. "Shh. Go back to sleep, Myka. It's still early. I just got the culture results and wanted to start an intravenous antibiotic. Then we can get rid of the catheter. She should start responding soon. She's going to be okay. The others are up and moving slowly. Go back to sleep."

Helena rolled onto her back and then sat up coughing. Offering the hand the doctor needed, she turned her head to Myka with brown, sleepy eyes. Winking at her she said, "Do what the doctor says or she'll poke you with a very big needle." She lightly pushed Myka on her back and snuggled into its warmth, preferring her shoulder as a pillow, and drifted off to sleep again when the doctor was done.

Vanessa chuckled as she left, shutting the door behind her, deciding not to say anything to Artie, but definitely trying to prepare him for the chaos to come. More accurately, what he would refer to as 'complications'.

Dr. Calder left a few days later when she was comfortable with HG's progress, keeping in close contact. Myka had been the next patient. Pete and Jane were able to manage things on their own while the others recovered. Pete and Artie were now on a mission in Florida.

Myka and Helena hadn't discussed the events of the past weeks. Myka continued sorting her frequent dreams, and Helena tried to give her the space she needed. Feeling lost in ignorance to Myka's thoughts, she decided to bring the topic back for discussion.

Myka was sitting under the maple tree in the garden when Helena approached her. She inhaled the rich smells of the garden deeply. "Ah, it is so nice to be able to breathe again. How are you feeling?"

"Alright, still a little tired, but no more than anyone else. I know why you're here," Myka stated flatly.

"How do you know?"

"I don't know, just do."

"I know."

"I think we've had this conversation already." Myka chuckled.

"Yes, indeed, we have. I am sure we will have it again." Helena breathed deeply again.

"I rarely see you so uncertain, Helena. You are the epitome of confidence." Myka tilted her head, bringing a hand over her head to block the sun, her eyes squinting in the sunlight.

"Not with you, Myka." Sitting down next to the young woman, she took a deep breath and continued, "You completely unnerve me. I am sorry for the inappropriate comment I made that first morning, but I was as uncomfortable, if not more so, as you. Difficult as it may be for you to believe, I wasn't prepared to be so intimately exposed to you. I was hiding behind false bravado." Helena actually blushed. "We need to address this you know." She looked down at the ground, watching a few ants scurry around on their own mission. "Are you aware that you are the only one that refers to me by my given name?"

Myka shook her head no. "It's your name, why wouldn't I? That's who you are."

"Everyone else calls me HG. I prefer it that way, actually." Helena sat gathering her thoughts. "That night I was very much aware of what I was saying. I was not hallucinating, though my illness may have lowered my inhibitions. My only regret is that I fell asleep before I was able to finish. I care for you, Myka, as I never have anyone else, aside from Christina, but that was entirely different as I'm sure you know. I've never had such a strong physiological response from another's touch, especially at the first meeting. I was completely caught off guard and unable to restrain myself from touching you. That has never happened to me before, and as I have mentioned, there have been more than I care to admit. You are the greatest gift of a friend I could ever be granted and I do not wish to jeopardize that in any way. However, I know you are not ignorant of having similar feelings. You would not be struggling so if you were. What are your memories and do you understand them or do you need more time?"

Myka looked into the worried eyes, so deep with emotion. Leaning into the woman next to her, a hand snaking under thick hair cupping her neck, Myka gently placed a kiss on her lips. "I understand, Helena."

Helena slowly smiled and lay down with her head in Myka's lap, resuming what had become second nature to them during her illness, enjoying the soft touch of Myka's hands in her hair.

Helena rolled onto her back, head still in her lap, looking up at Myka. "Do you know what my favorite piece of music is in this second life of mine, Myka? Gustav Mahler's second Symphony, the 'Resurrection'. You may have noticed I have a number of CDs of that particular work. It was purported to be his favorite. It took him more than five years to complete. I was lucky to have actually heard it in 1895 soon after its premiere. It's ironic that I first heard it in my previous life. As are most of his symphonies, it is a grandiose work. The last movement holds the greatest of meaning to me now. It is one of the most glorious things I've ever heard; full symphony, chorus, soloist, organ and all these chimes at the end. I cry every time I hear it. One could say that it portrays all the terror and glory of a last judgment and resurrection. Quite fitting don't you think? I am not Christ, but have I not, in some way, felt the full terror and glory of judgment and yet been resurrected?

She stared into Myka's green eyes, seeing understanding in their depth.

"Part of the text translates:

'O believe, my heart, O believe:

Nothing to you is lost!

Yours is, yes yours, is what you desired

Yours, what you have loved

What you have fought for!

O believe,

You were not born for nothing!

Have not for nothing, lived, suffered!

What was created

Must perish,

What perished, rise again!

Cease from trembling!

Prepare yourself to live!'"

Helena reached up cupping Myka's face gently in her hands, the beginning of tears bravely refusing to release. "Dearest Myka, I am not here now without suffering, but I was not born for nothing. You're what I desire, what I love and what I fight for. I perished and arose again. I am prepared to live, because of you."

Speechless, Myka placed her own hand to Helena's face wiping the streams of tears coursing down her cheeks. She laid down facing her now, and leaned her head against the forehead in front of her, eyes closed against her own tears now freely flowing. "I too, am prepared to live because of you." She leaned in slowly, brushing her lips against the soft ones that could recite such poignant words. In return, Helena leaned into her body and answered more soundly.

"Alright everyone. Thankfully we've had a lull during our little epidemic…", started Artie.

"Speak for yourself; I believe I was a bit more than just a little epidemic…" Helena bit back.

"Whatever. We have strange things going in the Canary Islands. Since Pete is the last of us with the flu, the four of you are off to Tenerife. You are there to work, children. It is not a vacation. You are not there to have fun. Now here is the file…"