AN: Yes I know...But hey you can't rush these things. LOL! Anyway here is chapter 5.

I own nothing.

I want to thank all of those who have been reviewing, faving , and following my story.

Everything stopped in time, her voice shrilly crying his name, the hall felt narrow as if smaller; his eyes never wavered from their destination. His legs felt like jelly as he slowly made his way to her door. The gasps of the other figures that were lurking in the hallway seemed muffled as his heartbeat vibrated through his head.

SMACK! The awful sound of what he assumed was a hand hitting skin made his blood boil.

Coming to a stop, his fists clenched by his side…he stared at the piece of wood that separated him from what he dreaded to see. Hearing the other figures retreating back into their rooms, he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath.

In a flash he had the door knocked off its hinges, his hands fumbled around for a light switch but no luck; he let his eyes get adjusted to the darkness.

"Paul!" his voice sounded alien to his ears. "Where are you? You son of a- I swear…" He had his guard up as he felt his way around objects in the room. Listening to sounds as he went, his hand brushed up against something cold and spongy… 'Oh Fuckin…' he thought as he felt hair…her hair… "AJ," his voice came out as a whisper, turning away from her he heard someone stumble towards him.

A dim light suddenly flickered on, illuminating the small area now being cluttered with fallen objects and torn clothes. Phil's eyes could finally see the destruction that his so called 'friend' caused.


Hearing his voice made Phil's body rigid; his vision blurred, his eyes narrowed as he spun towards the man behind him.

"How Dare You…" Phil's voice was slow and icy in tone, keeping his fist clench; close to his sides. Paul's figure slowly began to retreat from his stare. "You put your filthy hands on someone who has done nothing wrong to you…and what's worse is that you are actually going to try to justify your fucking actions…" His chest tightened as he saw Paul's figure inch farther away from his. "What's the matter Paul…are you scared?" Phil lifted his eyes so he could take a good long look at his target. "You should be Paul…"his fists that were clenched to his side went flying towards the other man's body. "How does it feel, huh?! Does it feel good you little weasel?!" Blow after devastating blow, and Phil still didn't feel satisfied with the brand of punishment he was inflicting on Paul's body. Only until the body of his friend slumped over did it stop.


Hearing his name come out of her bruised lips, made all of his muscles relax.

"AJ…"He turned to face her. 'His AJ,'

Turning towards the bed, he let out a strangled groan as he saw her body lying limp on the mess of bed sheets. Inching closer to her figure, he ran a shaky hand over his head, down his face and across his chin.

Eyeing the rags that were tying her to the bed frame, he couldn't help the lump in his throat grow larger it almost filled his whole air passage. After undoing the knots and putting her things back into her suitcases, he gently scooped her up into his arms.

"I am so sorry AJ…" His lips lightly brushed her forehead.


"Hush, you're safe now baby." He swept down the hall as various eyes through slits in doorways followed after them.

The next morning, she woke up to his arms tightly wrapped around her middle, his breath gently puffing on her hair. Now it's not like she didn't want to be there…it was just strange. 'What happened last night…' Her thoughts were all jumbled. She remembered their fight…then him leaving…then-

"Oh no…" she gasped as a feeling of retching overcame her stomach. She remembered Paul's demeanor towards her…being tied to the bed…Paul's hands running all over her body…

"April…" He felt her body stiffen as he said her name. He gently loosened his hold around her midsection; sitting up to look over her. "I know that this is going to be a rather stupid question…but are you okay?" He grimaced as he waited for her lash out at him.

"I-I don't body is soar…I feel like I've been run over…" Her voice seemed shaky, a bit more timid than usual. "We didn't…you know…"

"Oh…no, come on April give me more credit than that…" He stood up; walking around the bed towards his couch, he sat running his hands down his face. "What do you remember from last night…if anything at all?" He eyed her curiously waiting for her response knowing all too well that shit was about to hit the fan..

"I really don't want to think about it Phil…all I know is that Paul barged into my room, said hurtful things and-." In that instant, Phil watched as her skin turned pale. "Oh god…" she croaked. "Phil he tried-"her voice broke as tears started to fall from her eyes. "He tried to have his way with me…" it came out in a whisper barely loud enough to register to her ears.

Her breath quickened, she looked over at Phil, putting a shaky hand on her chest to indicate that she couldn't breathe. Phil's eyes grew wide as he jumped off the couch; he put on hand on the back of her neck as the other rested on her cheek. "April you need to breathe baby…" He knew she was losing herself to a panic attack, he could see that her face was starting to slacken. "April baby, you need to take deep breath in and slowly exhale sweetie…" he began to do the breathing exercise with her. After a while, AJ's color came back and her breathing went to normal.

"Phil…I'm…" Phil puts a finger to her lips; lowers her head to where their foreheads were touching.

"I know…trust me baby; you have nothing to be sorry about…" He brushes her hair back from her eyes; as he went say something her fingers flew up to his lips.

"I love you Phillip…Thank you for saving me..."

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