Hello Everyone! This is the first story I've ever written, so please be gentle. I would love to make my writing better so constructive criticism would be very appreciated. There are some serious themes going on in this story so please do not read if you aren't ready for it. It's rated M for a reason people! My story deals with graphic rape, future lemons, and an eventual relationship with two girls. Oops, spoiler alert! So if you don't like you don't have to read. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious, despite my very strongly worded letter to Santa this year.

Tori POV


I snapped out of my daydream and took in the scene around me.

Red solo cups filled to the brim with alcohol that smelled like gasoline burned my nostrils every time I took a breath. Whatever it was was spilling out of cups everywhere, on to unsuspecting people's hair, into laps, and on girls' dresses which barely seemed to cover anything. Several couples who could not find a room were hooking up on the couch, on the stairs, in the kitchen, everywhere I went I couldn't seem to escape them. Most of them were sloppy drunk and gross. The music was way too loud, I couldn't even hear myself think. It was the biggest party of the year, of course Andre would be the one throw it. Right now his parents were away with mine, Cat's, Beck's and half of the other kids here on some Hollywood Arts parent program thing. They had one every year, yet I could never seem to remember the name. But the more important unspoken tradition was that a student threw a huge rager while all of the parents were gone.

Right now I was trying my best to block out some drunk's guy attempt to hit on me and searched for my friends. Robbie was doing a keg stand in the other room, and I did not want to see the sight of that. Despite what he says he's never been drunk before, and I know he's going to be throwing up all night. I do not want to be involved in that. No thank you. I haven't seen Andre all night, he's probably running around the house trying to make sure nothing gets broken by the 190 people jammed into his house. But I'm proud of him, this party will definitely go down in Hollywood Arts history. It's just too bad I'm not having any fun. Beck is probably hooking up with Jade in some bedroom and I do not need that mental image in my head. Gross. Looking around I realized I haven't seen Cat all night either, but knowing her she would be innocent to all the chaos raging around her and just have fun. Maybe I'll get up and forget the party with her…

"Earth to Tori!"

Oh right. Eric what's his name was still taking to me.

"Thought I lost you there for a second." Smiling at me cockily he asked, "So… do you want to go upstairs for a bit?"

Without waiting for me to say anything he slurred, "Or we can just start here."

Eric leaned in towards my neck and before he could get any closer I was pushing him off me.

"Get away from me you creep!" I yelled at him.

"Don't be such a fucking tease!" He yelled back.

And with that I was so over this party. I did not need sleazy guys like that trying to get into my pants all night. Getting drunk is not my thing, and knowing my friends I would be the only responsible one and have to take care of everyone. Speaking of which, remind me not to let Andre guilt me into helping him clean up in the morning.

Just them some barreled chest jock bumped into me and spilled his drink all over the front of my shirt. He was completely smashed. Giggling like a school girl he quickly apologized and left hiccupping.

That's it. I'm going home.

Shooting Andre a quick text to let him know I was leaving, I marched to my car outside, grumbling the whole way about how I'm never going to get this stain out.

"This can't get any worse," I thought to myself.

As if on cue it started to downpour.

"Real funny big guy, real funny."

Through the rain I sprinted in to my car noting how ridiculous I looked hefting my purse to cover my hair. I dove into the car, getting the interior soaked in just seconds. Taking a look around me I sighed and started to head home.

The road was completely deserted, and checking the clock I gasped. It was 3:30 in the morning already.

Great, I thought to myself, just great.

Just then I saw a small female figure walking aimlessly down the side of the road. The person was soaked to the bone and I could just barely make out the fire trunk red hair from my head lights.

Slamming the breaks I yelled,"Cat?!" at the top of my lungs.

I could barely hear myself over the downpour and she didn't seem to even notice my outcry.

"Oh, Cat's gonna owe me big time." I thought to myself as I jumped out of the car. My feet touched the ground just as her own gave out from underneath her.

"Cat!" I desperately yelled.

Running towards her I realized something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. As I reached her I stopped dead in my tracks and my hands flew over my mouth.

Her mascara was running down her face from her now shut eyes, trailing over a bruise just starting to form under her left eye. Her face was ghost white, and her tiny body seemed even smaller than normal. Her shirt was in tatters with a scary blood stain on her rights side and small cuts trailed along both of her arms. She was sobbing so hard that she was shaking violently, and when she opened to look at me her eyes were red and bloodshot.

I bent down and hugged the trembling girl tightly.

"Hey shh Cat, it's gonna be okay."

I held her close and rubbed small circles on her back until the shaking finally subsided. Leaning back and staring into her eyes I wiped away a tear.

"C'mon. let's get you to the hospital."

"No!" She desperately yelled. "No. Please not the hospital. Just take me home."

"Cat I'm not going to just leave you like this!"

"Please Tori please," she begged. Tears trickled out of the corners of her eyes and her bottom lip quivered slightly. The once innocent and happy Cat I called my best friend was gone. Someone, something, extremely broken and fragile had taken her place. And I'm not sure if I can fix her, if I could hope to get her back. But I had to try. But would the hospital be better for her, even if she didn't want to go? She was obviously very hurt and the hospital could patch her up much better than I could. Then again, she was already traumatized and going against her wishes might make things worse. And maybe the physical wounds could wait; I think more than anything else she might needs a friend tonight.

As I was struggling with my internal battle Cat's tears began to fall faster and thicker. That's when my heart completely shattered and I tried my best to compromise.

"Okay fine, no hospital." She looked up at me and the bottom lip started to become still, giving me some hope that we would make it through tonight. And yes, it would be we. There was no way I wasn't going to abandoning my best friend when she was at her lowest.

"But you are not going home."

My petite friend looked up at me questioningly.

"You're sleeping over my house."

Her eyebrows drew together and before she could open her mouth to protest I quickly cut her off.

"And it's not up for debate. C'mon, lets head to the car."

She nodded in defeat and gingerly I helped her up. Together we slowly hobbled towards the car. Once inside Cat curled up into a small ball on the passenger seat, and quickly fell asleep from pure exhaustion. I drove home as quietly as possible, Cat needed all the rest she could get. Once we pulled up to the drive way I gently woke her up.

"We're here Little Red."

I helped her into the house and up the stairs into my room. Under normal circumstances her being in my room would have reminded me of the million stupid things we always did at our sleepovers. Cat is my best friend, and is one of the only people I can let loose and be myself around. She understands me, and I just wish I can understand what happened to her.

At that point I think the shock started to settle in on Cat. She wasn't moving and her dead eyes stared straight ahead.

Her voice was a whisper when she said, "Tori it just hurts so much."

I didn't think it was possible but my heart broke again at the hitch in her voice. What happened to her? Who did this? I was going to kill them! But I had to calm down. I had to take care of her.

I pulled out a pair of my warmest pjs and put them next to the petite girl.

She continued to state straight ahead. Knowing she wasn't going to do it herself I quietly got to work. I gently removed her shirt and gasped at what I saw.

There were bruises in the shape on fingerprints on her chest, and even on her throat and around her breasts. I felt my stomach drop. I tore my eyes away from the bruises and looked down at her stomach. It took everything I had not to scream when I saw the deep gash on her side. God I hate blood. I felt like fainting, but I had to be strong, for Cat.

Swallowing my disgust I told Cat I had to leave for a second.

But I'll be right back okay? Don't move.

She barely acknowledged my existence.

I ran out the door grabbing bandages and medicine and quickly wrapped up her wounds the best I knew how. Thank you girl scouts. I pulled my warm pj button down top over her head. I was extremely hesitant about removing her pants but Cat was still unresponsive. As gently as I could I sled down her ripped jeans.

I tried not to throw up. Her underwear was soaked with blood which ran down her legs. Fearing the worst I pushed a terrible thought out of my head. No way would anyone do that to my energetic and sweet friend. It's not possible. Not my Kitty Kat. But the signs were all right in front of me. There were more cuts and brushing on her upper inner thighs. Shaking I cleaned her up and pulled the flannel pj pants on her. Sitting down next to her on the bed I looked tried to look her in the eyes, which stayed fixated on the limp hands in her lap.

"Cat, I know you're hurt and tired and don't want to answer any questions right now. I'll only ask you one thing and then we can go to sleep, okay?"

She only gave a slight nod, but it was all I needed.

Fearing the worst I took a deep breath and asked, "Cat… did someone rape you?"

She nodded again and burst out into tears again.

Pulling her into another tight embrace I tried not to show my anger. Whoever did this to Cat was going to pay. That's a promise. I pulled her down onto the bed with me and she curled up against me, her head resting in the crook of my neck which had become wet from her tears. But I didn't even notice. Instead, I hummed softly and stroked her scarlet hair until she fell asleep.

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll get answers," I promised myself as I drifted off to sleep too.

So. We meet again. What did you think? Did I dazzle you? Or was it complete crap? Well I'm never gonna know unless you write a review! If you do you are a wonderful human being. If I could I would give you a big smackeroo right through the screen. Just Kidding. But kinda not. So send some love my way and tell me what you think and I'll take everything you say into consideration. Well alrighty then. Glad we had this heart to heart. Until next time :)