Hey! This is just a bunch of fun drabbles I wrote when I was bored. Hope you like it :)!
"I tell you, Bruce. Since I gave Jarvis that synthetic body, he has been nothing but a douche…Yes, that's the word. A douche! And Pepper spends a lot of time with him, and she says 'I only do it because you asked me to look after him!' and I'm like 'Girl, I didn't' and she is all like 'What?' and I'm like …like I don't even …"
"Tony, you do realize you are jealous of an A.I, right?"
"No, no. No, Bruce, it's not just an A.I. It is a British-voiced A.I., There's a difference."
"Okay… "Bruce said, and he took the bottle away from Tony's hands "I think you've had enough scotch for one day …"
"Loki, what is this strange feeling I feel in my stomach whenever I'm close to Jane? Could it be …love?"
"Nah. I think it is actually diaherra."
"Oh…shit. Like, literally."
Thor's stomach grumbled.
"I told you to stay away from those Pop Tarts, brother."
"Seriously, Loki. Don't you have any other goals in your life other than being an eternal troll to your brother?" Odin roared, punching the table with his mighty fist.
"It depends." Loki said "Does killing Balder count?"
"By Odin's beard! No wonder why I haven't seen Balder in the last couple of centuries!" Thor exclaimed, and then sneered at Loki "Shame on you, brother."
"Thank you kindly,Thor."
After a rather difficult mission, Clint and Natasha decided to relax in Clint's nest.
"Hey, Nat?" Clint asked.
"When you were a kid, did you ever dream of being something else than a cold-blood assassin? For example, I dreamed of becoming a pilot, or maybe a falconer."
"Well, to be honest…" Natasha answered, folding her arms. "I always wanted to be Thimblerigger."
Clint blinked multiple times before asking:
"What the hell is a Thimblerigger?"
"It is what it is. Nothing more and nothing less." Natasha said, quite philosophically. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she looked at Clint "Let's pretend this conversation never happened."
"Yes." Clint agreed. "By all means, lets."
"Stark, promise me you will never upload that video in that thing you call the internet. If you have any humanity left in you…"
"Easy there, Uncle Sam. You have my word I will never upload that embarrassing video of you believing that videogames were actually tiny realities with little people inside them."
Steve believed in Tony, for some ungodly reason. And two months later, Steve found out he was a celebrity, made famous by the popular video 'Leave Videogames ALONE!'
"What? It's not my fault!" Tony said ,when a furious Steve confronted him "It was JARVIS, I swear. Artificial Intelligences are sneaky douches, I tell you…"
Ice Cream
"Okay guys, do all of you have your cups of chocolate ice cream ready?" Thor asked to the Warriors Three and Sif.
"Ready!" they answered at the same time.
"By the way Thor," Sif asked ,as the demi- god turned on one of those weird midgardians machines "What are we going to watch?"
"Oh, just a video Loki recommended me." Thor said ,as the video started "It's called Two Girls, One Mjolnir."
"Remember my words, sons. When in trouble, always rely on the HUARGH!"
"That's what you made me say last night, darling."
"I'm overly confused right now. What are father and mother talking about, Loki?"
But all Loki could do was to look down and shake his head.
"Dear Nine Realms, I think I'm actually glad I'm adopted…"
"Clint." Natasha said, very seriously "You know I love you, and that I accept you just the way you are. But you need to explain me this: what were these eagle eggs doing under your bed?"
Clint gulped, watching the eggs Natasha was holding in her hands.
"Yeah, well… about that…"He cleared his throat and scratched his head. "What?! I have childhood dreams issues, okay?!"
"Hey JARVIS, do you know what are the biggest perks of being me? Everything."
"Good one, sir. And do you know what is the biggest perk of being a conscious A.I?"
"No. Tell me."
"That I can't turn myself off at will. Good night, Narcis-sir."
"Avengers, we have an emergency! It appears that…" When Fury looked up, he could see nothing more than empty seats. "Where the hell are they ?! When I say assemble, I MEAN ASSEMBLE, DAMMIT!"
"I'm sorry sir, but the Avengers are not coming." Agent Hill said.
"And why the fuck not?!" Fury snapped.
"Well, apparently," Hill continued ", Stark is too busy fighting against his A.I , who he claims that it somehow stole his girlfriend. Rogers had to go to a convention made for internet stars, where he was chosen to be the host. Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff have quit SHIELD to fulfill their long-lost childhood dreams of being a falconer and a …Thimblerigger, respectively. Thor said he was sick of love and that he can't get off the toilet. And Banner had to go to his annual 'Rage Control for Heroes' meeting."
Fury sighed, closing his eyes rubbing his temples.
Besides the heroes, another thing that wouldn't assemble that day would be Fury's inner peace.
Thanks for Reading!